
Pros And Cons Of Being Oppressed Women

Decent Essays

“Freedom is to live with dignity” , everyone should be granted the gift of freedom… but in some cases it is not always like that. Even though these muslim women are just following their religion, women should be able to have a voice because women are just as capable as men and they should have the same rights.
You might question on why these muslim women are being oppressed, they are being oppressed because of their Islamic religion, some people think that they have the wrong interpretation of religious laws, of what they believe in. In some scriptures of the Koran (The Koran, Verse 31) it states “Men have authority over women; for God has preferred in bounty one of them over another, and for that they have expended of their property. Righteous …show more content…

You might wonder what does this lead to? How do these oppressed women react? How might they feel about the way they are being treated? Some women rebel against it thus they begin to protest about it. In an article by Bim Adewunmi, she says “my body belongs to me and is not the source of anyone's honor.” This refers to women wanting there body to be only for themselves, they want to be there own person these women don't want to feel like they are obligated to do something for the men. Later on she says that “Their problem is religion, and their naked protest is there to “help” free them.” These women are being stripped naked just to make their case on being free. These women are wanting to be free so badly that they are protesting by being …show more content…

In the article, Afghanistan: Human Rights “ In 2009 a law was passed in Afghanistan where they criminalized child marriage, forced marriage, giving away a woman or girl to dispute, forced self- immolation, forced prostitution, and other acts of violence against women, including rape and beating.” hoping this will change the way these muslim women are being treated some countries have noticed how badly they are being treated so these countries have taken action and are changing some laws about oppression against women. Some countries like in Saudi Arabia for instance are taking small steps to help with women's rights although there are still very little laws helping women (Manal- Sharif| A Women Who Dared To Drive) This still doesn't seem to be enough though, these women need to take action, most women just ask when something is going to happen instead of taking action on it now. These Islamic countries need to create new laws so that the women's rights are the same as men. Women and men need to realize that they are created equally in the eyes of God and they should both equally have the same rights. Overall, this whole world needs to be a better place, even though these muslim women are just following their religion they should have the right to have a voice and speak up. These women are human beings and they deserve to be respected and loved and treated right, they shouldn't have to be sold for marriage at a

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