When discovering the facts behind tracking it becomes understandable why an individual may disagree with the capability of the goverment knowing your every move by installing softwares in popular handheld devices. Many people disagree with the actions of these particular softwares and tracking systems, due to the fact that this is an invasion of our privacy and also violates our constitutional rights as a civilization. Although it is easier for an individual to see the negatives of these programs they can also become beneficial in our everyday lives and in serious circumstances. The article touches on two broad catergories of tracking, behavioral tracking and locational tracking. Both forms of tracking have major benefits as well and have
Originally, these devices were solely used for contacting family and friends or even business, but now they have turned into something much bigger. In the article “That’s No Phone. That’s My Tracker.”, Maass and Rajagopalan explain that our cell phones can track everything from what we buy to where we are at all times. Just like in 1984, we the government has complete knowledge of where we are and what we are doing because of the increasing use of technology in our society.
An article that relates to this type of situation is “This Smartphone Will Give You The Creeps” By Christina DesMarais. This article talks about how new technology can accurately track any type of devices. This is an example of them invades everyone's privacy by being tracked down. “Location service company Navizon says it can provide accurate tracking of Wi-fi enabled devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, anywhere inside a building or throughout a campus” (DesMarais, p3).
For decades, various types of tracking devices have been used. These types of devices include devices such as; satellite trackers, GPS trackers, ankle monitors, and beeper trackers. To go along with the different types of devices, various types of people have used them. People using these devices include but are not limited to; jealous spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, law enforcement, parents, and even pet owners. These tracking devices can be used for many different situations, but a unfitting group adapted them into their culture. That would be law enforcement.
Do you know who is tracking your movements when your turn on your cell phone, or what is being done with that information? These are questions that I recently had to ask myself after reading two insightful articles. The first was by Ronald Bailey called “Your Cellphone is Spying on You” and the other was by Terry J. Allen entitled “Reach Out and Track Someone”. In Ronald Bailey’s article, he explores the use of cellular phone tracking technology by law enforcement and their recent attempts to expand the surveillance laws to include more use of cell phones to track users’ movements without their knowledge. In addition he gives us some perspective on the idea of a big brother watching over us by examining what a
In modern Western societies the notion that surveillance is spreading while privacy is eroding is very well alive. Throughout history it has never been easier to access information about a specific person or groups of people then it is now. With technology available to almost everyone in modern society the ability to track, view, and gather information is greater than it has ever been. Many municipalities, companies, and even private home owners have implemented Closed Circuit Television in order to surveil people within the area they choose. Applications on phones, Computers, and Smart televisions are all things people use daily that surveil and track you, anything you send or view through technology can potentially be recorded for others to see. A person’s entire day can be tracked by simply following their footprints through technology, this means that “flying under the radar” is almost impossible unless you never leave your home and do not use any sort of technology. A big factor in collecting and storing data that surveillance technologies capture has come as a result of the Internet. Its worldwide availability has made people more educated through the sharing of knowledge, however, we have also given up a great deal of our privacy because of it.
GPS tracking may seem like an invasion of privacy, but it can provide emergency services with someone’s location in emergency situations, inform people about events surrounding their location, enable people to play games with their environment, or allow lost phones to be found. The emergency situation is probably the most crucial advantage of leaving GPS services turned on; speaking from personal experience, when I had a seizure on a mountain road in the northern Arizona, my father was able to get a signal and send emergency services his location, enabling them to find us and permitting them to provide me with timely medical service through a helicopter. GPS can permit people to learn about nearby restaurants, check the time it will take to
One way tracking devices does this is it gives the cellphone and GPS companies an insight as to where you are at all times. In the article “How Your Cell Phone Make Spying Easier for the Government and Police” written by Susanne Posel she demonstrates how governmental agencies and wireless companies are tracking individuals without us even realizing it. Posel states “‘ Your phone company knows where you live...and even where you are.’” This statement concludes that no matter how safe you keep your electronics, your information is never truly secure. One way this relates to the book 1984 is how Winston is constantly being observed by the inner party on telescreens around the city. As read in the book, the government knew where Winston was at all times because they tracked all of his locations just like GPS does on cellphones and cars. Another way tracking devices brings us closer to the world of Big Brother is when purchasing online items other companies are able to take advantage by displaying their ads that we as consumers will find interesting. Sonny Ganguly argues that social media advertising is quickly taking over the internet. Gangly states “ Social media advertising helps businesses find new potential clients by using users’ own shared information to identify interest.” This observation is
This provides insight on how the police force and the Government are attempting to profile people. Many of us live our lives day-to-day, counting on the future to provide us with safety, wealth, and availability. But what kind of world is based on this so called protection? Even though the Government is making our world safer with this new technology, it is very disturbing to some to admit that the Government may know everything about you. Many believe that by using this new software, that there is a possibility that the future could look like what George Orwell imagined in his dystopian novel, 1984.
