Specific Objectives
The homeless men utilizing Saint John’s Hospice will recognize their systolic and diastolic blood pressure that is taken by the senior student nurse. The student nurse will then discuss the significance of the blood pressure reading to the client.
Saint John’s Hospice is a Catholic Social Services shelter for men located in Center City Philadelphia. It serves and assists the poor and homeless in the community. The hospice provides crucial, life-sustaining services with dignity, respect, and compassion to a homeless man in Philadelphia.
At the beginning of the clinical day, the volunteer made an observational session and explained what services are provided for the homeless man. For example, shower and clothing services are provided on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30 in the morning for residents. For outside clients, this opportunity available once a week and they must sign list for services. Residents receive breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, people from the street receive only lunch. The facility provides free meal about 250-450 people per day. The food donated by local parishes and restaurants. Unfortunately, Saint John’s Hospice closed on weekends.
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The table was set up with blood pressure cuffs, stethoscopes, and brochures with the explanation of normal blood pressure ranges and high blood pressure ranges. Also, the information of the free clinic was provided if the readings of the clients were higher than average. The brief teaching session was delivered by nursing student explaining why blood pressure screenings are essential, what signs and symptoms may appear with high blood pressure and what complications may be with untreated blood pressure. As a complimentary for the participation homeless men obtained a toothbrush with
have said with regard to the above questions. You should use all of your knowledge about blood pressure
Title: Manual Blood Pressure Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about taking manual blood pressure using clinical evidence. Thesis Statement: Blood pressure is a vital sign measured in everyone. Therefore, making it a relevant subject to individuals of all ages.
Pathway Hospice is located in West Columbia, SC and Greenville, SC. It is run by a compassionate man as the Vice President (VP), John Powell. Pathway Hospice has 15 employees, and have three volunteers and has on average, the West Columbia office serves a caseload of 30 patients. I was able to obtain an appointment for an interview with the PCC (patient care coordinator) of the West Columbia office. The building is not easy to identify unless you locate their sign or have been there before. Pathway Hospice is a great company to work for, volunteer for and has many positions on their interdisciplinary team.
The term “hospice” goes back to medieval times where it was referred to as a place of shelter and rest for the ill or weary travelers on a long journey (NHPCO, 2016). In 1948, the term was referenced to by Dame Cicely Saunders, a physician, for dying patients (NHPCO, 2017). Saunders created the first modern hospice program, St. Christopher’s Hospice, located in a suburb of London. However, it wasn’t until a visit to Yale University, in 1963, Saunder’s gave a lecture on the concept of hospice care. During the lecture, she emphasizes the differences before and after symptom control care. Thus, this lecture was the stepping stone for the advancement of hospice care.
Community nurses have a task of conducting interviews to citizens and location of homeless veterans, to establish their needs. The nurse need to
The origin of the word “hospice” in medieval times meant “way station for weary travelers” (Perry). The first hospices were run by members of religious orders in the medieval times that cared for weary travelers whom found refuge with them until their death. Modern hospices are
The convenience sampling that was used in recruiting all male patients who were on blood pressure medications is a glaring bias in this study. There was no information provided addressing why the patients were presenting to the clinic. There are many interventions that can raise blood pressure. For example, the study conducted by Marshall, Anantharachagan, Choudhary, Chue and Kaurhis, (2002) investigated the effect of situational anxiety on blood pressure experienced in anticipation of a blood test. Marshall, et. al., (2002) found that anticipation of a blood test can raise blood pressure. Foster-Fitzpatrick, et. al., 1999 did not address the purpose of the patient’s visit to the clinic.
