Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
On August 6, 1945 during World War II the United States dropped the world’s first atomic bomb on the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This explosion killed about 120,000 people. Many more would later die of the radiation from the bomb. This ended the war for the U.S The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the only way to end the war. Japan was going to destroy the U.S. if we didn’t do anything. We were running out of supplies, people, guns, etc. It was either we bomb Japan or loose the war. We wanted the end the war at the earliest possible moment. The U.S. wanted an effective and quick way to end the war, so bombing Japan was the way to go. The Japanese believed up to 20 million many have died
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The United States may have been able to defeat Japan by blockading its cities, hurting their supply of food and materials. The threat of the Soviets getting involved in the war. The United States deliberately targeted Japan. The U.S basically murdered Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We wouldn’t have liked it if the Japanese boomed the United States and wiped out our country. The United States shouldn’t have put Japan through such devastation. The United States killed harmless innocent civilians. The United States didn’t have to drop the bombs directly on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. By doing that they killed over 120,000 people. If the United States wants to show Japan that they should fear them then they should have dropped the bomb in a less populated spot. This would have showed Japan what the bomb was capable of and scare them off. Dropping the bomb in a less populated spot might also make the Japanese surrender. If they would’ve surrendered the United States would’ve saved millions of lives. The bomb was meant to be used only to defend the United States. It has been argued that the bomb was built only to be used to deter enemies not to destroy a country if our country wasn’t in immediate
On the 6th and 9th of August, 1945, the United States of America dropped the Atomic Bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The use of these bombs brought a quick end to World War 2, yet caused extensive damage to the two Japanese cities. There have often been disputes as to whether the USA was justified in the dropping of the atomic bombs because of the damage they caused, not only to the cities, but to the people of Japan as well. Many people believe that the USA should not have dropped the bombs because of the damage they caused, and they also claim that Japan was already defeated. However, Japan did not surrender, and prolonging the war was not an option for America, as it believed it would cause even more casualties, not only to American troops, but to Japan as well. Thus the USA was justified in dropping the bombs on Japan.
The fatal atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the end of World War II are written down in history books today. This is because they had a drastic story behind them that changed the world and the lives of many civilians. The United States decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II had both positive and negative results.
Ray Bradbury once said, “After Hiroshima was bombed, I saw a photograph of the side of a house with shadows of the people who had lived there burned into the wall from the intensity of the bomb. The people were gone, but their shadows remained.” Keep in mind that quote only described the intensity of “Little Boy”, the nickname for the bomb that devastated Hiroshima. The bombs that dilapidated both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were harrowing, gruesome, and in all sincerity, needless. The reasoning people have given to justify the bombings was because it was a military necessity; they thought the atom bombs were needed to save lives and to end the war quickly. However, the Merriam-Webster dictionary explicitly defines a ‘military necessity’ as “the necessity attending belligerent military operations that is held to justify all measures necessary to bring an enemy to complete submission excluding those (as cruelty, torture, poison, perfidy, wanton destruction) that are forbidden by modern laws and customs of war.” According to this interpretation of a ‘military necessity’, both of the bombings do not match this definition. Various people wonder why the U.S. would condone the use of the explosives and inflict such destruction on others, considering that they had first hand experiences on devastating attacks that seemed gratuitous. Many have argued that there were multiple alternatives to such a catastrophe, and the bombs did not have to be utilized. Others state that the bombings were
After victory in Europe and defeating the Third Reich Nazis, World War II was not yet over. Japan was still a threat, their persistence and ability to fight really annoyed America. As a propaganda poster from World War II exclaimed, “Shall we let him get away with it,” (Document B). The United States needed to punish Japan for attacking American territories such Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, and Wake Island. Dropping the bombs would send a message
Another action that could have taken place was to wait for the Soviet Union to join in the fight against Japan. Having help from Russia would have helped the U.S. win the war faster. The larger numbers and increase in weapons would have been used to get the Japanese to surrender. This would have also caused less casualties and destruction than the atomic bomb, which destroyed everything in its way. The Soviet Union joined in the war only a week after the atomic bomb was dropped. If the U.S. could have waiting only a few days longer, the Soviets could have helped win the
Many of us are taught in our early history classes that the use of the bombs was solely to bring a swift end to the war, but it was far more complicated than that. Under Japan's long-practiced doctrine of Bushido, a code of honor and morals developed by the samurai, America was looking at a direr, drawn-out conflict. This is important to know in the war because by this code the Japanese fought under the notion that they would never surrender. It seems simple but it had its effect on the U.S. military (in terms of morale) and the Japanese people. While our forces were island hopping, the inhabitants of those islands were conditioned by the Japanese military to believe that the American invaders would eat their children, or commit other heinously unspeakable acts, and
The bomb being dropped on Japan showed all of the other countries that the US was willing and able to do so if necessary. The US was able to show the world in the most terrifying way possible that they had power and were a force not to be messed with. This set an example for what would happen if the US was attacked by another country. This also showed the rest of the world how technologically advanced and how much scientific progress the US had made. Some people may argue that the US could have showed the world how powerful and advanced they were in other ways.
