
Pros And Cons Of Brazil

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As seen throughout history, where there are settlements, there is agriculture to support the people. Latin American nations are no different in the sense that to be able to live and remain in a single location, crops and animals had to be raised. As well, given evidence from Latin American countries, as well nations elsewhere, farmers and landowners grew to power as their resources allowed growth and health to be prosperous.
In the 20th Century, Latin America, specifically Brazil, saw said power and a relationship develop between landholders, farmers, and largescale businessmen as the wants and desires by each party could be satisfied by the others, thusly a relationship of give-and-take was created. Each partner is this relationship saw a series of pros and cons as communism and a socialist mindset emerged through the Latin American countries. This paper will examine the above content as well as the relationships that determined the economic state of Brazil, zero-in on the emergence of the power of the landholders and farmers and the effects their newly appointed position had on the class system. …show more content…

There are24 states, two territories, and one federal state. Brazil’s climate, vegetation, and topography are varied. Dense forests dominate the northern regions, including the rain forests of the Amazon Basin. …The Brazilian climate is generally tropical or semitropical, but there is a temperate zone south of the Tropic of Capricorn. Brazil is richly endowed with natural resources …providing enormous production potential in industry and

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