Online Student Registration System Synopsis Submitted by Mr. XXXXX XXXXXX in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application) IN MUMBAI XXX XXXXXXXX College Mumbai University : Mumbai - 400001 January - 2010 A PROJECT REPORT ON ONLINE STUDENT REGISTRION SYSTEM A PROJECT REPORT Submitted by ATANU MAITY in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Computer Application XXX ENGINEERING COLLEGE, MUMBAI MUMBAI UNIVERSITY:: MUMBAI 400001 JANUARY 2010 MUMBAI UNIVERSITY: MUMBAI 400 001 BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE Certified that this project report “…………….Online Student Registration …show more content…
• Student can registered and login into the system. • Can view test result and give online test. • Student must able to change his/ her own password. • Complete web based system no installation required to run the application in client system. • Student result must save and can be retrieving later on. • Question must provide answer type like multiple right answer selection and one right answer selection. Test screen must provide options accordingly. • System must able to evaluate the examination and display the result instantly, student must view the correct answer after complete the test. • System has powerful logical access management in place, each user must be identified by login id and strict password policy is applied to secure the system • Generate various reports for administration like, Total students/members registered for examination, no of available examination, test given by the student. 1.3 Project Scope The Online Student Registration System will permit to register and take online examination and maintaining master information and generating various reports of test. The main users of the project are Student or Member and system Administrator. From an end-user perspective, the Online Student Registration System Project consists of following functional elements: enhanced student registration module,
Once the student has finished the quiz the program should be able to produce a final score out of ten
The framework of security policy is defined to construct a structure by the help of which policy gaps can be identified in an easy manner. A system specific policy would assist to ensure that all employees and management comply with the policies. This is also used to maintain the confidentiality for user authentication would assist in the confidentiality aspect of security, maintain integrity (There are several limiting rules or constraints which are distinct in the relational data model and whose work is to maintain the data’s accuracy and maintain its integrity.), availability and authenticity of the system. Access controls are a collection of mechanisms that work together to create security architecture to protect the assets of an information system. One of the goals of access control is personal accountability, which is the mechanism that proves someone performed a computer activity at a specific point in time. So, the framework acts as the guideline
I intent to take my exam on September session 2016 and I need your permission to registration .could you please issue an approval tatter for my registration.
Training Information Management System (TIMS), the project scope is to allow users to track instructors, students, courses and grades. TIMS must be completed in six months and must allow the functions listed above. TIMS must also link with the accounting system for accurate pricing for courses and accounting financial interaction. TIMS should be able to track credits earned toward IT industry certification requirements. The new system may also allow students to register for courses online.
Information security is the protection of information against accidental or malicious disclosure, modification or destruction. Information is an important, valuable asset of IDI which must be managed with care. All information has a value to IDI. However, not all of this information has an equal value or requires the same level of protection. Access controls are put in place to protect information by controlling who has the rights to use different information resources and by guarding against unauthorised use. Formal procedures must control how access to information is granted and how such access is changed. This policy also mandates a standard for the creation of strong passwords, their protection and frequency of change.
assessments for monitoring student learning during the lesson (e.g., pair share, use of individual whiteboards, quick quiz)
Each student is monitor as they are learning through research-based information to become effective in their academic. If the student is struggling in their academics, their formative and summative assessment would provide the data to move the student to Tier
When I analyzed on how the Palm Beach State College registration process was being used by students and to try to reengineer the process, I realized that technology is the main focus of the registration process. Technology and job design has been incorporated into the registration process. There are numerous steps in the design of the registration process that need to be followed step by step. However, I think that there is one step in the registration process that can be added to help a current student, like me, can register for course in the Bachelors of Applied Science degree program.
I need to monitor and assess the progress of each student by maintaining accurate record using a variety of assessment tools, gaining feedback, formative informative,formal and informal whilst also maintaining my organisations requirements.
The teachers will develop an assessment from testing the students using the formal and informal methods. The formal method would give the students quizzes, tests, papers, homework and exams. The informal method would allow discussions and ungraded quizzes. This will give the teacher the information they need to know what they need to work on.
Testing has felt tremendous influence from the emphasis on efficiency. University examinations have moved from individual testing by professors to nowadays where most exams are machine graded, text-book given multiple choice tests. Thus, with the infiltration of McDonaldization into the educational system, test taking has become extremely efficient for the professor.
There are also online assessments e.g. VTCT which is an online resource and record system.
First, Rate My (RMP) is helpful for students who are going to register for class. For example, any students who already passed a placement test or a prerequisite can join a certain class. Before joining
As the use of computers, databases, and technology in general, security has grown to be a powerful tool that has to be used. The threat of outside sources intruding and exploiting crucial information is a threat that is present on a daily basis. As a part of creating and implementing a security policy, a user must consider access control. Access Control is a security tool that is used to control who can use or gain access to the protected technology. Access control security includes two levels; logical and physical. Though database intrusions can happen at any moment, access control provides another security barrier that is needed.
On the way of contribution of using technology to serve the teacher by facility the writing of exam papers, we try to develop this project. The web-based model offers to the user to create empty forms to be filled with a specific format that he needs then allowed to other users to fill in this forms and generate a formatted and organized files. It is also safe time to re-format each file to match the standard one.