Should There be a Border Wall? Ever since Trump became president there has been a large amount of debate about deciding if there should be a border wall or not. Some walls are built to keep people out: others are built to keep people in. There should not be a border wall built. It would just create more raucous. A few reasons why the border wall should not be built is because it would affect the wildlife surrounding it, because it cost a lot of money, and because immigrants are not actually taking jobs away from Americans. To start off, many people do not think that any animals are being affected by this idea to build the border wall, but it is leaving all surrounding wildlife into great danger. First and foremost, the border wall affects all the habitats for the current animals …show more content…
The Mexicans are not even willing to pay a small potion for the border wall, so America is paying for everything. For example, “Or the defiance from Mexican officials that the wall will not be paid out of their treasury. Or the skepticism from border officials, Republicans among them, that a border-length wall would be practical or effective” (Driscoll). The higher side of the wall cost a high amount of money. “ The taller portions of the fence cost an average of $3.9 million per mile, according to the Government Accountability Office” (Isidore). Into further detail, the whole border wall would be over $10 million. Where is the government supposed to collect all this money from? Do they even have a set price for all the materials alone? For example, “ But other estimates suggest there are enough uncertainties to drive the cost up to $15 billion, and possibly as much as $25 billion, according to a report from Bernstein Research, which tracks materials costs” (Isidore). The cost is one of the main reasons why people are declining the idea of this border
Many say that the border wall is a bad idea, but others say it has some benefits. President Trump said in his campaign that he wanted “a great, great wall.” This was to ensure that anyone with no papers doesn’t take the jobs that “Americans” need. Since there are 2 sides of this problem they should both be addressed.
He says this wall will cost in total of eight million dollars, and that Mexico will pay for it. The wall will span one thousand miles and be made of concrete slabs that will go up to forty feet high. Trump says this wall will look good, and be what a wall should really look like (Kessler). The wall that we already have on the border costed 2.4 billion, and only covers about one third of the border which is only about 670 miles (Kessler). So Trump wants to build a better wall, which has no grantee that it will work.
The wall is going to increase our security of course, but it will take long for that to happen. Most of the immigrant that come to the united states come through the air so how is he wall going to prevent the ones who choose to come through the air. Yes the wall will increase border security but only a fraction of it. The wall is judt going to prevent those who choose to come by land directly, but overall the wall won’t provide maximum security. So at the end of the day yes the wall would bring security but it would not bring maximum security and an avorall
President trumps wall will cost about $21.6 billion, and on top of that, it will cost $150 million a year to
The border wall is an uncertain investment to many considering the price tag it holds, but if it is to limit illegal immigration and over time stop the trickle of illegals coming into America the payout would be well worth it. Anyone has the right to disagree with the current president and his policies, but it is rather difficult to deny to growing statistics that prove how illegal immigration is negatively affecting the U.S. America is in deep trouble right now with the great political divide that separates this country and everyone needs to come together and focus on one common goal which is persevering the greatness of the
During his entire campaign, Trump promised Mexico would be paying for the wall. Hensley 2 Now, Mexico is saying that they will not pay a single penny for the wall. This proves to be a problem for American citizens as it will increase taxes because building such a large wall is expensive. In essence, this wall is just an impractical cost for the United States.
Six and a half billion dollars. Ladies and gentlemen, that is the approximate cost of a border that would stretch from San Diego to Texas. A chain-linked, steel, and barbed-wire border that would block hard work, dreams, and an inevitable fate. Through the brutal deserts, dehydration, and pain, only about a fourth of the immigrants trying to get to America make it. That means so much because of how many people try to accomplish this feat, considering still around nine-hundred thousand immigrants still make it. In all reality, borders are truly just an imaginary line some important people with wigs created. We, as a whole, decide how important things are. Money's just paper, an MLB star is just a normal human. However, something that always gets us, something that is made such a big fuss about, is a two-thousand mile long border, also known as The Mexican-American Border. Think about this. If we have such a powerful military and border patrol, why would we need such an intimidating wall? Or even why do we disown and hate these immigrants? Better yet, why would we spend all this money when we are trillions
One important reason that a border wall between the U.S and Mexico can’t protect American jobs and reduce crime is that the border wall is too expensive and impractical because according to UpFront Magazine, Patricia Smith, 4-3-17. “Congress will fund the project, which will cost more than 21 billion of dollars and it will take until the end of 2020 to complete.” It will take 4 years for the wall to be complete and by the end of 2020 President Trump may not be the president of
There is talk on what the cost would be, along with whether or not it could actually be done. Although Trump states the wall would only cost about $8 billion to $12 billion, officials and engineers state that the cost is far above that, potentially reaching $25 billion. However, Trump state this because he believes that he will only have to build a wall that is 1000 miles long since we have a lot of natural barriers by the border (Kessler 1). However, the cost is not the only question that has arisen on the media. The actual possibility on whether or not the wall could be built has arisen too. So, because of the high cost, and Mexico already stating that they will not pay for the barrier, people are stating that the wall cannot be built because we do not have that type of money laying around. However, if Mexico were to end up paying for the wall, it could very well be possible that the wall be built (Rhiannon
In the past few years, there has been a recent push for a border wall to protect the United States from the increase in immigration and drug trafficking. Although the border wall aids in reducing problems in our country, it is affecting the economy of the country and the health of our environment, therefore the border wall is not the best solution.
Jeff Corwin stated that “If this border wall actually happens, it will be an environmental catastrophe. Essentially, what it’s doing is cutting through nature’s bridge, which connects Central America to North America and South America.” Which in many cases this can be supported but then again many people work very hard to become a citizen in the United States for many to come across the border to get here illegally and to most this is unfair. To make another main statement given the rising global instability in North Korea and the Middle East with a strong and supportive border it would be harder for terrorist to get their hands on biological, chemical or radiological weapons. With an insecure border it makes it easier for them to bring them into the United States and launch a devastating attack on the United States.
To pay for the border wall, fees could be imposed to go across the wall. However, before it is built, an additional import tax could be levied on foreign countries that provide products to the United States and these extra taxes could build the structure. Once the wall is built, if it is built so that it can provide either wind energy or solar energy, the money earned from the selling of that energy could be used to sustain whatever costs are involved with the wall.
Copy number variation (CNV) contributes immensely to human diversity and disease because it can affect protein-coding genes. It is important to research copy number variations because we could have the potential to assign pathogenicity to a particular CNV. Large CNVs were initially discovered from “cytogenetic studies of individuals with Down syndrome and intellectual disability” (Ruderfer et al., 2016, p. 1).
In the period between my BS & MES I worked as Teaching Assistant at UQU for about 4 yrs. Actually, teaching assistant it's just a title of the position, however as a contractor I have got a chance to practice too anything about faculty responsibilities. And one their duties is to be the link or hook up between the student and their academic succeed in a side by providing advices, help, clarification about Uni system and chances. And also, between the student and their professors from the other sides, by resolving social and academic problems and issues. You know how difficult for students to understand the university system.
To become a civilization, there were seven traits a society must endure. For example, the arts. It could have been pottery or a statue, and it taught people to value beauty. Each one of the seven traits brought something to contribute to a civilization. Technology was an invention, like the wheel, that impacted a civilization by making the people’s lives easier. Furthermore, there was government. Furthermore, there was government. Government was people like kings and rulers, who helped civilians run smoother lives by enforcing laws. Adding on to that, there was also social structure. Social structure distinguished people in classes. Those classes included the low class, the middle class, and the high class. Also, there was writing. Generally, writing was people, like scribes, and a type of writing called cuneiform. What scribes did was keep records of daily life, important events, and more. Nowadays, cuneiform helps us identify