Toccata in Funk Bradley G. Eustace (b.1978) Moderate speed with energy Bradley Grant Eustace, the son of Robert and Rita Eustace, was born in Cairne, Australia on July 12th, 1978. Eustace is an Australian composer, arranger, publisher, and pianist who had been one of the nominees of the top five in the Classical/Jazz section of the 2008 National Music Oz Awards. He started learning many musical instruments in the age of 8 and he got his first Associate Diploma from Yamaha Music Foundations when he was 15. In 1995, he won a MOST (Most Outstanding Student) scholarship in the State of Queensland on bass clarinet. Then, he graduated as Diploma in Music Technology with the Australian Guild of Music Education in 2001 and got the Master …show more content…
He is known as a pianist, composer, and educator who graduated from University of Melbourne in focus on music performance with title Bachelor of Music. Since he learnt piano in age 8, he began to love improvising and he took music composition class when he was in college. He composed pieces mostly for educating his students, to develop performance techniques and awareness of intelligent design. As a proof of his dedication in educating people, his works are listed in Australian examination syllabi and often heard in many music competitions, such as Theme and Deviations (1990), A Gangster Suite (2003), Red Hot Rhapsodies (1997). Red Hot Rhapsodies is a suite that consists of 3 folkish and virtuosic pieces composed for solo piano in 1997. It is like a sonata which Transylvanian Romp as the first movement, Siesta as the second movement, and Jamaican Fumble as the third movement. Transylvanian Romp starts in supertonic of C Major key and the actual key reveals in the end of the piece. It has an irregular time signature 7/8. The articulation, legato and staccato, shows the grouping of rhythm that always changes, such as 2+2+3, 2+3+2, 3+2+2, 3+4, 4+3. The form of this piece is free form but the first theme appears several times in many variations. The melody of this piece is always moving forward without pause or stop.
suited to film. It is no accident that he was the composer for some of
When Still graduated from high school, he attended medical school at Wilberforce University, in Ohio. He conducted the university band, learned to play many types of instruments, and started to compose and to do orchestrations. He was awarded a scholarship to
David Dickau is a man whose true passion and love is music. Composing and Conducting music is what he truly loves. An Honored Conductor, Composer, and Clinician, He has Composed many Pieces such as the popular “If Music be the Food of Love”, “Dresden Canticles”, and “Stars I Shall Find”.
Felsenfeld takes his readers on a journey from being an uninspired teenager, into the world of an adult “rebel” composer. Although Daniel was in piano lessons at a young age, he just couldn’t seem to spark an interest in the classical music that was being put in front of him. He continued the lessons through high school, and only had enough skill to make minimal money in piano bars and orchestra pits. Daniel regularly hung out with a friend, Mike, whose house he would go
“ He continued his music lessons after high school graduation, in 1921 he went to France to study at the American Conservatory in
The first program of interest to me was the Service Members, Veterans, and their Families Technical Assistance (SMVF TA) Center. Being a veteran myself, and a former US Army medic, I have seen firsthand the need for services tailored to this niche community. While drug use per capita is undoubtedly lower for active duty personnel, mental disorders such as PTSD and depression are higher. The military life exerts a toll on service members and their families, and coping with some of the issues likely results in drug use for some.
In 1923, he gained more fame with his composition “Wolverine Blues.” He also had a series of piano solos that were recorded for the Gennet record label based in the Mid-West
united health care is health insurance for those who have low income, pregnant, children, elderly or a disability. united health insurance is the largest single health carrier in the united states. This type of health insurance has Medicare and Medicaid but the are tow different government run programs that were created in 1965 in response to the inablility of older and low-income americans to buy private health
Derek became an acclaimed concert pianist by the age of 10. His longtime piano teacher, Adam Ockelford, explains his student’s unique relationship to music. Adam encouraged his obvious musical interest and ability, although it was obviously natural. Adam gave him lesson as child understanding
The movie The Red Violin is a drama written and directed by filmmaker Francois Girard, which follows the history of a mysterious and intriguing musical instrument over the span of 300 years. Francois Girard got the idea for the movie from events involving the legendary red Mendelssohn, a 1720 Antonio Stradivari violin which was purchased in 1990 by the grandfather of celebrated musician and heiress, Elizabeth Pitcairn (Fricke, 2010). The story is artfully and elegantly put together, and although the story is fictional the plot portrays what could be realistic characters, settings and life situations. There are some flaws in the movie however, but the entertaining qualities more than makes up for them.
I am writing to inform you about reconsidering the removal of American Indians from their homelands. This removal could cause multiple problems between the United States and the Indians. A harmful war can occur between the nations and could kill innocent lives. The Indians love their lands and it’s not easy for them to leave due to the fact that the land traces back for two hundred years. For the past years, the Indians lived their lives with happiness where it was full of a quiet and undisturbed ease. You said “we must be sensible that it will be impossible for us to remain, for any length of time, in our present situation, as a distinct society or nation, within the limits of Georgia, or of any other State; and that such a community is incompatible
CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE 1. Is China's one child policy necessary? Yes, I believe it is necessary for the benefits of young girls, improvement of the environment, and children growing to become more successful. The one child policy in China was a policy for families permitted to only have one child. China's one-child policy has helped many young women improve better lives for themselves.
With his first piano lessons, his teachers discovered his unusual talent of ‘playing out of the boundaries.’ After his dream, becoming a piano virtuoso sink, he leaned more on to his composing skills.
Who is the composer (full name and dates)? List three points about his life and environment.
Roger Ballen makes use of controversial compositions that touches ones inner being to a great extent. He has a easily recognizable style that can be detected throughout his work