Do you know anybody who has an adopted daughter or son, or maybe somebody who has been adopted? When you're getting adopted that means you have a new family who will take care of you. When you are getting adopted it might be terrifying because you usually would have to go to court. When you are going to court people usually want to think that you did something really bad. Well, that's not the case. When you tell you them that you are getting adopted the people would actually might be so happy and blessed to be here.
The place where my memory takes place is in Krasnodar, Russia. First, when I was born, my biological mother only could take care of me for eight months. Then I was put in an orphanage. The definition of an orphanage is an
When I had cable TV, I used to watch a show on the Learning Channel, called "An Adoption Story". The show followed the story of a different couple each time, as they adopted a child. It was beautiful to see a childless couple be able to adopt a child of their own. The love and joy was the same as if they had given birth to the child. Adoption is truly a blessing, both for the childless couples, and for the birth mother searching for a loving home for her baby.
Successful Futures: The Need for Long-Term Residential Care There are hundreds of thousands of children that do not have parents to take care of them or a home to use. This is no new issue. Foster care was developed in the United States in 1853 to help children in need ("History," n.d.). More recently, long-term residential care programs, such as Tipton Children's Home, have emerged to help. However, there are many cases where attempts to help lead to failure.
My Aunt Tammy is a foster parent. She has fostered over 10 plus kids and I remember 3 of their names Tony, Anthony, and Cody Jackson. Tony and his brother Anthony were good kids it was just that they’re dad didn’t want them in the divorce and the mom couldn’t afford to pay for them anymore, But that time I heard Tony wouldn’t want to leave his brother so he told each and every person that was gonna adopt him, he told them that he’s not gonna leave his brother. As far as the foster care system is concerned, there is both good and bad things about it. I mean it’s a good thing that other parents are willing to help a kids and give them a second chance.
In 2014 there were 415,129 children in Foster Care in America. This is a 4% increase in foster care since 2012. Likewise 264,230 children entered foster care which means one child entered care every two minutes. Furthermore even though many foster care homes are very abusive and most children do not graduate high school, foster care can be a good option for people who feel like they have no other choice because foster care takes a child from a bad situation and it allows a child to feel like they are loved and not unwanted.
In “Races isn’t what defines me: exploring identities choices in transracial, biracial, and monoracial families”, Butler-Sweet, Colleen explains that there has been a controversial issue in the United Sates for more than half a century, among black children raised in white homes. The author’s main claim is that transracial adoption will miscarry a black identity. Comparing experiences among monoracial, biracial, and transracial families on black identity.
Foster care is a big part of the child welfare system. When a child is taken into custody, and there are no kinship homes available foster care is the next step. According to the National Adoption Center (NAC), foster care can be defined as a temporary arrangement in which adults provide for the care of a child or children whose birthparent is unable to care for them. The online dictionary describes it as “the raising or supervision of foster children, as orphans or delinquents, in an institution, group home, or private home, usually arranged through a government or social-service agency that provides remuneration for expenses.” However it is defined, foster care is a well-known by many, especially the over 415,000 children from the ages of 0-18 that are in the foster care system (CCAI).
One final problem regarding the foster care system deals with life after a child reaches adulthood. When a person turns eighteen years old, they age out of the system, meaning that they are able to live on their own, free from the government’s control. While, at first, this may seem like one of the most exciting moments of a foster child’s life, it can actually become one of the most terrifying. Approximately twenty thousand age out per year. Fifty-one percent are unemployed, thirty percent have no health insurance, and twenty-five percent will end up being homeless as some point in their life (Hamilton 86).
Often when identifying problems within the child welfare system, only the very surface level issues get scratched: too many children having to enter, not enough willing foster families, and non-adequate staffing. However there are problems that are much more serious and often looked past. The foster care system faces various problems including the developmental and mental health issues that affect children and the struggles teenagers encounter once they age out of the system. With innovative new plans like intensive training for workers and foster families to create communities of support and establishing a system of prolonged and permanent health attention, these problems could be fixed.
Adoption consumes nearly 1.8 million children in the United States population. While this calculates only 2% of the world's population, I believe that every life matters and all children should be given an opportunity at having a "family" regardless of their blood line. I do not foresee myself ever having children with everything that has happened during my lifetime, but that is not to say that I wouldn't ever be interested in having or adopting a child later on. Although I could potentially have children (and twins at that), I would still be interested in adopting a child to avoid the child bearing process. While this may seem repulsive to those who have carried a child, I believe that the children without families should be taken care of before more children
However, I can recall when my parents came to get me the second time and finally adopt me. I remember a few things like When we were leaving Orenburg, we were on the plane finding a seat and my Dad found us three seats right on the wing we were in row A B & C. My dad took the window seat I was in the middle seat and my mom was in the aisle seat. They elbow bumped me a few times as fun, then mom told me to rest. I was incapable to sleep as a result that I was doing something that was outside of the Orphanage I couldn't sleep. Furthermore, I remember that our plane from Orenburg we pushed back then we stayed on the tarmac for hours then we finally started taxing again and that's all I remember of being in Russia.
When the average American citizen today thinks about the concept of adoption, what images are typically the first that come to mind? Although different people are sure to have equally as different experiences in this field, one picture continues to remain the most commonly-accepted. This image consists of a man and a woman who cannot have children of their own, a newborn baby, and a single mother who will certainly be unable to provide for the infant due to her young age, lack of financial support, or another variety of unfortunate circumstances. Making the decision to adopt a child is without a doubt one of the best options available for couples who are unable to conceive, but by thinking of adoption as nothing more than the fallback
When a couple or individual decides to adopt a child, they know they are going to take on the responsibility of taking care of someone else’s child. Due to the biological parent(s) who can’t take care of that child anymore, because of either drug abuse, alcohol abuse, abuse to the child or if the parent(s) had died and there is no other care for the child. So that’s why this gives other couples who cannot have kids, the opportunity to promise themselves to be a great parent to a child in need. Though there are some bad things about adoption as well. Like adopting a child from another country of another race, because once that child is adopted into an American family, he or she will be cut off from their culture and never know about their
How does it feel to be adopted? Has life been altered as a result of being adopted? These questions have never fazed my view of being adopted. Awareness of being adopted began as far back as I can recall and has never been a taboo family topic. Adoption didn’t affect my life in any sort of way as a child. As I matured, the realization of the impact being adopted has had on my life has evolved. This insight created a new level of gratitude for my family and my life.
There are common ordeals and situations that can trouble a family emotionally, physically, and psychologically. Adoption is one situation a family must encounter when a child is born without a proper system of support to sustain life after birth. The causes for a family to make a heartfelt decision to place a child for adoption can have dramatic effects on the birth parents, adoptive parents, and child (Adoptee), even if the decision is meant for the best.
Most of the time it is nearly impossible to receive full information on their birth family. In many cases these children experience the loss of important medical history and genetics. Adopted children are fragile individuals that can get hurt easily. At times simply taking an adopted child to the doctors for questions and a physical it is possible to make them feel pain and have awkward feelings because they are not exactly the same as their adopted family. That shows them that they are different and came from somewhere