Because i've got enough skills and i'm ready to eleminate criminals and i just want los santos to be safe from those dangerous gangsters and there is a new Chief appointed, I guess things would be better know, previously there was much corruption in the department, the people used to die everyday, no one really cares for the normal civilians, the gang's all around killing/robbing innocent people at that time I thought why not join the Department and help stop all this, but unfortunately there was much corruption so I really had no reason for joining the department. Guess what since the new leader is appointed the crime rates are decreasing day by day, I thought why not to join the department and put a full stop to all the crimes so here I am
I want to Become a NJ State Trooper because I want to help people. I would be entering a career that has a long History of protecting and helping others with Honor, duty, and fidelity. It’s about doing the right thing following the law, acting honorably and treating others with respect. I've always believed in these words. I would add one more Integrity. Integrity is also important. Never change from your core values when making decisions. Always stay true to yourself. integrity is best displayed in your actions, not your words. By joining I would be adding to this long continually dedication to excellence.
It's purpose, it's drive. My previous job, as I said I was a gas fitter; went to school, got the license for it, yeah that was great but nothing like defending members. Nothing like having the trust of people who look to you to make sure that they have a job at the end of the day. And that's why we're here and it just makes me proud. And I'm very pleased; and I'm gonna work day and night to make sure I continue to defend their rights.
This is a great academy for me because it will help know what courses I would like to do and I will learn so much from and there are many reasons why I should be chosen for this academy. Also I feel like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and this has a lot of advantages and It will benefit me a lot.
This profile has been made for Officer I's - Sergeant I's. From now on, every Sergeant will recive a group of members within Los Santos Police Department, that he or she has to supervise. Sergeant will do re-assignments and supervise the group of members. There will be Sergeant applications up soon, if you wish to become a sergeant, you'll have to apply and then go over Sergeant program.
Finding a career in which you feel personally rewarded by helping others and knowing that you are making a difference should be one’s main goal. Officer Mares, was able to achieve this goal when he joined the LAPD as a police undercover agent back in 1996 when he was only 21 ½ years old. Nineteen years later, he is going strong, satisfactorily performing his duties as an officer and serving the community of Los Angeles. He feels rewarded, with this career and loves his schedule, and he is happy when he goes to work. He focuses on knowing that he is making a difference one person at a time. He states, “ I may not change the world, but I am making a difference one individual at a time, which in turn makes a better community for our kids to grow in.” (Mares) Back in the days, around 1960 being a police officer or becoming part of a department that served and protected the public was highly regarded. However, that is no longer the case. Now the Police Department is an affiliation you almost do not want to be involved in.
It has been my dream since I was 5 years old to be in the Los Santos Emergency Response Team. I have always lived in the city of Los Santos, and I know this state like the back of my hand. I love helping/saving people, as well as enforcing the rules with no exceptions. My dad was a medic in this city until a few years ago when he was killed in action. Ever since then it has been my life work to make my father proud of me by Following his footsteps and make sure no one ever gets hurt in my city again. A little bit more about me is that I am 6 foot 7 inches tall, I work out everyday, I have an excellent memory, I can run a mile in 3 mins, I can do 80 pull ups in a minute, and I have a 4.5 GPA. I donate a lot of my free time to the local animal
I want to be a chapter officer, because I understand the importance of agriculture and I want to help others understand it too. Agriculture is a very important part of our lives and I do not think enough people understand that. It is the largest industry in the U.S. and it employs over 20 million people. I want to be able to help others understand that in a positive and enthusiastic way.
There are three main reasons why I choose to become a police officer. The first is that I want
After the almost fatal accident my grand mom was in, this passion grew stronger of helping others. The fact that firefighters help people when they need help the most makes the job all the more awesome. Joining the fire department gives me the power to help others in extreme circumstances and gives me the potential power to have a positive impact in some one’s life.
There are several reason that would benefit me when being part of the DoD civilians and telling more that I think would have an advantage and disadvantages when working in the Department of the Defense. First it would benefit me to be part of the DoD civilians workforce to help mainly with security in global and homeland because to development new devices and planning in ways to boosting the security in and out of the US from the territories, invaders, and other critical situation into the US's homeland. For example making a sensor that can monitor and see for unusual activities when having a massive security routines. From there it would help locate and capture any suspects and bring them to justice. Another benefits to work is knowing the relationship with groups in security details to help coordinates any activities of unknown suspect's place and current location by using a surveillance camera, drones, and others to surround the suspects. Next it must analysis of result if there was a chaos scene to find any clues and traces in criminal scene that happened in a same
The agency, instituted by the council 63 years back, has done considerably well given the circumstances and challenges it is facing. With 155 sworn police officers and 70 civilian employees, the agency is becoming a fully-fledged unit. It has a low tenure force with over 30% of its officers having less than five years’ experience. The members of the council hired their friends which in a way may lower the qualification level of unit at large. With its inception, the agency has experienced and is still experiencing a couple of problems. Foremost is the rising population which is not in synch with the expansion of agency. Worse still the rising population is majorly composed of a poor population.
Correction Officers in state and county run prisons and jails face serious dangers and grave responsibilities everyday. They are locked inside prison walls with some of the most treacherous men and women in the world. One of the most terrifying aspects of being a Correction Officer is the existence of gangs. Gang members are considered more dangerous than other inmates, because they are threat not only to other inmates but to correction officers as well. Gangs survive out on the streets, and continue to thrive and recruit members while in prisons. Dangerous gangs seem to enlist more members who are in prison than outside on the streets. New recruits feel scared and alone behind the prison walls, they need protection and to be respected, being in a gang gives them that.
In conclusion a federal has a lot to do but keeps us safe and protected. It takes a lot of time to become a special agent. Every agent is different on how they solve problems and how they deal with criminals. It’s important that this is a dangerous job but also one that pays good money. Another thing to note while in this job when in this job, you have to put everyone first not yourself. You’re saving people every day and trying to make society
I feel THAT I would become an asset to the Special Operations Bureau as a dedicated member of the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Enforcement Team. I HAVE STRONG DESIRE to serve my community and the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office by working within a unit of like-minded, self motivated individuals whose focus is making our local communities safer by “Preparing cases on criminal activity in our neighborhoods and local communities,” “ Creating a partnership with other local, state and federal agencies to manage larger and more in-depth narcotics/smuggling operational investigations.” (NET)
PSC ought to present the idea of Public Service Trainee for a three-year time frame to youthful and splendid experts from various areas. The enrollment will be on an agreement premise and take after some cutting edge techniques