Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains, 10e (Krajewski et al.)
Chapter 1 Using Operations to Compete
1) Operations management refers to the direction and control of inputs that transform processes into products and services.
Answer: TRUE
Reference: Operations and Supply Chain Management Across the Organization
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: operations management, inputs, process, transformation
2) As a functional area of a business, Operations translates materials and services into outputs.
Answer: TRUE
Reference: Operations and Supply Chain Management Across the Organization
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: operations management, inputs, process, transformation
3) The three main line functions of any business
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Answer: FALSE
Reference: The Supply Chain View
Difficulty: Moderate
Keywords: supplier relationship, process, order fulfillment process
19) Environmental scanning refers to the unique resources and strengths that an organization 's management considers when formulating a strategy.
Answer: FALSE
Reference: The Supply Chain View
Difficulty: Moderate
Keywords: environmental scanning, strategy
20) A firm 's core competencies should determine its core processes.
Answer: TRUE
Reference: The Supply Chain View
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: core competency, core process
21) Competitive priorities are the means by which operations implements the firm 's corporate strategies.
Answer: FALSE
Reference: Competitive Priorities and Capabilities
Difficulty: Moderate
Keywords: competitive priority, corporate strategy
22) Flexibility is a possible competitive priority.
Answer: TRUE
Reference: Competitive Priorities and Capabilities
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: flexibility, competitive priority
Learning Outcome: Discuss options for measuring supply chain performance.
23) Consistent quality is not important to today 's consumers.
Answer: FALSE
Reference: Competitive Priorities and Capabilities
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: consistent quality, competitive priorities
Learning Outcome: Discuss options for measuring supply chain performance.
24) Volume
According to Investopedia ULC (2012), " Operations management is concerned with converting materials and labor into goods and services as efficiently as
Operations processes refers to the acquisition of inputs which are transformed in a business through the addition of value into outputs of goods and services. Businesses use operational processes involving inputs and transformation processes to increase efficiency and output. The operations management focuses on carefully and managing processes to produce and distribute products and services based on the nature of the business. To achieve objectives in a business, the quality of products are monitored regularly using customer services and warranties. Both Qantas and McDonalds, utilise operation process in order to gain maximum efficiency and productivity.
Operations Management in an organisation is repsonsible for managing and in making decisions concerning the activities that convert inputs into outputs , that is goods and services. This covers both short term actvities as well as longer term activities to meet strategic goals. Inputs can be the raw materaials need to manufacture goods such as furniture or the computers needed to create a service like online shopping site. Operation management’s role is to make decisions to improve how operation activities function, for example, to improve the final quality of the output or to change production methods to be more efficient in terms of cost and in time.
Michael Yoo used several definitions from several different places to define torture in his argument. The first definition is the one he used when he defined torture as the following: act committed by a person acting under the color of law specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering (other than pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions) upon another person within his custody or physical control. The other definition he uses it used to show what the government defines torture as. This definition is as follows: The United States
Operations management is the department responsible for overseeing the transformation process through which company resources (e.g. land, labor, capital, and/or customers) are converted into goods and services. It is the operation manager's responsibility to ensure that products being manufactured meet specifications of quality and design, that they are produced according to schedule, and that this done at minimum cost to the company. The magnitude of this task requires that the operations manager stay in constant communication with numerous other functional departments of an organization. There are six critical phases of production for which operations management is responsible: (1) service or product design, (2) product
Operations management refers to all levels of an organisation and how best to efficiently convene, fund, maintain and maximise its services and/or operations, both internal and external. The core goal/objective of operations management it to maximise outputs while reducing and minimising the inputs required to achieve the desired results.
[PDF]Case Study: Transport Corporation of India Limitedsiteresources.worldbank.org/.../t...পাতাটিকে অনুবাদ করে দেখাও(TCI), as a major cargo transport company, recognized the importance ... The information in the TCI case study is based on personal interviews with TCI Foun- .... cess to medical records, it also supports analysis providing useful insights.
James, T. (2011) defines Operations Management as the management of the processes which aid production of goods and or services. This implies that all production activities must be coordinated well to ensure a lean process of resource management is adopted.
Operations and process management can be defined as the business functions that work together to manage the creation of organisational goods and services, and involves planning, coordination, organisation and control of all resources including material, technology and people to produce an organisation’s goods and services (Slacks et al 2012, pp. 4-5).
Environmental scanning is a process of gathering, analyzing, and dispensinginformation for tactical or strategic purposes. The environmental scanning processentails obtaining both factual and subjective information on the businessenvironments in which a company is operating or considering entering.Environmental scanning is the process in which a firm continually collects andevaluates information about its external environment. There are six main categoriesof environmental data to consider when evaluating marketing decisions. These aresocial forces, demographic forces, economic forces, technological forces, politicaland legal forces, and competitive forces.
Production is the creation of goods and services. Operations Management (OM) is the set of activities that creates goods and services through the transformation of inputs into outputs.
It involves planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling all the resources needed to produce a firm’s goods and services. Because operations management is a management function, it involves managing people, apparatus, technology, information, and all the other resources needed in the production of goods and services . The Transformation Role of Operations Management We say that operations management performs a transformation role in the process of converting inputs such as raw materials into finished goods and services. These inputs include human resources, such as workers, staff, and managers facilities and processes, such as buildings and equipment they also include materials, technology, and information. In the traditional transformation model outputs are the goods and services a company
The scope of operations management ranges across the organization. Operations management people are involved in product and service design, process selection, selection and management of technology, design of work systems, location planning, facilities planning, and quality improvement of the organization 's products or services.
Operations management is generally described as the planning, arrangement, and control of activities that change raw materials or an organization's input into finished products and services. The overall activities covered by operations management include the creation, development, manufacture, and distribution of products. The concept also relates to various activities such as inventory control, controlling purchases, quality control, logistics, storage, and evaluation ("Operations Management in McDonalds", n.d.). Since operations management covers the entire operations in an organization, it mainly focuses on the efficiency and effectiveness of the firm's processes.
On the other hand, in accordance to the illustration of Meredith (1992), Operations management is defined as the procedure of changing inputs into useful final output and enhancing importance to something; this is the