overnight Reverse Repos, or reverse repurchase agreements (RRP), are transactions in which the FOMC guides and assists the New York Fed in selling securities to an eligible bank with an agreement to buy back the same securities at a specified time and price in the future. For these transactions, eligible securities include U.S. Treasury instruments and federal agency debt ("FAQs: Reverse Repurchase Agreement Operations", 2017)
30-2 An allocation of repurchase price to other elements of the repurchase transaction may be required if an entity purchases treasury shares at a stated price significantly in excess of the current market price of the shares. An agreement to repurchase shares from a shareholder may also involve the receipt or payment of consideration in exchange for stated or unstated rights or privileges that shall be identified to properly allocate the repurchase price.
“Senate Bill 4 is a piece of legislation that Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed in May and it aims to ban “sanctuary cities” by requiring sheriffs, constables, police chiefs and other local leaders to cooperate with federal immigration authorities and allows police to ask about the immigration status of individuals they lawfully detain” (Alvarez). The consequences for sheriffs, constables, police chiefs and other local leaders if they do not follow the legislation are that they could face Class A misdemeanor and possibly jail time (Mansoor & Pollock). “In addition, they can could face civil penalties ranging from $1,000 to $1,500 for the first violation and $25,000 to 25,500 for consecutive offenses” (Alvarez). Many people are against Senate
There are many paths that our nation can take for reconstruction. There are exactly four plans that we can choose from. These plans are known as Lincoln’s 10% plan, Wade-Davis Bill, Johnson plan, and military reconstruction. Each plan obviously has its pros and cons. Each plan also has its strengths and weaknesses. In regards to your letter, Mr Seward I have given your reconstruction plans much thought. I will present you with the plan that I believe will be the most effective. I will not let the Union fall apart. This nation will be put back together. Lincoln's 10% plan details the following: he believed in reconciliation, he would have given a pardon to all southerners who took an oath of loyalty to the United States and accepted the end
After the Civil War, the United States had many problems to solve. The country had to figure out how to integrate newly freed slaves into society and bring the former Confederate states back into the Union. Reconstruction was period of time after the civil war in which the United States addressed these problems. Reconstruction had two different phases: Presidential Reconstruction took place from 1865 to 1867, and Congressional Reconstruction took place from 1867 to 1877. Presidential Reconstruction began with Abraham Lincoln, who proposed the Proclamation of Amnesty and the ten percent oath plan. Lincoln was focused on leniency and forgiveness; under his plan southerners would take an oath of loyalty to the Union, and after only ten percent of a state’s voters had taken this oath, the state could be readmitted. After Lincoln’s assassination, Andrew Johnson took over Reconstruction. Johnson wanted to punish landowners, but liberally handed out pardons, as he greatly enjoyed the power that he had over southerners. Under Johnson, former confederates were re-elected, and southern states discriminated blacks. Eventually, Congress took over Reconstruction. During Congressional Reconstruction, the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments were passed, and the freedman’s bureau was created. Overall, the failures of Reconstruction outweighed the failures because it took a very long time for it to achieve its goals, and the South was still able to
The New Deal was a specific set of government works programs put into effect by President Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression. The New Deal took action to bring fast economic relief as well as improvements in industry, finance, agriculture, housing, the labor force, etc. The traditional American policy of laissez-faire was opposed in the new democratic promise of the “New Deal”. The majority of the New Deal was enacted in the first couple months of FDR’s presidency, which later became known as the Hundred Days. The first objective was to lessen the hardship of the large amount of unemployed workers in the nation. The Works Progress Administration(WPA) and Civilian Conservation Corps(CCC) were created to establish short term government aid to temporary jobs. The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was created to develop rules to govern trade practices, hours, child labor, wages, and collective bargaining. Also, the New Deal worked to avoid another stock market crash and bank failures.The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) gave insurance for bank deposits and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was created to protect the people from stock-market companies committing fraud. An agricultural program , the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) attempted to raise prices by providing subsidies to farmers to reduce crop production. The New Deal was filled with government works programs to help pull the country out of the Great Depression but,
America has gone though many political changes since its birth as a nation. Many presidents have come and gone, trying to bring about change, thus creating revolutionary moments in this country’s history. These “revolutionary movements” have created lasting impressions on the United States that helped mold the nation that it is today. One such movement was Reconstruction. Reconstruction was a time in America consisting of reuniting the country and pulling it from the economic catastrophe that stemmed from the Civil War. The reconstruction era had dealt with three separate plans: the Lincoln Plan, the Johnson Plan and the congressional Plan. These plans, each with their own unique way of unifying the country and integrating newly freed blacks into American society, came with their pros and cons.
