
Pros And Cons Of Coache Coaches

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Should there be stricter rules about how coaches treat their players? Does the way coaches teach influence the players’ behaviors? Most believe that the way a coach teaches is to bring out the best in that player and, show that player their real self. Coaches that use strict methods bring out other parts of certain players they may have never seen before. They also give the fundamentals of life advising players on what they need to work on personally and mentally. Giving insight on what they see inside that player and giving the key to unlock their full potential.
Sometimes coaches can be hard on their players but that’s only to bring out the best in them. Coaches use certain scenarios and drills to make their students shine. Sometimes it take a little yelling or contact. But, not to the point where its abuse. For example choking a student out or pushing them in the back. Those aren’t the correct methods to use on certain people. Some people need a gentle touch or encouraging words that helps them otherwise. …show more content…

The coach has every right to yell at the players. They’re going to get yelled at anyway at some point in lie. It helps get them prepared for the real world and real life situations. If they make it to the pros they are going to hear a lot more a little criticism wouldn’t hurt. Coaches have to be hard to push the limits of students helping them get better with the encouraging words that sometimes come out in different ways. Some coaches find that the hard approach works better bringing out anger in players helps them control it better. Then when they are are hard on them they kind of see the coach wants the best for them and the coach wants them to be the best

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