PROJECT PROPOSAL By Aakash Sharma 07BA3DA037 An assignment submitted to IMAGE COLLEGE OF ARTS, ANIMATION & TECHNOLOGY In partial fulfillment of the requirement For the award of the degree of B.A. (Hons.) Digital Media In 3D ANIMATION IMAGE COLLEGE OF ARTS, ANIMATION & TECHNOLOGY Affiliated to UNIVERSITY OF WALES (UK) CHENNAI – 600 004. Project Title: The Bang Outline:- I am Aakash Sharma, Currently I am in my third year of graduation in digital media through 3d Animation. In my present semester I have to work on the Final Project .In this project I am intended to prepare a Short Animated clip based on the following …show more content…
There will three main stages for my project preproduction, production, & post production. Pre-Production Idea ,concept, development of story, Concept art of Character and Environment, Screenplay , Story board , Animatics Production Modeling , Texturing , Rigging , Animation and Lighting Post-Production Rendering, Compositing, Editing and Sound mixing. Story:- ♂ The Bang ♀ It’s a sunny afternoon, in the city. The frame focuses on a silent residential street dings; in one point perspective .There is a guy walking on the footpath of street. He sees that a girl is coming from far. He prepares himself to look presentable in front of the girl. His manner of walking completely changes, his body language also shows variation. He pretends like a stud in front of her. He does high jump through bump grill, moves around the pole. He kicks a can and walks ahead. But when he looks at the girl .He is left stunned. She is extremely hot .He cannot resist and couldn 't remove his sight form her and he suddenly bangs into a pillar, The girl looks at him and continuously laughs (concealing her mouth with her hand)at his stupidity and unconsciously she also bangs into a pillar while walking.Then the guy gets up and looks at her, giving her a sarcastic smile and walks away.She looks back at him simultaneously and smiles. Both of them walk .In the credits they both are shown sitting in a
In order to meet the challenges facing our department of providing quality patrol services we must strive to find ways to be creative in improving service delivery. To that end, I propose we utilize available technology to leverage the skills of our patrol officers by enhancing their ability in the field. As an agency, we have done well in the area of remaining ahead of most trends but with the ever-changing face of technology, it is difficult for law enforcement to keep up with those changes. This proposal will introduce a cost-effective way for patrol officers to utilize mobile crime mapping data via their department issued Apple iPhones that will potentially enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. The specific company / software
Grant proposal preparation and submission is a tedious and intimidating job. However as public funding continues to decrease many colleges and universities look for research grants to support their educational research mission (Education advisory Board, 2014). According to licklider (2012), external grants helps to support higher education’s missions of educational research, outreach and economic development. Which is one of the reasons why higher education push for their research faculty to pursue research grants. As a matter of fact, many universities offer course release and incentives for awarded research grants, including Drexel University.
becomes greatly affected by them, intensifying his longing for change. He admires the girls for their
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She thinks he’s too good to be true, all hard muscle and brooding male, but when she learns that his past is just as messed up as hers, or worse, she finds a strong connection to him and thinks he could be her way out.
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a strange guy makes a gesture to her in the parking lot of a local drive-
He ignores the signs that she may be potentially dangerous and instead longs for her. Her eyes indicate her uncanniness and she is seen as
Affiggle will sell promotional products containing its client’s names, humor pertaining to its client’s business’, and digital links to online destinations of its client’s choice. Below are examples of the proposed new product
In contrast, the tone quickly transitions when the young boy becomes fascinated with a girl he sees: "Her
After this, the guitarist returns back to the main theme, this time at a louder dynamic, which indicates a more intense and passionate love. During this rhythmic moment noted above, the man gradually makes his way to the woman who is now wearing a flirtatious smile with all other men dispersing to make way for the tall, broad body. The instant he reaches her, he grabs her hand and kisses it slowly but passionately while introducing himself during which she questions why a man like him would be in such a small, unknown
[PDF]Case Study: Transport Corporation of Indiaপাতাটিকে অনুবাদ করে দেখাও(TCI), as a major cargo transport company, recognized the importance ... The information in the TCI case study is based on personal interviews with TCI Foun- .... cess to medical records, it also supports analysis providing useful insights.
The story goes on to relay the thoughts of the narrator in those few moments when he was looking at the perfect girl. He wished he could talk to her, but he didn’t know how to approach her. He wished he could ask her out, but he was rendered speechless. “…explain to her the complexities of fate that have led to our passing each other on a side street…” (15). It was fate that they should meet and realize that they are perfect for each other. But how should he start up a conversation with her? The narrator thinks of various ways to approach her, but none seem like the perfect way to convey what he is feeling, so he rejects each thought. Then he considers just telling her the truth that she is the perfect girl for him, but he is unable to gather the courage for fear of rejection. “No, she wouldn’t believe it. Or even if she did, she might not want to talk to
She evades the net, but not the sole of the man’s shoe. He steps, unaware of what he’s doing, and crushes her. He continues, searching for another.
much she’s going to break her hip if she carries on like that, I thought.