
Prometheus Bound Essay

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“Ah, lives of men! When prosperous they glitter - like a fair picture; when misfortune comes - a wet sponge at one blow has blurred the painting.” This quote was best said by the father of greek tragedies Aeschylus. Aeschylus wrote many magnificent and inspirational plays during a time in Greece referred to the Golden Age of Greece or the Greek Renaissance. Prometheus Bound for instance was one of Aeschylus’ more famous plays which the main character, Prometheus, through the eyes of the audience idolizes religious deities. Aeschylus being the founder of greek tragedies and the forerunner for playwrights ultimately set the stage for future aspiring playwrights that changed how plays would be viewed and critiqued forever. Aeschylus was born in Eleusis, 525 or 524 BC. His father was the head of an aristocratic family. Although it is said he did have a brother who died at the battle of Marathon-a great victory for the Greeks against a larger invading force-nothing else was said about his family. Aeschylus too was said to have fought against the Persians at the battles of Marathon, Artemisium, and Salamis. According the the article "Prometheus Bound" published by Drama for Students, “Following Greek resistance of the Persian Empire, Athens established its independence as a democracy of the elite and intellectual. Aeschylus came of age during this …show more content…

Prometheus is punished by Zeus for helping mankind; Zeus feels no remorse even though Prometheus helped Zeus and was the deciding factor in the war against the Titans. Zeus makes Hephaestus carry out the punishment on Prometheus because he was a friend of his and the closest to him. Zeus’ tyranny is seen when he does not honor the rules of friendship or understand emotions such as compassion, sympathy, or love. He rules the Gods out of fear and is not understanding. “Morally the play teaches the audience that it is not better to be feared than loved”

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