Drinking has become a part of every “young adult's” life. It has even taken a toll some. Turning 21 is something that every person is waiting on. You can buy your own alcohol but the main point is are you mature enough, can you control your alcohol can you afford all the risk that comes with it? Just because you turn 21 does not mean you should be able to buy your own alcohol. Increasing the age to buy alcohol should be in consideration and here is why. Turning 21 is the best thing that could ever happen to a person being that pre adults can buy their own alcohol. Let us just all move out the way on the streets when driving why? Because when teens turn 21, their brain has not fully developed until age 25 so why let a twenty-one year old buy
There are several controversies in the world today, but one that really catches my attention is on the topic of whether or not the drinking age in the United States should be lowered from 21 to 18. Many people have debated about this topic for several years, and there are several different opinions on this topic. Some people think it is dangerous to lower the drinking age; some people support it. Some children think it is stupid to lower the drinking age; some children support it. However, I strongly believe that the legal drinking age should be lowered from 21 to 18 for several reasons, such as 18 year olds are allowed to do several other adult activities, other countries have the legal age at 21, and people who are under the age of 18 are still going to drink alcohol whether it is illegal or not.
In the United Sates, statistics show that the consumption of alcohol by minors has decreased in the last twenty years, but the consumption of alcohol by adults ages twenty-one through twenty-four have increased (Wechsler and Nelson 987). Waiting until you are twenty-one to legally drink is causing adults to binge drink without thinking of the consequences.
Drinking age is not a strange phrase in our lives. Every time when we go to club or buy some liquor, we have to show our photo ID to prove that we have already 21 and we are legal to drink wine. I think this is a really good method to control drinking problem. Before I read these two articles which are “The 21-Year-Old Drinking Age: I Voted for it, It Doesn’t Work” by Dr. Morris E. Chafetz and “The Drinking Age of 21 Saves Lives” by Toben F. Nelson and Traci L. Toomey, I only felt that when people grow up they will have self-control to hold their desire for drinking and could decide whether it is appropriate to drink at that moment. I didn’t collect any data or information to support my opinion,
All in all this is why I think we should keep the drinking age at 21. The reason being is it is proven that it has saved lives since being changed to 21 and there has been less car accidents. So I think it is better to just keep it at
In 1984 Ronald Reagan proposed a new law that declared that the legal drinking age must raised up to 21 instead of the age of 18. The law was forced upon the states by threatening them by stating that the government will reduce their highway funding until the states passed the law. Of course all the states eventually change their legal drinking age to 21. Some critics believe that this law’s results have been very successful, however the law possesses many insecurities, but certain programs can be arranged to help educate teenagers on alcohol.
First, I will discuss why 18 year olds should be entitled to the right to consume alcohol when they hit adulthood, rather than waiting until the age of 21. When you turn 18 years old you’re allowed to vote in elections, get married, smoke, get tried in a court of law as an adult, gamble, get life insurance, and fight in the armed forces
Everyone knows that it is illegal to consume alcohol under the age of 21. Why is 21 the "magical" age that makes a person intelligent and mature enough to consume alcohol? Sure, some adults abuse alcohol and some teenagers would be perfectly able to drink responsibly, but why not 18 or 35 or 40? This seemingly random number, 21, is associated with adulthood, as if the day a person turns 21 they know everything and are mature. The drinking age should be lowered to where one can learn to drink responsibly.
In society, teens of our nation are already considered an adult at 18, so why must young adults wait to be 21 in order to drink? In the U.S., society can already do so much when becoming of legal age. In 2014, according to Camille Paglia, PhD, Professor of Humanities and Media Studies at the University of the Arts states:
Throughout history drinking and the drinking age has been a controversial topic. There have been many criticisms regarding the drinking age, many of which have some valid points. Some of which believe there should be no drinking age others believe drinking should be banned. The United States government passed a law in 1984 restricting persons under the age of 21 from purchasing alcohol. Brain growth, body growth, and maturity are all factors when looking at why the drinking age is 21. We should also consider the upside of no legal drinking age less abuse, more tax revenue, tradition.
Changing the drinking age from 18 to 21 has many drawbacks in the long term and short term. For example, drinking can lead to extreme damage to the the liver, most 18 years old are not fully developed physically and mentally, and keeping the drinking age as it is, will save lives by lowering the amount of drunk driving and accidents due to drunk driving. If you compare i non alcohol drinkers liver to compared to a healthy non-alcoholic person their liver is a lot more damaged. Drinking under age contributes a big part to deaths as argued by McCardell, “Of the total number of lives lost to alcohol by those under the age of 21, more than 60 percent are lost off the roadways. Alcohol takes a much greater toll off the highways”(McCardell). Having
Adolescent stress is an important part of their lives and it is important for it to be monitored regularly in order for them to feel the benefit of learning important stress management skills. About 39% of the adolescents undergo depression at one point or another and they seem to handle their problems in a way that is constructive. This stress and depression ranges from mild to severe with the young people often relying on negative or passive behaviors in their attempts to deal effectively with their problems. Stress is usually characterized by frustration, sadness, worry, tension and withdrawal. There are many reasons that lead to stress in adolescents and younger people. Various studies have been conducted to determine the causes of stress among adolescents. The
The question of the century, what is better; having the drinking age at 21 or at 18? Many people think it should be 21, based on the fact that people are more mature and the brain is closer to being fully developed than at 18. Those are the only two arguments I have heard cased about having the drinking age at 21. But let us be honest, at 18 many people can be mature as well, and there are plenty of 21 year olds who are less mature than the ages younger than them, so honestly the age difference argument is crap. With the brain fully developed doesn't make sense, because in Europe with having the drinking age at 16, students in the European countries are of the majority smarter than students in America. Yes, having the drinking age runs
In the excerpt, Libertarian philosopher Ayn Rand reflects on the concept of selfishness. She views “selfishness” can also be known as a synonym of “evil,” as it can portray the imagery of “a brute trampling over corpses to achieve their own ends.” Typically, when selfishness comes in mind it is usually labeled as someone who is self-centered or egotistical, which are all bad traits. She explores deeper into the definition of selfishness, as she perceives the dictionary definition of selfishness does not include a moral evaluation.
First, it is necessary to question this law. Why is 21 the "magical" age that makes one intelligent and mature enough to consume alcohol? Surely, some adults abuse alcohol and some teenagers would be perfectly able to drink responsibly. This seemingly arbitrary number is associated with adulthood, as if the day a person turns 21 they know everything and
Reflection 5 When I think of a President, I think that it is like a leader of a group or a captain of a squad. They all use their best judgement for whatever is best for their group, squad or in this case a country. I do believe that every group, squad, or country needs a leader to point them in the right direction and to avoid chaos, even the people don’t like it sometimes. So, I think that the President needs to be really powerful in order for things to go smoothly but not too powerful to the point that they are a dictator or a monarch.