
Progressive Era Of Reform

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Transitioning into the 20th century, America was one of the top countries in the world. They strove for power and dominance over other countries, and worked their way to the top all the way from when they first founded America. However the people now wanted change. They were seeing corruption and social issues, with obvious problems that needed complete reform. This era of reform is defined as the Progressive era. Muckrakers brought attention to the people on to what is really going on and what needs change, such as Upton Sinclair’s novel “The Jungle”, which inspired new meat and drug laws. With the growing numbers of problems that were called out, leaders such as William Taft, Woodrow Wilson, and Theodore Roosevelt took actions to fix them. The Progressive movement was truly progressive in their attempts to reform American society because of business regulations, economic reform, and social welfare. Businesses are continuously growing over time as technology advances and people find better and more efficient ways of production. With the expansion of a business, companies need more laborers and workers to help make their company successful. However, instead of hiring more people, business owners forced workers to work long shifts with very minimal pay. While muckrakers brought much attention to …show more content…

The banking system and the tariff were the two major issues for the Progressivism era. Both William Taft and Woodrow Wilson both agreed that America needed a more organized way of functioning, due to the rigid distribution of money. During difficult times of financial and economic problems, the banking reserves could not distribute money fast enough to where it was needed. Therefore, Wilson appointed the Federal Reserve Board to oversee the reserve banks. As a part of his “triple wall of privilege”, Wilson also reduced the tariff by passing the Underwood Tariff Bill, which led to the ratification of the 16th

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