Executive order is a rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law. Executive Order (EOs) were used since President George Washington but were not mandated to be publicly released until 1900. To date, there have been thirteen thousand eight hundred and seven executive orders. Many argue that these orders are unconstitutional as it gives one-person authority to make changes without consequences and without the consent of Congress. The term executive order is not a principle found within the Constitution. EO is derived from Article II, Section I of the Constitution in which it states, “the executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America”. The term executive power was never defined, leaving it open to the interpretation of each president. That statement coupled with Article II, Section III “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” has been the backbone of how presidents have been able to create these orders.
Have you ever thought about the Reconstruction period, maybe all of the negatives or positives from it? Reconstruction had different periods such as Emancipation and Reconstruction, Presidential Reconstruction, Radical Reconstruction, and the Compromise of 1877. The era after the Civil War, 1865 – 1877 was called the Reconstruction period. “The Union victory in the Civil War in 1865 may have given some 4 million slaves their freedom, but the process of rebuilding the South during the Reconstruction period (1865-1877) introduced a new set of significant challenges”(History.com Staff). Though human equality was the main goal of the Reconstruction period in the South after the Civil War, it proved to be an attempted compromise that actually created more conflicts.
A structured finance product that became popular in the early 2000s was the residential mortgage-backed security (RMBS). An RMBS started with a lender—a bank like Washington Mutual or a mortgage company like Countrywide Financial—that made home loans to individual borrowers. The lender would then bundle several thousand of these loans and sell them to a Wall Street investment bank such as Lehman Brothers or Merril Lynch. The Wall
The New Deal was a necessary program out in place which helped the nation and expanded the role of the government in a positive way. The nation was struggling in effect of the Great Depression and going through a hard time, and the New Deal helped the country out of it. Alone, the citizens of the United States would have never been able to pull themselves out of this mess, but the government stepped in and helped to fix the nation. The benefits of the New Deal can best be summed up with the three R’s: relief, recovery, and reform.
When a government’s spending exceeds its revenues causing or deepening a deficit it is called deficit spending. Deficit spending is only one of numerous tools used to help manage the economy. Deficit spending is presumed to stimulate consumer demand by helping the consumer to obtain more money to spend, in turn, the demand of product will rise. There are advantages and disadvantages to deficit spending that we will discuss further below.
The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was designed to make the federal government responsible to enforce equal rights and nondiscrimination in public services for blacks. The brainchild of former abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts. Sumner insisted that social inequality hampered the ability for freed slaves and other blacks to rise economically even though the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments had made all Americans free before the law, did not guarantee equal access to labor, education, housing and having the ability to vote.
During the period of reconstruction in the U.S., from 1865-1877, there were plans put in place by Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and Congress in hopes of a brighter future. Reconstruction took place after the Civil War occurred in the U.S. from 1861-1865. Abraham Lincoln was the President during the Civil War, and he had plans prepared at the end of his presidency because he sensed that the nation would have to be rebuilt through a reconstruction period. Once he was assassinated in 1865, his successor, Andrew Johnson had his own ideas for the country involving the issue of reconstruction. In addition to those two Presidents, Congress was active throughout the reconstruction era. All of the plans set by Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson,
Recap is an app that is supposed to help curiosity and discussion in classroom. It allows teachers to post questions that students answer using video responses. Teachers can choose whether to make the responses private or public, determining whether or not other students can view and comment on the submitted video responses. Teachers can also post things called Journeys, which include a 60 second, teacher-created video asking an important question and an accompanying video playlist. Recap also facilitates discussion by allowing both teachers and students to post questions and comments.
RAD token is issued to fund the development of RAD Lending Platform and a family of credit products built on it.