Shorts, skirts and dresses must be knee length, headbands are not allowed, midriff and back are not to be exposed at any time. Those are just a few examples pulled from Arcadia High School’s dress code section in the student handbook that we are given every year. Many schools have a dress code, some wear uniforms and some allow students to wear virtually anything they want. Arcadia’s dress code has made girls resort to wearing jeans in 95 degree weather, stop attempting to wear tank tops and other articles of clothing that have been written off as forbidden in the hallways and classrooms. Arcadia’s dress code should change to become more lenient because it is too hot in the summer for girls to be wearing jeans, the current dress code infringes …show more content…
A student last week wore a shirt that had a keyhole in the back just below the shoulder blades, and not once did a faculty member mention that it was “inappropriate”, however, last school year a sophomore was asked to remove her headband. The principals reasoning was because the student handbook states that they are not to be worn and hers was particularly “offensive” due to the tribal pattern. This was the only instance in which someone has asked to remove a headband, despite the dress code stating that they are not allowed, just like hoodies and other articles of clothing that involve something covering a student’s head. While part of the problem may be the students with the mentality that it is not the clothing they are wearing that is the problem but the people who look at them sexually in the classroom, others do understand that we can all maintain modesty and still be allowed to wear shorts during the warmer months (Deciphering the Dress Code). The students that wear inappropriate clothing repeatedly should be punished for their actions, but not an entire student body should be punished for the actions of a select few individuals who just happen to be repeat
Dress code is administration telling us what we can and cannot wear. Some people believe we should wear uniform, because there's less judgment on what people wear and it's easier to choose what you're wearing in the morning before school. Some people also believe there should be no dress code so students can express their selves and be in the comfort of what they chose to wear. In 2016 at Cy-Fair high school we have a very strict dress code. Cy-Fairs dress code is very bias. I think we should have a dress code but students should not be able to wear super revealing clothing. Student should be able to wear what they want to express themselves and shouldn't be told what they can and cannot wear just because it "distracts" others.
Ever thought that not having a school dress code could lead to violence over something so simple as to what a person might own or wear? To many people 's surprise, school dress codes can be a very important topic to discuss at any and every public school. This essay will summarize, critique, and evaluate the article "School Dress Codes" by Krystal Miller.
The dress code specifically bans tank tops with straps less than one inch thick, anything with visible cleavage or exposing the mid drift, cut-off shorts or shorts and pants with holes, and shorts and skirts shorter than fingertip length. The only rule applying directly to boys is prohibiting the “sagging of shorts or pants.” Not only do these rules single out girls, but “[a]t any time, a staff member or administrator may prohibit a student from wearing certain apparel to school.” Because of this addendum, I have seen girls singled out specifically for their clothing. More than once, I have witnessed administration follow a student through the halls, then wait until class starts
Students struggle throughout high school and go through a great deal of stress. Whether it be making friends, or working hard to pass a difficult class. To make things more pressuring, they are not allowed to wear what they want. The administration made the decision that it is best to suspend a student for their choice in clothing. If they go against the rule of dress code, there will be serious consequences. What students wear should not affect their class work. If a student gets sent home for their outfit, it is affecting their grades and attendance. Punishment disrupts the students education more than what they are wearing. High school students should feel free to embrace their individuality without being pressured by dress codes; therefore, it should be eliminated from all schools indefinitely.
