
Prologue To An Aristotelian End Of History

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1: The End of History The very idea The Wikipedia entry under “End of history” states the core concept as follows: “The end of history is a political and philosophical concept that supposes that a particular political, economic, or social system may develop that would constitute the end-point of humanity's sociocultural evolution and the final form of human government.” I will apply this concept in a very robust sense, beyond merely the political component and applying the “sociocultural” part thoroughly and all-encompassing. As the title of this essay suggests, the “cultural” indicated here is enriched by (a certain vision of) philosophical, ethical, and intellectual preconditions to the “ideal society,” the …show more content…

Given that the material world is primary, and the driver of human history or historical change, the end of history would have to be something dependent upon the material world as it determines human society. Moreover, it would have to involve a condition in which humankind has progressed from a state of relative incompleteness (the point A) to one of full completeness or realization (point B). To answer the immediate question: the end of history would be a communist paradise. The narrative here is superficially compelling but nearly completely abandoned at this point. Its key features bear review, …show more content…

Rather, it makes a rather startling claim: that an Aristotelian end of history is almost surely realizable, and perhaps soon. In this regard it’s similar to Kurzweil’s singularity book; Kurzweil is without any doubt that the historical technological trends he identifies in his book will lead in the (relatively) near future to the creation of artificial superintelligence. I’m claiming to do something comparable here – to demonstrate that an Aristotelian end of history is perhaps inevitable. The main reason I think this to be so is grounded upon the strength of the case – theoretical, practical, historical – to be made for an Aristotelian worldview, a case that – once understood by its readers – should lead to a full, widespread adoption and implementation of the Aristotelian ideal. In other words, this essay is to be taken as an opening statement, a challenge to be taken up that would, in time, lead to an Aristotelian end of history (or something like it). To that task we now

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