
Propaganda And The Rwandan Genocide

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I liked the refresher continue ton the Rwandan genocide. I was happy to see that it had been mention in response to the early section which I had mentioned it in. This genocide has been engrained in my memory for a while. I also liked the new direction the the article went with it. Instead of just leading with facts about how morally, the people turned against each other, which would have been a very true statement, this article looked at the propaganda aspect. I was happy to see this change, because I personally was not in love with the last part (part 2) because of the rather bleakness in the human nature. How we all the propensity for killing was a harsh reality for me and I did not want to fully embrace that part of my self. I divulge, …show more content…

Written I believe by George Orwell, it documents a world in which the animals are the people in the society, replicating the situation in Russia between Trotsky, Stalin and Lenin and the rise of communism. I recall reading about how the pigs were able to bring their message across the whole barn. They made it catchy and they made it simple. Despite their stated ideals being that what they were suggesting be done would be good for all of them, it was clear that they had no intention in doing so. Propaganda is a way to convince people (or animals in this case) to think a certain way. It does not have them figure it out, or even suggest that they should decide for their self and form their own opinions. The problem with propaganda is how people are blindly lead to believe something, without any true facts behind …show more content…

In a psychology class that I am taking a study was recently shown in one of the developmental stages. One researcher (whose name I am spacing on at the moment) had a study that he interpreted as showing that the older a child is in age, the moral they are. Seems like a reasonable statement. However, in discussing in class the outcomes, I was also made aware, that even though the children who were older reasoned their argument more morally acceptably, that did not mean that they were more likely to act morally than the younger children. We can all have pretty thoughts of sunshine and roses, however if we do not enact those thoughts into actions, are we really more

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