
Project Unification

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From a personal experience, I know how just one word can affect someones future. At Chase High School I am a part of a club called project unify. Project unify is a group of students who get to interact with others who are intellectually disable and get to share common interests. Every year we have the campaign "Spread the Word to End the Word" every year we try to get our students together an sign a pledge to never say the r-word. Ever since I signed pledge two years ago I have never said the r-word it is like a cuss word to me now. One of the kids in the class that i know personally was personally affected by the word from a bully. Now, she never speaks at school because that is where the incident happened. The word retarded is a word that is used to describe a person with intellectual disabilities, but there are many different words that can be used to describe a person that can bring any harm. …show more content…

At Chase High School I am a part of a club called project unify. Project unify is a group of students who get to interact with others who are intellectually disable and get to share common interests. Every year we have the campaign "Spread the Word to End the Word" every year we try to get our students together an sign a pledge to never say the r-word. Ever since I signed pledge two years ago I have never said the r-word it is like a cuss word to me

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