Bombing two major cities may seem wrong but it was necessary in order to come out as a successful nation. During World War 2 on August 6th and 9th of 1945 the United States was the first country to use an atomic device against an enemy. This enemy was the country of Japan. After the Japanese killed thousands of U.S soldiers with their ruthless and unexpected attack on Pearl Harbour the United States released two atomic bombs on their two major cities. These cities were known as Nagasaki and Hiroshima. After the bombs were dropped the war was put to an end. The use of the atomic bombs is a widely debated topic on whether their use was necessary or not. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not only necessary to end the war but it was also necessary because many American lives were lost.
World War II lasted for six years from September,1 1939 to September 2, 1945 and resulted with Japan's surrender but believe it or not many events occurred both good and bad before anyone could make that choice. Before the declaration of this war japan had made an agreement with the U.S in which they gave them a friendship medal signifying peace. Turns out that wasn't the case japan actually backstabbed the U.S and on the morning of December 7th, 1941 the japanese attacked Pearl Harbor destroying nearly 20 American ships and more than 300 airplanes. About 2,403 sailors, soldiers and civilians were killed and about 1,000 people were wounded. After that the U.S could no longer trust Japan for many reasons they decided to fight back with two atomic bombs on Japan. The dropping of these two bombs on that country in my personal opinion is not justified. My reasons are that this was the first time the U.S was going to try these bombs out so in other words this was an experiment in which they had no clue the amount of damage that
The politics and strategic side of this bombing story had just as much turmoil and drama as the actual bombing itself. When America was making its atomic bomb, other countries like Great Britain, Germany, and Russia also had the idea to create an atomic bomb. However, the U.S. was the only county to make them because they had the manpower and resources to make these bombs. Like mentioned before, some government officials, including President Truman, believed that dropping the bomb was not a bad idea. These people thought it was beneficial to drop the first bomb for both Japan and the U.S.. They believed this because the U.S. had planned an invasion of another Japanese island, and if the
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was fully justified in dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, because of the unprovoked and brutal attacks on civilians, grounded airplanes, and the docked U.S. Pacific fleet by the Japanese. By retaliating with the atomic bomb to end the war the United States showed the world the power and weapons of mass destruction that it possessed and that it was not afraid to use them. This also issued a warning to the Soviet Union, who at the time was our ally, but was slowly turning into an enemy. In addition to showing the world the United States power, the atomic bombs crushed Japan not just physically, but also morally giving them no other option, but to surrender. Japan was on the edge of surrender with a great amount of inner turmoil, but Japans military leaders had declared no surrender and ordered their people to fight to the death of the last man, woman, and child, so in using the atomic bomb we forced them to the breaking point and saved millions of lives. Without the dropping of the atomic bombs the U.S. would have invaded the Japanese homeland in Operation Downfall where a great slaughter would have ensued. Nearly 500,000 Purple Heart medals were pre-made in anticipation of the invasion, but the atomic bombs saved this massive loss of life. The results brought about by the atomic bombs were very devastating and gruesome; they caused thousands of deaths and injuries and should not be employed except in the most dire
On August 6, 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, then on August 9, 1945, the second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. Japan surrendered on August 14, 1945, ending World War II. It is estimated that 200,000 lives were taken in both of the bombings. Prior to these bombings, during the Potsdam Declaration, Truman advised Japan that they would face “prompt and utter destruction” if they did not surrender. ( Miller Center, 2016 ) 1. ( The White House, 2016 ) 2
On August 6, 1945 uranium gun-type atomic bomb (Little Boy) was dropped on Hiroshima, within the first day of the bombings the effects killed 90,000–166,000 people in Hiroshima. The effects of the atomic bomb left many dead, homeless, and sacred. Even four months later people would die from radiation poisoning and discovering they had cancer now. Skin would be peeling off like bark on trees, this was a true horrifying sight. The United States were at war with japan but, does that justify what they did? Some would say what they did was inhuman and just plan wrong. They say there were other alternatives that the United Sates could have done. I believe there could have been a better way of ending the war with japan but I understand why the United States did what they did. The Japanese came out of nowhere and attacked the United States did they think that the US would just roll over and die? The should of known not to surprise attack one of the strongest nations. The needed to be put back in place and show the rest of the world that the US was one not to be reckon with.
There were many causes for the United States dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One of these causes was because we wanted to increase the chances of Japan surrendering so that our