If there was ever a person in my life that I would think worthy of being a knight, I would say myself. Knights were the king´s most loyal and honorable soldiers. I think I would make a good knight for many reasons. I care more for other people than myself. I would be glad to defend anyone. I would be a good knight do to the fact I care more for other people than myself. I would rather sacrifice myself than see someone I care for injured. I would gladly serve my king. As a knight I would never betray my king. I would follow his orders no matter what. I would win any battle honorably for my kingdom. I am not afraid to die for my kingdom. Serving my king would give me a job to do honorably and loyally. No matter what the cost, I
Knight must be brave and not selfish.They must be willing to die for the king at any moment. That's why I think a noble kight would be Rebecca Loreal Harper Fetz. She is willing to die for her friends. She loves to fight. IT would just be perfect for her. I have reasons here are four of them.
In medieval Europe it was a dangerous and fearless time, as being a knight you weren’t the most outstanding class in the feudal system but you got well looked after.
The word knight got this name from the Old English word cniht. The Knight’s duty were very similar to the samurai's. They were hired to protect land and the people that owned the land. They also had a code like the samurai. This code stuck them to their duties and made sure that they kept their morals. Knights controlled land and the land was managed by the peasants of the kingdom. It was the peasants who mostly fought the battles instead of the knights. The knights led the peasants into the battle they fought.
In the past years, the job of a medieval knight was to fight battles for his lord. They used weapons like daggers, or longswords, and many more. Knights were also referred to as warriors and they are commonly expected to guard a castle. There are a couple of jobs from America today that best relates to the job of a medieval knight. For example, one job that best relates to a medieval knight is a soldier working in the military.
A knight's role in society during the middle ages is to be a sacrificial pawn to the king. During the medieval times, the knight class is under the king and lords classes; however, they were also within the nobility rank. In exchange for land and food, they are obligated to assist and support their lord and king. They must be physically and mentally prepared to forfeit their lives when they fight for and protect their lord no matter the occasion. According to the code of chivalry, they must serve their king and remain loyal always. In addition, a chevalier cannot act on their own accord if the consequences include betrayal of the king, thus they must remain selfless. All the chevaliers have their flaws; however, the other three knights
To be a Steele Knight is to be a part of something greater; to be a part of a community of people striving for excellence. In the medieval times a Knight symbolizes courage, honor, and service to their kingdom that also compares to a Steele High School Knight which takes commitment, dedication, selfless service, and much more. We are brought up as a Steele Knight to never accept mediocrity but to seek exemplary and to never give up. We are raised throughout our high school career to push ourselves to go beyond our limits to never accept “I can’t do it” or “it’s impossible” but to believe that we can achieve more. To be a Knight means to be diverse complimenting others strengths with others weaknesses to build better people, role models, leaders,
Many people wonder what purpose knights in the Medieval period had during this famous time in history. Knights were the soldiers in the military and with the military, they helped the economy. Culture played a role in the way that knights fought in the military, as Chivalry was their code of conduct. With the knights helping both the military and the economy, they were able to help keep the political form of government, called feudalism, functioning. By providing protection to the kingdom, knights supported feudalism and kept it alive during the Middle Ages.
Knights in Medieval times were highly regarded by others; they were expected to be chivalrous and embody the knightly virtues. The ideal knight was merciful, honorable, and noble. These three important virtues of a knight were clearly embodied by Sir Lancelot in Le Morte d’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory. Sir Lancelot outshined Sir Bedivere, Sir Modred, and King Arthur as a knight because he expressed the knightly virtues more than the others. Sir Lancelot proved to be merciful, honorable, and noble through his words and actions and the words and actions of other knights. Therefore, Sir Lancelot is the most virtuous knight because he greatly embodies mercy, honor, and nobility.
The knight was to, follow the dictates of moral conscience, be willing to defend his values, have respect and pity for all weakness and steadfastness in defending them, love their country, refuse to retreat before the enemy, wage unceasing and
To be an honorable knight, you must have a reason to be shown honor to. There must be an action or something that has been done relating to yourself that helps bring you glory (Honor). This virtue helped encourage the knights to be brave
To be a knight, his fitness level had to be exceptional enough to last through a long, intense battle. Knights had to face a variety of challenges and were expected to handle them as any knight would. For example, some battles would last long periods of times, so these knights were expected to handle different weather changes, tiredness, and hungriness. The most important qualification that a knight had to have was modeling bravery due to the extreme battles that would be fought. Through these long battles, knights had to stay positive and not give up for what they are fighting for.
When we think of knights we think of bold,courageous,trustworthy,devoted to the
For three specific reasons the Knight in Chaucer’s Prologue can be considered a perfect person. He has a lot of generousness. In the prologue it says that the knight is the “most distinguished man”. The knight is the first to go out and fight for his people. Nexly he is a honorable person. The prologue says “ and ever honored for his noble graces.” He always tells the truth and he has a lot of wisdom. He has been in many mortal battles because he is wise and he knows how to fight the battle and win. A knight has all these qualities and many more that shows he is the type of person that wears his heart on his
A knight’s characteristics are usually described by using power and authority but, in actuality, the knight is just a servant to a higher authority. An
C. I would want to be a knight that would help other no matter what