
Project Synopsis

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Online Student Registration System Synopsis Submitted by Mr. XXXXX XXXXXX in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application) IN MUMBAI XXX XXXXXXXX College Mumbai University : Mumbai - 400001 January - 2010 A PROJECT REPORT ON ONLINE STUDENT REGISTRION SYSTEM A PROJECT REPORT Submitted by ATANU MAITY in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Computer Application XXX ENGINEERING COLLEGE, MUMBAI MUMBAI UNIVERSITY:: MUMBAI 400001 JANUARY 2010 MUMBAI UNIVERSITY: MUMBAI 400 001 BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE Certified that this project report “…………….Online Student Registration …show more content…

• Student can registered and login into the system. • Can view test result and give online test. • Student must able to change his/ her own password. • Complete web based system no installation required to run the application in client system. • Student result must save and can be retrieving later on. • Question must provide answer type like multiple right answer selection and one right answer selection. Test screen must provide options accordingly. • System must able to evaluate the examination and display the result instantly, student must view the correct answer after complete the test. • System has powerful logical access management in place, each user must be identified by login id and strict password policy is applied to secure the system • Generate various reports for administration like, Total students/members registered for examination, no of available examination, test given by the student. 1.3 Project Scope The Online Student Registration System will permit to register and take online examination and maintaining master information and generating various reports of test. The main users of the project are Student or Member and system Administrator. From an end-user perspective, the Online Student Registration System Project consists of following functional elements: enhanced student registration module,

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