
Pros And Cons Of Bringing Dog To Work

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A policy has been proposed to the Redmond Marketing Company called the "Bring Your Dog to Work" program. This program will allow employees to bring their dog into the workplace, in hopes to relieve stress and increase productivity. I however do not agree with this proposal for various reasons. Although there have been proven health benefits of being around a dog, this cons outweigh the pros.

Passage one states the many benefits that bringing dogs to work can have, however this assumes that all employees are comfortable around dogs. This passage doesn't factor in the side of employees who are not comfortable being around dogs, or may be allergic to them. Although studies have proven that having dogs present reduces stress and increases job satisfaction, this may only be the case for some. A majority of Americans report to be allergic to dogs to some extent, from just a minor sniffle to an actual allergic reaction. This can cause issues in the work place and can overall decrease productivity and job satisfaction, along with introducing health risks in the work place, making it unsafe. …show more content…

Without having the constant ability to bring dogs into work, and finding the right balance of days where dogs can be brought to work, giving employees fair warning before, the company may benefit from this. Passage one states fairly supported reasons for bringing a dog into work. Such as experiencing "a sense of well-being and feel less stress and anxiety" and "stressed-out workers take more sick days and are less productive than relaxed employees". So I believe with certain days for dogs, the company will benefit off of this, and may even make a profit off of increased

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