
Proposed Sustainability Measures By Retrofitting Optimum Sustainable Development

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Executive Summary
University of Technology, Sydney is university located near the heart of the Sydney City Centre. The establishment of the institution traces back to the 1870s and currently has four campuses with several buildings and facilities within the campuses. UTS currently owns the land and the existing building located at 720 Harris Street Ultimo Sydney. With works commencing around mid to late 2015, UTS plans to take on board and implement sustainability measures by retrofitting optimum sustainable development. With this consideration in mind, UTS however, is uncertain on the aspects they wish to implement as retrofit works which is why they are seeking professional advice to explore sustainable options and better understand the optimum sustainability measures in the development with whole life cycle in mind. This report, outlines a certain sustainable retrofitting option and explores deeply on the criteria it will target, the outcomes and the long term benefits for the building of the university.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 1
Introduction 3
Building Portfolio 3
Sustainable Building Model Assessment 4
Sustainable Procurement 4
Planning and Regulatory Constraints 5
Sustainable Procurement Options 5
Short, Medium and Long Term Plain Targets 7
Current Environment and Future Effects Due to Proposed Changes 8
Recommendation 8
References 9

When a building’s infrastructure integrates scheme, construction and functional practices that

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