Homelessness has been a problem for many years in the United States. This misfortune is becoming even a bigger issue due to people losing jobs and having no income. Not having any type of income leads to neglect in the way of just trying to survive. One issue that homeless individuals neglect is their health care. In this literature review, the main theme centers on how vulnerable this population is to not receiving adequate health care. “Meeting the needs of the homeless requires a different approach than that of the general population, thus healthcare providers must be aware of these needs and learn how to facilitate and improve care for homeless individuals” (Seiler & Moss, 2012, p. 305). The homeless population is a group that is sometimes stereotyped for their homeless situation; however, many are in an unfortunate situation that was not chosen by
While sadness plays a big role in hospice…it is also true that there is happiness, positive reflection as well as wisdom. This month we want to recognize our two volunteers Connie and Paul Steber who have been volunteers for Hospice since June and considered it a true blessing to share the stories and experiences of patients who are living through a very emotional and difficult time. They are honored to be making a difference and to be able to share the stories of the patients like James Ellis best known as the Coach, who enjoys their company but most of all watching a football game, especially if his favorite team is on the winning end. The Stabers enjoy conversing with James and listening to his stories. There are also times when James and
The most recent survey of homeless individuals conducted January 29, 2014 revealed 958 homeless adults with no dependants, 70 of which were completely unsheltered, and an additional 130 homeless adults who also had dependent children with them. 208 of these homeless adults are chronically homeless (HUD’s 2014 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Programs, Populations, and Subpopulations, 2014).Wayside Christian Mission reaches approximately 7,000 homeless individuals annually (Wayside Christian Mission, 2007). In the Journal of General Internal Medicine, a majority of homeless individuals surveyed stated that they felt discriminated against or that they received lesser care because of their poverty or homelessness (Wen, Hudak, & Hwang, 2007). Homeless and impoverished individuals suffer from high rates of depression, psychiatric illness, alcohol and or substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, TB, Trauma, preterm birth, COPD, low birth weight, musculoskeletal problems, decreased access to care, foot problems, malnutrition, and high Emergency Room utilization (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014). Not only do homeless persons have a high rate of illness, but they are also less able to appropriately treat health problems. Many homeless individuals have limited access to care, cannot afford medications or nutritious food, and may have difficulty with managing a strict
Modern medical advancements have significantly decreased the prevalence and severity of infectious disease as well as the treatment of acute, traumatic conditions. Pharmacological research has also gained insight into the management of chronic disease. Still, there is an epidemic of chronic, treatable diseases like stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease. Hypertension proves to be the underlying factor associated with these diseases. Hypertension is often referred to as the silent killer because of its indication in deadly disease, and the importance of monitoring ones blood pressure is vital. Lifestyle, diet, and genetic predisposition are all factors of high blood pressure. Chronic high blood pressure above safe levels, known as hypertension, puts elevated physical stress on the renal and cardiovascular systems. By controlling this factor in patients, healthcare providers can decrease cardiovascular events, improve health outcomes, and decrease overall mortality. Patient education is often overlooked in its role in the control and prevention of high blood pressure. This paper analyzes the causes and physiology behind high blood pressure as they relate to the current nursing interventions. The role of nurses is discussed in relation to patient education regarding high blood pressure, and educational approaches are analyzed.
With the information found with what a patient’s blood pressure is, it helps health care
K.H. is a 67-year-old African-American man with primary hypertension and diabetes mellitus. He is currently taking an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and following a salt-restricted weight loss diet. He is about 30 pounds over his ideal weight. At his clinic visit his blood pressure is noted to be 135/96. His heart rate is 70 beats/min. He has no complaints. His wife brought a blood pressure cuff and stethoscope with her in the hope of learning to take her husband’s blood pressure at home.
The aim of this fieldwork reflection is to spread awareness about a serious health problem. This problem is known as High Blood pressure in Hampton Park in the city of Casey. It came in an attention during the research of community fact sheet assignment. In every year a number of people suffer from high blood pressure include the adults and the elderly. In the Hampton Park, 27.3% community suffer from High blood pressure (Health.Vic.2017).
Caring Hospice will be located in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. This is the southeastern region of the state. It is comprised of poor communities where residents often are forced to travel as far as fifty miles or more for adequate health care. Market research shows there is a