Executive Summary
University of Technology, Sydney is university located near the heart of the Sydney City Centre. The establishment of the institution traces back to the 1870s and currently has four campuses with several buildings and facilities within the campuses. UTS currently owns the land and the existing building located at 720 Harris Street Ultimo Sydney. With works commencing around mid to late 2015, UTS plans to take on board and implement sustainability measures by retrofitting optimum sustainable development. With this consideration in mind, UTS however, is uncertain on the aspects they wish to implement as retrofit works which is why they are seeking professional advice to explore sustainable options and better understand the optimum sustainability measures in the development with whole life cycle in mind. This report, outlines a certain sustainable retrofitting option and explores deeply on the criteria it will target, the outcomes and the long term benefits for the building of the university.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 1
Introduction 3
Building Portfolio 3
Sustainable Building Model Assessment 4
Sustainable Procurement 4
Planning and Regulatory Constraints 5
Sustainable Procurement Options 5
Short, Medium and Long Term Plain Targets 7
Current Environment and Future Effects Due to Proposed Changes 8
Recommendation 8
References 9
When a building’s infrastructure integrates scheme, construction and functional practices that
This manifesto proposes an approach to sustainable design that I am interested in exploring during my time studying architecture. The idea of sustainability is a complex one, not without apparent contradictions. This makes it difficult to define in a wholly satisfactory manner. For the purposes of this manifesto I will advert to the definition proposed by Jason McLennan who asserts that sustainable design: “seeks to maximize the quality of the built environment, while minimizing or eliminating negative impact to the natural environment.” I find this definition particularly useful in the emphasis which it places on quality. By quality, in this
I’ve learned over the years that my mother, sister, and I are all American Cherokee Indian. My “Greatest” great-grandmother, what i like to call her, followed the culture of Cherokee Indians. She believed in magic, spirits, and veneration of her ancestors, Although I didn’t get to speak to her much about her history and culture often, I tell how much she wanted my mother and her children to embrace and never forget where we come from. To be exact from my knowledge my ancestors move up to New York and continued their lives here. This is where my mother was born and raised. Unfortunately I’ve never met my grandmother, my mother’s mom but I’ve heard she was a heartwarming lively woman about who she was. My mother doesn’t follow right after my
The report aims to assess and improve the sustainability of the rebuilding of the Christchurch Cathedral. Based on the project demand the system boundaries have been set to assess the sustainability of this project. Since the issue is highly inclining towards the culture and heritage of Christchurch, it is necessary to put together the best expertise in the world. Also the rebuild will have major positive impacts on the tourist sector. Due to these reasons the system boundaries have been classified as international, regional & local. The main Purpose of this project is to construct a sustainable Cathedral while maintaining its original heritage and culture. It is a symbol of the Christchurch people rebounding from a major disaster, as well as providing a place of worship for the believers.
Your goal is to provide potential sustainability practices and solutions to your school leadership. Your challenge will be to make suggestions related to the physical building and/or redesign of the school's landscape. Your proposal will need to be based upon research and the research conducted within your school. Explain the environmental benefits for your decisions.
Aimed at being a mixed-use development looking to create 1,700 Residential Apartments, 150,000 square meters of office space and 39,000 of retail space. However, with the changing views of the world and increasing role that sustainability plays in the world we live in today. It is needed to ensure that there is balance in the world and a possible future for us, and our generations, which encompasses Elizabeth Quay. In this essay I will be considering ‘to what extent does Elizabeth Quay follows the principles of sustainability'. This I feel is an important question to ask considering today’s societal views, which questions the relevance of plans such as Elizabeth Quay and their affect on the city of Perth. I plan to answer it by using the social, economic, environmental and political factors of sustainability and individually inspecting how they will bring either benefit or disadvantages to the city of Perth and on a larger scale Western Australia. This of course is part of the IB Geography course which is a dynamic subject that is important as it studies the interactions between individuals, societies and the physical world, looking at how all of these interactions respond to an ever changing planet and how they manage these changes. Tying into the topic of sustainability and how Elizabeth Quay looks to achieve Sustainability, and because of the scale of this project how
The Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS) is designed to be the greenest building in North America and its continual development in sustainable practices has allowed the building to be an internationally recognized leader. Thus, it is certified LEED Platinum. The CIRS has been a UBC project since 1999 – as it went through several iterations, location, inhabitants and owners over the period of time. Simultaneously, significant advancements were made in sustainable technology, public awareness and green building policies. Therefore, the design
The media have always had a huge influence on everything in society both negatively and positively. There is no telling that everything said in the media is true, because the media can often be biased. The media becomes biased when it emphasizes one specific point of view in a way that breaches the ethics of journalism professionally. For instance, in a case study by two scientists, Michaels & Knappenberger (2013), they stated:
Q.2 what is the relationship between sustainability and anthropogenic climate change, and how can an understanding of these linkages be used to guide policy from the global to the local scale?
