A policy has been proposed to the Redmond Marketing Company called the "Bring Your Dog to Work" program. This program will allow employees to bring their dog into the workplace, in hopes to relieve stress and increase productivity. I however do not agree with this proposal for various reasons. Although there have been proven health benefits of being around a dog, this cons outweigh the pros.
Passage one states the many benefits that bringing dogs to work can have, however this assumes that all employees are comfortable around dogs. This passage doesn't factor in the side of employees who are not comfortable being around dogs, or may be allergic to them. Although studies have proven that having dogs present reduces stress and increases job satisfaction, this may only be the case for some. A majority of Americans report to be allergic to dogs to some extent, from just a minor sniffle to an actual allergic reaction. This can cause issues in the work place and can overall decrease productivity and job satisfaction, along with introducing health risks in the work place, making it unsafe.
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Without having the constant ability to bring dogs into work, and finding the right balance of days where dogs can be brought to work, giving employees fair warning before, the company may benefit from this. Passage one states fairly supported reasons for bringing a dog into work. Such as experiencing "a sense of well-being and feel less stress and anxiety" and "stressed-out workers take more sick days and are less productive than relaxed employees". So I believe with certain days for dogs, the company will benefit off of this, and may even make a profit off of increased
I think "Bring Your Dog To Work" would be a great idea. One, having your dog at work will make you feel more relaxed. Two, having your dog at work will allow you to be more productive. But, there's one thing that makes this idea bad...
When one sees the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral in person or in pictures they are likely to be awestruck. The twin towers of the western façade rise high into the sky, seemingly in an attempt to scrape heaven. Spiky arches seem to grow out of the sides and claw at the ground. Inside it is cavernous with colored light filtering in through the large, intricate stained glass windows. All of these physical qualities make Notre Dame a prime example of Gothic architecture. It does not stand alone in that distinction. One is also likely to see several hundred examples of this style on varying scales throughout Europe. Because, despite its humble origins, Gothic architecture became the standard for religious buildings in the early 11th
Bringing dogs to work is not a good idea. To allow employees to bring their dogs to work will be a distraction for them and may lead to a desatisfaction job or result. Having pets at work will be a distraction for employees and mostly for who are allergic or afraid to pets because they will be looking around to ensure that they are safe. Another possibility example to not bring pets to work is that it may lead to a disatisfaction job in order, pets owners will take most of their time to take care of their pets instead of doing correct their jobs. This delay can easily affect the job as well the result of a project.
Next, you need to think about your co-workers and your enviroment. in the work place the dog may become a distraction and lead to less working and more play. in the, "in support of bringing dogs to work" paragraph he states. researchers have found that when pet owners interact with their dogs, they experience a sense of well-being and feel less stress and anxiety."
After reading the two responses from the employees about the "Bring Your Dog to Work" program, I belive that bringing your dog to your workplace should not be acceptable. There are many issues regaurding this idea such as; employees may be allergic to dogs, not knowing how your dog will behave around others, and the amount of attention they will need. These issues can prevent future problems.
To hear that Lehigh values students being leaders and positively contributing to their communities only emphasizes my view of admiration of the University. Leading, making decisions, taking actions, and contributing to my community in a positive way is what my daily life is built around. Working at a Martial Arts school six to seven days a week allows me to influence my community, especially the children, each day. I cherish the moments where a student of mine share with me how I have influenced them positively in any way. To have the privilege to be able to affect the lives of people in my community makes me want to push myself that much harder each day. No matter what is going on in my life, I know I need to be strong and lead by example
I support the Bring Your Dog to Work program, and will introduce a new idea to evolve with the animal-loving group known as "millenials." As we look at our landscape, we notice more office buildings, and more high rise apartment complexes being built to house the technology industry's employees; in areas such as San Francisco, CA. These young residents are here for many reasons, one is to be in the center of technological advancement and to persue the american dream of innovation. And there are some very important friends along with them on their journey, dogs. In the millenial age group, it is becoming more popular to own a dog versus having a child and/or family, and to focus on career or personal growth. So humans adopt a dog. On a personal
Deciding whether or not I should agree with dogs being allowed in our work place was very tricky for me. I appreciate your desire to make sure every employee feels comfortable and stress-free at work. Also, I adore dogs and would love to able to have my furry-friend alongside me all day long. However, after looking at the pro's and con's, I'd have to say I do not agree with this idea.
There are many pros and cons, when it comes to bringing your dog to work here. There are many employees how have dogs, and need to take care of them so; therefore they are less willing to stay behind and do extra hours. As for employees without dogs will be more willing to stay and do extra hours if asked to. This is something to consider before starting this prgram.
I fully agree with the second passage, I believe you shouldn't be able to bring your dog to work. As stated in passage two "not everyone likes dogs...." I myself , Don't really care for dogs as much as others. Dogs spread germs, they smell, and chew everything it's disgusting. I understand that a person loves their pet dog and want's to make sure it's okay. But you also have to be considerate of other's in the work area. You can ask around the job about the dislikes of dogs like, If anyone's allergic to dog's? or Does anyone like dogs?
I believe it is a good idea and bad idea. On the topic of bringing your dog to work, would help some employees not being too stress out. It can help them focus on their work, and not worry about if their dog is ok at home. Employees might even be willing to take longer hours because their dog is with them. When an employee is getting to stress or having anxiety, they can pet their dog or take a five minute walk. So I think it would be a good idea in some workplaces.
Being a dog owner myself I know how much they can be a distraction, or even a neusanse when trying to work or rest. With that said I also know that my dog in a lot of ways and times has motivated me, or just been good company while working. I think that bringing dogs to work would overall have a positive impact on work rates and productivity, like it was stated in Response #1, “Certainly the nearly one in five American companies that allow pets in the work place wouldn’t continue to do so unless it was an effective employment strategy.
I would have to side with the employees that are against having dogs in the workplace. I beleive that dogs can pose a serious threat to people who are unfamiliar or afraid of dogs alongside those people who are allergic to them as well. although research shows that dogs can cause well-being and a feel of less stress and anxiety among those who favor them, dog's in my opinion can spread bacteria and lead to unsanitary conditions. I consider people that are not dog people deserve to be in a environment that is comfortable to them. I agree that employers should take into consideration the liabilities for the damages to the workplace and potential lawsuits that could be a result of allowing dogs in the workplace. I see that the companys intent
In conclusion, I disagree that your dog should be allowed at your work. There are alot more disadvantages than there are advantages in having your dog in the work environment. I love my dogs, but I don't love them enough for them to jepordize my
Stem cell research, through its ethics, methods, and funding, has caused great controversy over the past several decades. Scientists, medical specialists, religious groups, spiritual groups, the government and the public have devoted a major interest in this subject. Some portray stem cell research as a dangerous, inhumane study whereas others see it as a growing beneficial factor for opportunity of the advancement of the medical world. Stem cell research has been proven to aid various diseases and disorders as well as further our knowledge of the body and its cells. Stem cell development continues to rapidly grow throughout research, which has enhanced its benefits and potential that hold the key to ameliorating science.