
Project Proposal

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PROJECT PROPOSAL By Aakash Sharma 07BA3DA037 An assignment submitted to IMAGE COLLEGE OF ARTS, ANIMATION & TECHNOLOGY In partial fulfillment of the requirement For the award of the degree of B.A. (Hons.) Digital Media In 3D ANIMATION IMAGE COLLEGE OF ARTS, ANIMATION & TECHNOLOGY Affiliated to UNIVERSITY OF WALES (UK) CHENNAI – 600 004. Project Title: The Bang Outline:- I am Aakash Sharma, Currently I am in my third year of graduation in digital media through 3d Animation. In my present semester I have to work on the Final Project .In this project I am intended to prepare a Short Animated clip based on the following …show more content…

There will three main stages for my project preproduction, production, & post production. Pre-Production Idea ,concept, development of story, Concept art of Character and Environment, Screenplay , Story board , Animatics Production Modeling , Texturing , Rigging , Animation and Lighting Post-Production Rendering, Compositing, Editing and Sound mixing. Story:- ♂ The Bang ♀ It’s a sunny afternoon, in the city. The frame focuses on a silent residential street dings; in one point perspective .There is a guy walking on the footpath of street. He sees that a girl is coming from far. He prepares himself to look presentable in front of the girl. His manner of walking completely changes, his body language also shows variation. He pretends like a stud in front of her. He does high jump through bump grill, moves around the pole. He kicks a can and walks ahead. But when he looks at the girl .He is left stunned. She is extremely hot .He cannot resist and couldn 't remove his sight form her and he suddenly bangs into a pillar, The girl looks at him and continuously laughs (concealing her mouth with her hand)at his stupidity and unconsciously she also bangs into a pillar while walking.Then the guy gets up and looks at her, giving her a sarcastic smile and walks away.She looks back at him simultaneously and smiles. Both of them walk .In the credits they both are shown sitting in a

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