
Pros And Cons Of Having A Small Federal Government

Decent Essays

The pros of a big federal government as well as the cons are probably numerous in amounts, therefore the following facts are the pros and the cons of having such a government. For the pros, one would be that a large federal government can take care of the general welfare of a larger range of people all over the states that it controls. This basic welfare includes things like security, their basic rights, as well as other things like health care. Moreover, large federal governments are capable of being able to control over monopolies so that they do not occur inside of the system. In addition, a large federal government can help individuals, for example, government funded schools, scholarships, disability regulations, civil rights laws, as well as social security. Nonetheless, there are also cons of course, which could …show more content…

Also, it makes it more difficult to allow small private businesses to gain wealth as easily are large corporations. Another would be that a large government is not there for its people, they are far allow and are still in control, and this is included in each state that is included in the government. Nonetheless, there is also a small federal government, and yet again it also includes some pros and some cons. The pros of having a small federal government is that you get to keep the money you make and stash it in your pocket. The amount of tax dollars that you have to pay in a large federal government for its agencies and other federal programs takes a lot of your money and in the end, most of the time you don’t even know where the money goes or for what. Also, when there is a small federal government, that means that they are less involved in your life, there are not as many letters, emails, and other things that affect your daily life as much as a larger federal government. Not only that, but with a smaller federal government, things are more efficient and can cut down

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