The following paragraph explains how the design is influenced by the triple bottom line - shown in table 1 – to promote sustainability.
The biggest challenge is the training of personnel on the various areas of concern. The key elements for sustainability have played a big role in making the change to the immediate action plan a success throughout the IT department. The cost has been a concern as well but with management supporting the IT sustainability plan we have had little
Since the human history enter into the 20th century, people realize that the finite of industrial production, and the significance of the diversity; therefore, pursuing sustainability is one of the most significant goal for people to make efforts. However, achieving the goal is not easy, many factors have restriction on achieving sustainability, such as economics, politics, and culture. Because of so many restrictions on the achievement of sustainability, coordination is necessary. In these days, many universities try to make the sustainability happen. The university of British Columbia has been working to explore the sustainability for many years, and plan to advance the sustainability on their campus and beyond. To make the success of the environmental sustainability, they treat their campus as an interconnected system. They plan to transform the campus into a sustainable lab room because they believe that sustainable is not only a word to define but also a way to interact with the world. They want to become a social test-bed for sustainability. It required the coordination of the entire campus to meet their commitment. The transportation management, green building design, sustainable residential community and engaging students, staff, and faculties all work together to achieve their goal.
This paper aimed to explore the concept of sustainability of nursing innovations guided by the concept analysis framework developed by Wilson (1969). Although attention in the literature of implementation science has arisen in a few decades, there is a need to identify a concrete definition to capture the essential elements in the concept of nursing innovations sustainability. This paper will present the connotative definitions and attributes, operational definition, antecedents, consequences, exemplar cases, contributes to nursing science and practice, and suggestions to further development of the concept.
Nowadays, sustainability has been taken more into consideration for contemporary designs as it means people need to leave enough resources for future generation while they are consuming for their own needs which requires people to keep a balanced relationship with natural environment when they have their own plannings(van de Kerk and Manuel as cited in Bender, H., Judith, K. & Beilin, R, 2012). That is, some designs are well considered and constructed in order to achieve sustainability in many ways, such as reducing energy consumption, having less impact to the environment and starting to repay to nature. This essay will use the examples of an eco-friendly architecture, H-E-B at Muller and the city planning of Melbourne to illustrate how urban designs can contribute to sustainability.
Secondary case studies about the housing project at Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh and housing project at Trichi, Tamil Nadu gave me an insight on sustainability accessing the built mass and how it could be used to the advantage of generating a better environment that connects the sustainability with the built environment.
People all around the world are beginning to recognize the importance of sustainability and how it is the key to future generations. Because the human ecological footprint is reaching the point of limitation, it is only necessary that humans learn how to adapt and develop more efficient, sustainable states. Today, many cities are faced with the issue of heavily contaminated and polluted domestic water due to the failure of proper treatment and disposal. This event occurs when pollutants and particulates come into contact and engage with water resources. In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, residents and local officials continue to debate over the practices of drilling, waste management, and coal mining within their district. These practices are the lead cause to Pittsburgh 's poor water quality. As a result, residents of Pittsburgh and those who live along the border the city, are victims of dangerous wastewater which have the potential to cause deadly diseases and illnesses like malaria and cholera. The problem of water pollution in Pittsburgh has become an issue politically, because local officials debate over the treatment of toxic wastes; socially, because the people of Pittsburgh and those living near its rivers are victimized; and economically, because the city relies on its industries to avoid further debt.