School dress codes send a loud and clear message, “Your individuality is inconvenient.” (Rowland 22). The constitution guarantees the right to free speech,which can be interpreted as the right to freedom of self expression, and students use clothing to express themselves. Another message that dress codes send is that “the self identity that you want to express does not belong here.” Self expression is not an inconvenience or a distraction, it is the lifeblood of our nation. (Rowland 22). Schools tell students that they should be confident in themselves, but how can they if they cannot express themselves? School dress codes now are more about shielding the boys then protecting the girls which implies that boys are immature. Calling a girl’s clothes distracting is implying that she is at fault for any disruptions. “That 's like saying that because a store has a cash register, it 's the store 's fault if it gets robbed!” (Menza 1). Students are going to be distracted anyways. Sexist dress codes are like saying that an article of clothing, or a body part showing on a female will distract male students from learning. Dress codes should be simple for both genders, everyone should wear clothing that covers up the same area. With dress codes, students are forced to dress the same as other students, taking the individuality out of school, but schools try to send the message, you are individual. Figure 1 shows a strict dress codes for both students and
The prominent reason behind the various overdone school rules regarding dress is the loose power that administrators have been given. They have been “reserve[d] the right to determine if a clothing item or accessory is appropriate for school” (Carroll High School Student Handbook 2010-2011 18). The officials at school are using their own personal opinions to judge the students’ dress. Since styles change as time goes on, the generation in control and the
Dress codes are becoming more and more popular throughout the United States; however, this does not mean all administrators agree with them. In fact, there are educators
We have some concerns with the dress code. We think it should be updated. Girls are not allowed to wear athletic shorts anymore yet guys wear them everyday and people seem to not have a problem with that. We understand that we need limitations but it seems that like the dress code is mainly targeted towards girls. The dress code says that shorts need to be mid thigh but it doesn't state that we cannot wear athletic shorts at all. We understand that some athletic shorts are short for school but we don't think that it should be prohibited. The temperature is going up as the school year goes on, so girls are going to want to wear athletic shorts so we can be well situated in the school day and we could be more focused. Getting pulled out of class
In April 2015, a Texas honors student was sent home for wearing yoga pants and an oversized shirt that covered her entire backside. In August, a Kentucky student was sent home for showing her collarbone. After her mother brought a scarf to cover her neck, the administration still deemed it “inappropriate.” In Indiana, a 12-year-old student was suspended and missed two days of class. The offense: tight pants. Other dress-code violations include baring shoulders, wearing a tank top, or exposing a bra strap. Should girls have to miss out on some of their education because of a collarbone or tight pants? These are parts of our bodies that are “distracting”. Should girls feel shamed about their bodies? However should school be an appropriate environment?
Even though someone is unhappy with their situation could they make the best out of it? Well, Nikki Giovanni, an African-American poet, wrote the poem Choices which is speaks about how success comes from doing things people are not satisfied with. In addition, if someone does not become the person they want to be they can still be grateful for the things that they possess because regardless there is still more to want. The choices that people make may not be a choice someone is expected to have, but it’s all about making the best of it. Nikki Giovanni may have not come from the best life, but she made a living out of it by becoming a civil rights activist and a poet.
The people who are in charge of creating the school dress code don’t think of girls feelings, or their need to be an individual. There are also some unnecessary rules in schools, and what schools deemed inappropriate or distracting. The schools are taking some of the girls rights away. I believe that the dress code for the younger generation is too focused on girls, and it’s way too strict. Students should not have to wear school uniforms, some schools went for believing it would get rid of competition.
Dress codes have some kind of restriction on every single item of clothing, among other things, a girl can put on. Shorts and skirts have to be a certain length—normally mid-thigh or knee length. Tops are required to have a certain size strap or sleeve, and bra straps are not allowed to be seen (God forbid a teenage girl wear a bra to school and her strap is visible). No shirts that reveal midriffs are allowed either. Sometimes the amount of how much a girl’s back is showing is restricted, too. Leggings and yoga pants cannot be worn unless the shirt is long enough where the girl’s fingers touch the shirt fabric, and in some schools they are banned completely. One has to control the amount of cleavage visible, which can prove very difficult for any girl, especially those that
Our second amendment clearly states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” (amendment). But, what does that mean today? How does one start to form a way to relegated gun control when it clearly states in the Bill of Rights we have the right to bear arms? Does, the idea of every citizen of America have the right to bear arms without any control? The point of gun control is to protect the next generation of American citizens from ever having to worry about their safety. When the Bill of Rights was written down, the Founding Fathers were trying to create a better society where there was no King and people had greater freedom. For my research project I am going to focus on what people know about gun control and their point of views on how to better regulate gun control.
Have you ever been excluded from learning because of what you wore to school? In most schools, dress codes are set in place to provide a better learning space for all students. Having a dress code can oppress students because students are given the impression that they should not express themselves. Not all families can afford the clothes that abide by the rules. For example, some students don 't have the means to pay for new clothes, so they have to use hand-me-down clothing. Enforcing a dress code can lead to more problems in the long run because of the exceptions made for students who are athletes and cheerleaders. Many school faculty members including teachers and administrators think that keeping a dress code will keep students looking appropriate while learning, but this idea is wrong because it keeps students from expressing themselves and, the dress code singles out women.
Alexander Heit’s final text cut off at mid sentence. Before he could send it, police say the 22 year old, University of Northern Colorado student drifted into oncoming traffic, jerked the steering wheel and went off the road, rolling his car (CBS news, 137). Distracted driving has been a big problem for a while which has caused thousands of car accidents. Cell phone use while driving raises the risk of serious injury or death, using a cell phone while driving can and will kill you or the people around you, and using a cell phone while driving is just as dangerous as driving drunk.