
Proper Communication is the Core of Corporate Correspondeces Essay

Decent Essays

I came across a memo several days ago and begun to read. Once, twice, thrice and at the nth time, I gave up. I had to call the author of the memo and discuss what she wrote. This is a sample of a memo that just did not work. What is communication when you can’t understand one another? The importance of effective communication in a business should never be taken lightly. In fact, effective communication must be given considerable attention. Unfortunately, communication skills seem to be a scarce commodity nowadays.

Business communication at a glance:
The topic on business communication is broad. So let’s focus on internal business writing. This is communication within the company. How people write correspondences reflect the …show more content…

Basic types of business writing
People within the organization communicate in different ways. Internal corporate communications can be categorized into several types:

1. Correspondences:
Correspondences can range anywhere from formal to the informal. Likewise, they can be either official documents or otherwise. Regardless of the business writing style or format used, they simply aim to convey information.

Business letters e-mails and memos fall into this category. As such, this is the most frequently used communication method within an organization. Lamentably, this is often the source of miscommunication.

2. Reports:
Reports on the other hand are often well-documented. They can be routine or regular reports submitted to the superior or special reports asked from an employee. In many instances, writing a report is easy because of the forms and guides that the company provides. On the other hand, there are times when the employee has to build it from scrap. No matter what type of report is asked, the accuracy and completeness of information is expected.

3. Proposals:
Another type of corporate communication expected within a business organization is a business proposal. This type of corporate correspondence seeks to justify a project a business or any intended course of action. Here, the author must write the advantages of his/her proposal. For an unbiased take on the proposal, the downsides are

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