
Prometheus Research Paper

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What is a champion of man? A champion of man is someone who wants to help man grow and expand as a race. They are willing to go through any suffering to stand for their cause. Prometheus is an excellent example of a champion of man. He suffers for man and continues to do so from his own will because he, unlike any other god, has emotion and compassion. Prometheus did not just make man and set them free, but he gave them knowledge and taught them skills to live. Also, Prometheus is a champion of man because he ultimately destroys “the system”. These qualities of Prometheus are depicted in the poems Prometheus by Yunna Morits and Prometheus on His Crag by Ted Hughes.

Zeus is a prime example of a god with no compassion. He contradicts Prometheus in that he is like a machine. Zeus blasts man where they gather with no emotion or signs of sympathy. As he does this “[Prometheus] reels, and the …show more content…

There is a “system” in his world where he, and everyone else, must follow Zeus’ rules. By not following the system, Prometheus is punished. His immense knowledge causes him to see the faults in the system. When Hughes says, “the earth’s enlightenment … [Prometheus] an uninitiated infant mutilated towards enlightenment” he asserts that Prometheus is being punished because he doesn’t follow the system. Prometheus begins to ponder on why his life is the way it is. He asks if it was “atomic law – was life his transgression? Was he the punished criminal aberration?” (Hughes) He wonders if he is the exception to the system and that creating man was his realization and that without being the exception, he would have never created man. He is a champion of man because he fights this system and goes against Zeus to help man. Prometheus “dictates: ‘Destroy the system’” (Morits) to Zeus and Zeus agrees and Prometheus gets Zeus to do what he wants. Prometheus ultimately tricks Zeus into destroying the

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