Briargrove Proposal: Centralized Learning Network (CLN) Briargrove is a property management organization, which owns 500 commercial and residential properties in foreign and domestic markets. Torres Technology Adapters developed a project-planning proposal to migrate databases currently used by Briargrove and expand its educational hub by establishing a centralized learning network. Briargrove employs more than two thousand who are either, full-time, part-time, or contract employees. This organization seeks to establish a centralized learning network throughout its 43 field offices and will continue to expand offices as more property is acquired. Briargrove plans to develop a CLN as a method of increasing stakeholder value and increase the profits while maintaining an average growth rate up to 22% annually. Robert Metcalfe, founder of 3Com Corporation once stated, “Networks (whether of telephones, computers, or people) dramatically increase in value with each additional node or user.” (Downes, L. and Mui, C., p 5, 1998.) Project Charter: Briargrove Centralized Learning Network Project Manager: Malissa Torres Sponsor: Mr. Ron Smith Date: 01/30/2016 Description: This charter serves to announce the initiation of the Briargrove Centralized Learning Network project. Briargrove has decided to establish and give access to its employees whether internal or external access to a database to increase their ability to make sound decisions on behalf of the company and to
The next property presented to John and Judy was Ivy Terrace, an 80-unit apartment under construction in Arlington, Virginia. Even though this property has the lowest Net Present Value ($619) and lowest monthly mortgage ($5,500), there exist the greatest increase in Cap Rate from purchase to sale price (9.12% to 9.51%). Based on calculations, 72% of total benefits will be derived from cash flow while 41% of total benefits will come via future value. This property has the second highest After Tax Cash Flow (ATCF) but has the lowest remaining loan balance at sale ($4583.03), net cash from sale ($4868.34), net book value ($5545.45), and capital gains. Ivy Terrace has the highest depreciation and has the lowest percent of total benefit from future value and lowest amortization and reserve among the four properties. Finally, the developer of Ivy Terrace guarantees 93% occupancy.
After analysis of Mr. Alexander’s proposal, it is obvious why he should take advantage of a real estate investment opportunity. The experience he would gain coupled with the added income would establish a solid foundation for making more investments in the future. To this end, however, I find Alexander’s plan for the Revere Street property falls short. A major deficiency is that his projections are almost entirely predicated on estimates and assumptions that are neither conservative nor reliable. In a similar vein, Alexander’s “DIY” approach is not only exemplar of naiveté, but also suggestive of many implications that were overlooked in his proposal. And, even more discouraging, a best-case scenario analysis reveals that even without
Rock Solid Industrial Parts, Inc. (RSI) is not well prepared to expand their business to cover the entire west coast and mountain states. In case of RSI, the company is not very technology oriented. Most of the works are being done with desktop computers. Many processes depend heavily on paper forms. Excel and Quicken are only two computer programs being used in the company. The company has an undeveloped, simple and basic form of online presence and a plain old telephone service system for business activities. Besides, most of the employees are conservative and older. They don 't want to try new technology, social platform and services such as Facebook or SMS text message that could be used for faster
Prepared by: Emma Ryks, Harprit Aujla, Kevin Wong, Patrick Moez Bokhari Optimus Consulting: We Transform Your Business
Our company Wireless Software Inc. is an innovative Internet-based company with gross revenues of more than $35 million dollars per year. Our company will be merging with a multinational company Skyguard Software Inc. of equal size, as a result of merging it produced Navitech Software Inc and we will be responsible for developing a project plan to strategically integrate all systems, including databases and infrastructure. Navitech Software Inc. global enterprise operations would provide best software products that will benefit to both companies. This report presents recommendations that allow Navitech Software Inc. to remain successful
This case study analyzed five different projects Target Corporation had to decide on capital spent for which project created the most value and the most growth for the company and its shareholders. By analyzing the financial statements and exhibits of each project, I was able to determine the positives and negatives of each of these alternatives. The alternatives were Gopher Place, Whalen Court, The Barn, Goldie’s Square, or Stadium Remodel.
Significant investments have been made by MF&L that arguably are capable of satisfying the future demands of the growing company. Multiple platforms were integrated to form a solution that addressed many of the issues faced in the early 2000’s. Their
The proposed LBO deal of Comark Building Systems is an attractive investment for Brazos because it fits into Brazos’ “sweet spot”- a reasonable priced company with solid cash flow and good management. We can project cash flow at $6.8 million in 2002 and $12.3 million in 2006. In terms of the purchase price at $40 million, it is very attractive because we can get very good Total Post Money Valuation at $194 million. We can also confirm that the Market Value/EBITDA (1.38) of CoMark is lower than its competitor’s (3.42) when we compare multiple ratios, which means CoMark is undervalued. However, there are two major concerns; gaining competitive advantage and determining comparable valuations.
Directions: Develop an educational series proposal for your community using one of the following four topics:
The company Baria Planning Solutions is a specialty provider of spend analysis and management services to its customers. BPS was an early entrant into the market but rapid market growth in the past few years has attracted larger software companies to the market. In order to remain competitive against larger companies BPS has expanded beyond the energy sector to acquire other industry-niche providers. Once additional industry sector firms were acquired BPS was tasked with integrating parts of their operations across sectors to ensure operating efficiency. Each industry firm provided services to address the same general type of customer needs but they all differed in
Commercial business provides two-thirds of the company’s projects as well as 80% of its sales. Due to the higher volume in demand, the commercial sales force is larger than the residential sales team, which relies heavily on CMR’s showroom. The market for commercial business is larger than residential market with projections of its value at upwards of $5 billion. Commercial contracts are also harder to secure than their residential counterparts. They must be
In addition to his full time studies, he is also a member of the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), the National Association for Industrial and Office Parks (NAIOP), and a student member of the Urban Land Institute (ULI). Through his studies, he has earned fifty percent of his Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) and Member of Appraisal Institute (MAI) designations.
The code name we gave to our project is ¡¥Low Bap¡¦: the sound of boots of an army when is marching in the battlefield. With this name we compare the business corporations of the present with the huge armies of the past. In this way, we could consider BT as a big army of the past, which has to be kept in a continuous march so as to meet our targets both in short and long-term. Regarding the number of the consumers that are involved and the size of funds, which are going to be used, BT¡¦s strategy will be an example that may have both a positive or negative effect to the Global business field in the future. It is up to us to build BT¡¦s fame as an innovative strategic planner or another bureaucratic plodding giant.
The added IT solutions will help in improving company’s scalability. Using these solutions, in a long run, will help the company in expanding its customer base and its reach across the country.
1. Introduction 2. Analysis of current position 3. Analysis of new project 3.1 Methodologies and processes of Valuation 3.2 processes of Valuation 4. Conclusion