The espionage of the United States’ government is a controversial issue these days. Espionage is the gathering of information without the permission or warrant of the holder of the information. Within the rapid technological development, the variety of tools for espionage are available in the United States; it can be obtained by tracking, surveillance, wiretapping, etc. Specifically, Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking system is one of the significant topics for espionage. Recently, many people including drivers, hikers, and manufacturers often use GPS to see the directions to their destinations, to locate themselves one a trail map, or to keep track of their delivering products. However, today’s controversy with GPS device is that police also uses it to determine suspects’ locations and movements. It is the most advanced technological device to effectively track and monitor suspects and offenders using satellites. Therefore, some people argue that the use of GPS tracking should be increased and should not need warrants, while others assert that GPS devices to track suspects raise legal problems, so Supreme Court should limits police use of GPS tracking. There are many positive and negative aspects of it. According to the article “Do Police Need Warrants For GPS Tracking Devices?,” the author says that the reason for controversy of GPS tracking devices is that “Police, quite naturally, want to use new technology to get the goods on the bad guys, and citizens, quite
The focus of this blog entry (and indeed my own area of preparation for the seminar) will be electronic tracking. I hope to examine some of the measured benefits of such technology, and address some of the more ethical issues surrounding the topic- particularly the balance between practical benefit and theoretical loss of liberty.
“Tracking Is an Assault on Liberty” is an essay written by Nicholas Carr in 2010 in the Wall Street Journal. He said that there are chances that, “our personal data will fall into the wrong hands” (Carr 438). It means that people’s personal information might drop under the hands of hackers, data aggressors, and stalkers. In addition, Carr believes that “personal information may be used to influence our behavior and even our thoughts in ways that are invisible to us” (Carr 439). It means that the data aggressors misuse people’s information in opposite way or in a wrong way. For example, data aggressors steal the people’s personal information and use that information for their own benefits. Therefore, Carr believes that government should regulate the internet. Unlike Carr, Harper believes that people are responsible for their own information. They should be aware and concerned about potential dangers of posting their personal information on the internet. However, it’s people duty to be aware of its consequences before posting any of their personal
Today, we can send information all over the world instantly; however movement and activities can be tracked through computers and cell phones. With new and improved technology, it can improve lives, increase public safety, build wealth and promote efficiencies in how we use scarce resources. Researchers,
I feel that being tracked can be viewed as positive and negative. The reason I believe being tracked can be a positive thing is because being tracked someone somewhere has a location of where you. It can either be by phone, credit, cameras, social networks all these things give you an exact location on where you are making it easier to find you if something ever goes wrong .It can also be look at as a negative because random people know your location and that’s not information for everyone. To know it scary to know are to possibly think that wherever I am I’m being tracked that doesn’t make me feel safe it makes me unhappy to know that I have no privacy. When it comes to deciding whether the services we gain are worth the privacy we give up
To begin, digital surveillance is defined as the act of tracking and monitoring groups of people through technological means. This practice can be through cellphones, video cameras, or social media; in the age of accessible, high-speed internet, tracking people has become significantly easier. With social media a user can use pictures and geotags—a tag of your location, whether it be of a specific nearby event or your exact location—to find out crucial information such as who you are and where you live. By simple design, pieces of technology all have back doors, also known as ways to access their files and storage through programmed loopholes in their coding. Individuals with the knowledge to utilize
This relates towards Big Brother because it finds what people do and allows companies to know this information and gear products towards what society wants. “Thanks to the explosion of GPS technology and smartphone apps, these devices are also taking note of what we buy, where and when we buy it, how much money we have in the bank, whom we text and e-mail, what Web sites we visit, how much and where we travel, what time we go to sleep and wake up- and more. Much of that data is shared with companies that use it to offer us services they think we want,” (Maass and Rajagopalan). The relations between what is happening now with this and what happened in the world of Big Brother is that people are being watched right now and their patterns are being tracked just like in Big Brother but not as