
Illegal Immigrants Pros And Cons

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Illegal immigrants should be given the right to benefits in the U.S. Illegal immigrants are willing to take all kinds of jobs that Americans don't want. According to Green Garage Blog “When it comes to doing household chores, cleaning, feeding the pets and taking care of an adult in need of care and attention, an illegal immigrant can take on these types of jobs. And knowing how busy working Americans are, it helps to get support from someone”(10 Critical Pros and Cons of Illegal immigration). Illegal immigrants can start working in the U.S doing jobs that Americans don’t want like the ones stated above. This could be the gateway to helping them get a pension, retirement plan, and a 401k. Most illegal immigrants have been in the U.S for a while …show more content…

According to Flow Psychology “Even if amnesty were to be implemented, immigrants still require assistance from the government’s welfare programs, adding up to trillions of dollars over the course of their life”(8 Pros and Cons of Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants). The more illegal immigrants join the U.S the more U.S funds are going to be drained. Immigrants need to come legally and have some sort of education to help stop the U.S spending. The law clearly states that if you didn't come legally you would be sent back. According to Crystal Lombardo “ They base their opinion solidly on the fact these people entered illegally, thus violating the law, and should therefore be not allowed to stay longer“(VisionLauch). Illegal immigrants don’t have the right to stay because they chose to break the law. The U.S made it a law for a reason and it is to control the population and keep Americans safe. This point of view sounds persuasive at first because it talks about key problems with illegal immigration. They failed to consider the pros to illegal immigration such as diversity in certain areas, and forgot to mention that they only take low paying jobs that Americans don’t want and aren't here to steal American jobs. They are here for the same reason that everyone else is here for a new life, freedom, and to become an American. Illegal immigrants deserve the same thing as Americans do equal …show more content…

"Flow Psychology." Flow Psychology. Flow Psychology, 06 Feb. 2016. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.
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Greengarageblogadmin. "10 Critical Pros and Cons of Illegal Immigration." Green Garage. Green Garage Blog, 26 Aug. 2015. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.
"List of Pros and Cons of Illegal Immigration." OccupyTheory. OccupyTheory, 14 Apr. 2015. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.
Lombardo, Crystal, Marc Zorn, and Andrew Gazdecki. "Pros and Cons of Illegal Immigration." Vision Launch. Vision Launch, 14 Jan. 2017. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.
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