A professional is characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession (2) : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace. Being professional should be a subconscious effort in the fact that it should always be applied. When employees are professional it helps the system run more efficiently and safely. A person must me a certain criteria when being evaluated on professionalism, a person is judged based on the clients; Attitude, Values, Communication techniques, and approachability. Clients who display a committed, dependable attitude will benefit more from work exerted, and overall be rewarded with incentives. Although professionalism may be in the eye of the …show more content…
Nurses must display a knowledge of skills by portraying a functional ability to assess, treat, and prevent illness in the clinical setting. “The nurses are obliged to gain specialized knowledge, skills and training through the rigorous study of biological, physical and behavioral sciences and then use this knowledge to diagnose and treat patients suffering from different ailments. The patients treated must be under the supervision of skilled medical practitioners and the nurse must be equally directed by the expert medical practitioner. The prevention and management of illnesses, injury and ailments also forms some of the major tasks that have to be carried out by nurses. Politeness in expression, compassion for patients and proper uniform are also some of the main parts of professionalism in nursing.” (professonalism in nursing http://www.buzzle.com/articles/professionalism-in-nursing.html) A professional appearance is a main concern when being evaluated; a clean, firm, appropriate attire is required at all times. A nurse must comply with the facilities standards of uniform, with proper protocol. A clean uniform is a healthy uniform, while a nurse holds a prior engagement in the field of infection control a dirty, unkempt uniform is a harbor for unwanted bacteria. Along with uniform proper hand hygiene must always be performed before and after patient care. A professional appearance will display an
Nursing is an occupation in which professionalism (or lack thereof) can have a significant effect on not only patients and their health, but the nurse’s relationships with colleagues, patients’ families and even their community. A nurse must exemplify professionalism, especially in an environment that creates increased risk for loss of life or further injury. There are many aspects that are involved with professionalism in nursing, and many expectations set up on the nurse.
The professionalism of nursing is influenced on the knowledge that nurses inherit and the progression of their role over many years. The knowledge of a nurse is undefined because the knowledge of a nurse is constantly progressing, evolving in its profession (Akthar-Danesh , Baunman, Kolotylo, Lawler, Tompkins & Lee 2013), the role of a nurse cannot be displayed or portrayed by knowledge, that is constantly changing due to many factors(Nursing Times , 2005 ). To elaborate on the knowledge of a nurse you would be bias to think that the knowledge of the nurse doesn’t reflect on the professionalism of a Nurse, therefore they influence one another, during a career of a nurse. The professionalism of a nurse is represented through many factors; the
Professional nursing practice has been developing for several centuries. Nursing as a profession can be traced back to the early Christian era. Since then the perception of nursing practice has changed significantly. “Nursing is caring, commitment, and dedication to meeting the functional health needs of all people” (Craven &
In a highly respected profession such as nursing, professionalism is an important element to staying employed and setting one’s self apart from the rest of the applicants when competing for a potential job. By definition professionalism are the qualities and traits that describe a professional. While knowledge is crucial in any profession, according to an article published by the University of Kansas (2012), “all medical professionals must strive to retain those humanistic qualities integrity, respect, and compassion that constitute the essence of professionalism.” Whether you work in a hospital or administration these three qualities encompass the core of nursing and exemplify what it means to be a professional.
Professionalism for a nurse begins when he or she begins attending nursing school. For example, a student can demonstrate professionalism to classmates and instructors by turning in assignments on time, working diligently, and confronting conflicts in a mature manner 2. By providing a professional environment in class, instructors and classmates will have more respect for that particular student as he or she progresses through clinicals, other course work and eventually into a career as a Nurse. When a nurse has graduated, she can continue her professionalism by continuing her education. Due to the fact that medicine is an ever-changing field, it is important for a nurse to stay up to date on her skills and knowledge. For example, by continuing to learn, a nurse can provide the best care for a patient
Nurses have long been concerned as establishing professional values and behavior compare to other profession. Nurses are career work within medical industry and therefore they have interaction with various different type people and medical condition. There is characteristic requirement for equality and human dignity and this section of the desire of professionalism that nurses have. Moreover the nursing industry is broad and including different people in various circumstances yet there are should be something that binds them as nurse. This is where the professionalism comes in nurse. According research Griffith and Tengnah (2013) defined professionalism as knowledge, attitudes, values and behaviors required to be a district nurse. The main
According to Maister (1997) "true professionalism means the pursuit of excellence, not just competence". Nurses must be competent in their pursuit of excellence. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Position Statement, rapidly expanding clinical knowledge and mounting complexities in health care mandate that professional nurses possess educational preparation commensurate with the diversified responsibilities required of them. Preparation of the entry level professional nurse requires a greater orientation to community-based primary health care and an emphasis on health
Professionalism is an extremely important attribute in customer service. More importantly, it is a key quality of healthcare staff. “Health care professionals are governed by ethical codes, which demand a high level of integrity, honesty, and responsibility” (Pozgar, G. (2010).). Nurses often find themselves in an environment that challenges their ability to uphold professionalism. This paper will discuss what professionalism is, how it is necessary in patient care and how it affects the working environment.
Professionalism as a whole is expected of everyone, and is not something that should have to be commended, because I feel it is a standard. There are varying degrees of how to act professional, and not everyone has the same opinion on what is professional and what is not. Problems arise when there are differing opinions, because which person is right? It is easy to have a clear picture of what professionalism is when there are actual guidelines in place, such as the licensed practical nurse (LPN) guidelines. These guidelines, or scope of practice is written out by the board of nursing in the state of practice (Potter et al., 2011), and then more specific guidelines are written within individual facilities based on the state.
In my field, it is professionalism for Nurses and PCA’s to come to work prepared, neat, and well groomed. Professionalism means placing our patients’ needs and satisfaction a priority. It is important for nurses to communicate effectively to my colleagues, and patients that convey respect and trust. Likewise, based on my experience it is important part of Professionalism to make my expertise my specialty. Nurses must remain competent to keep o ur knowledge up to date to become an expert in the skills necessary to care for our patients. It is professionalism to be committed and keep a smile on your face and the right attitude in your heart everyday even when things are not going your way. Lastly, to be a professional means your accountable for your job, so you can get your accomplish your mission and
There are a lot of qualities that a nurse can exhibit when in the workplace. Many of these qualities can have a strong effect on patients and the connection a nurse can make with them. One of the qualities all nurses, and health care providers in general, should possess is a high standard of professionalism. Professionalism is “a specific style or behavior in the workplace” (Campbell) which is an umbrella with so many factors that fall under it and contribute to it. Some of these factors are different attributes and behaviors, some are the way a nurse approaches the patient, and some have to do with a code that the nurse follows everyday when they are working as a nurse. Professionalism is an important factor in building trust with patients, and this can be done in the code of ethics that the nurse holds themself to and in the ways the nurse interacts with patients.
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines professionalism as “the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well” (Merriam-Webster, 1828). I believe nurses are held to a higher standard of professionalism due to the importance and severity of their jobs.
Professionalism is also noticed by a nurses appearance. A nurse should be well maintained and wear a professional uniform in the workplace. A nurse should be dependable and available to work scheduled shifts. A nurse also should display teamwork when assistance is needed.
This course has been quite gratifying. It has taken me on a journey that has broadened my views and ideas regarding the profession that I love dearly. And surprisingly enough, the course textbook was enjoyable to read, offering insights that were thought provoking and informative.
Who is a professional? According to Business Dictionary, he is defined as a “Person who has achieved an acclaimed level of proficiency in a calling or trade”. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines professionalism as "the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person".