
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Essay

Satisfactory Essays

comprehensive immigration reform could bring to this country, to the native- born and immigrants workers as well. Also, he makes emphasis in how the number of undocumented immigrants has increased since 1990’s; therefore, the economy of United States has dramatically increased. I am very interested in this journal because the author points out that undocumented immigrants pay taxes like everyone else does and they are the ones that receive less pay than the majority of documented people. Hinojosa-Ojeda also says that if an extreme mass deportation occurs the unemployment would rise, therefore the United States’ economy would be reduced. This article shows that a comprehensive reform would create more jobs, raise wages, generate extra tax revenue, and increase the local consumption because the new documented immigrants will be able to invest in the small business. In short words, the “wage floor” for United States economy would be raised by the comprehensive immigration reform …show more content…

- Immigration Reform for Innovation
"Immigration Reform for Innovation." Research Technology Management, vol. 53, no. 4, 2010, pp. 5-6 ABI/INFORM Global; Entrepreneurship Database; Health Management

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