
Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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All around the world animals are being tested on with so called “new and improved” drugs and vaccines. One of the most common and wide known animals that are being tested on are rats and mice. More than 100 million mice and rats are killed every year in the U.S. due to animal testing. That means that in the time it took you to read these few short sentences about 45 mice were killed because they were tested on with some drug or vaccine. While testing drugs and vaccines may be convenient, efficient, and cheap, ultimately we are not considering the value of living things therefore mice and rats should not be allowed to be tested on and new laws should be put in place banning animal testing.
LD50 is a common test that was used on mice and rats. LD standing for “Lethal Dose,” and 50 standing for “50%.” They use this to test the dose that kills 50% of the test animals. For example, some of the tests that are being done are force-feeding the mice by inserting a tube down the esophagus into the stomach, this causes severe discomfort and extreme pain. There are ways to help the mice feel less discomfort such as giving them anesthesia or pain relievers but in fear that it would disturb the test results, the testers do not give the mice these pain relievers. In 1985 the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association came out publicly against the traditional LD50 test. However, they came out with a new and improved LD50 test that only tested 6-10 mice and rats. This way of testing soon was

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