
Prologue Of 'Eli': A Fictional Narrative

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“As to my age, this past November, the 12th to be exact, I became twenty-six years on this earth. Now,” he grinned. Allie furrowed her brow. “May I inquire as to your age and marital status,” asked Thomas, trying to keep his tone serious. “I will be sixteen, come March 11- do you think you can stay unmarried until then?” “I will definitely do my best to, Miss Allie - I would not want to miss out on the opportunity to be apart of your stable of suitors.” His amused grin irritated Allie; she wanted to slap him, but at the same time wondered what it would be like to kiss him. His humor was one of his attributes. As were his eyes - they were mesmerizing as she stared into them; it was as if he was searching her soul with them. When Eli returned, …show more content…

“Yes, quite horrible indeed,” said Thomas. “I was about to kiss this lovely creature.” “Then, by all means continue on as if I am not here,” Eli chuckled. “But, I must warn you, Jackson,” he said, his voice becoming hard. “If you dally with my cousin’s heart, I will call you out to Blood Run, no matter your reputation on the dueling ground.” “Pistols at fifteen paces if I do,” said Thomas, without a hint of humor. “You two stop that this instant!” said Allie, turning away from Thomas. “Eli, I do not need you to defend my honor. I knew exactly what I was about to do, and welcomed it. Thomas has been nothing but a gentleman all night.” “I for one, approve your choice, Allie, but you are young and easily led astray.” “As I said, Cousin, I know exactly what I am doing. I’m sorry Thomas,” she said, turning to face him. “But our kiss will have to wait until we are alone; I don’t wish an audience for my first kiss.” “First of all, I need to apologize,” said Eli. “Allie Mae, I assure you, it was not planned.” Allie could tell that Eli was sorry for interrupting, and she smiled at him. “I will hear no more of this talk of dueling- do you both hear me?” both Eli and Thomas, nodded. “Now, tell me cousin, why were you looking for

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