The action of killing another is not always for criminal reasons. For example, when your pet gets really old or is struggling to walk or even doesn’t eat just lays down. It’s time to have a talk with the family members about what should happen. You could let it suffer with pain and give it pain reliever or go to the vet and have them put it down for life time sleep. Also, you could have the vets give you the pills and give them to your pet so it helps you get over it faster. Killing another is a justifiable act in some cases like Hunting (for trophy), Assisted suicide, in the case of George and Lennie.
In the case of hunting for a sport a person should always think of pros and cons to it and the pro to this is it can make the population grows. For example “ if people are willing to pay big money to hunt animals, the thinking goes, the private sector has a strong motivation to make sure at least some remain alive”(Ross). This is proved because it can help you realize that the country gets the money and you get a day of hunting rare, wild animals. Also, that if they go and hunt these animals there would
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Slim said “ you hadda George. I swear you hadda. Come on with me. He led George into the entrance of the trail and up toward the highway” ( steinbeck 107). This evidence shows that George had to do it on his own so lennie knew george didn’t want to but had to. Also, shows that george wasn’t ok after wards cause he sat there on the bank stiffly. Another reason is “ “the guys might have think i was in on it. I’m going to go into the bunkhouse. Then, in a minute come out and tell the guys about her, and I’ll come along and make it like I never seen her”( Steinbeck 105). This evidence shows that George went into the bunkhouse and got Carlsons luger so he could find Lennie and kill Lennie himself so that Lennie died
In America, deer are an animal hunted widely throughout our country. Each winter citizens have mixed emotions about the sport. Some say its barbaric and cruel, while others argue that it’s beneficial and useful. Although people may say hunting is cruel and barbaric, have they ever thought about the upsides to be gained from hunting? While this is a topic that can be argued viciously back and forth, I believe hunters win the argument. Deer hunting keeps the population down, protects farmers’ crops, boosts economic sales, betters a person’s mental health, and teaches lifelong lessons on respect. These are just a few of the amazing benefits that can be gained from hunting.
At this point in time George is still acting as if everything is fine and that their friendship is as strong as ever. George having the gun tries to shoot Lennie many times before he actually does so, “George raised the gun and his hand shook, and he dropped his hand to the round again.” He cannot bring himself to do it as they’ve been friends for so long. Loneliness rules the end of the novel as George had been a character with support throughout the novel but now he has murdered Lennie and therefore he doesn’t have someone he can properly trust. When the workers find George they assume that he got the gun off Lennie and shot him in self-defense so only Slim really knows what has happened. Slim is the only one that really understands the friendship between George and Lennie and this is significant at the novels ending, “Never you mind. A guy got to sometimes.”
Slim insults Lennie in front of George. He replies, “‘He ain’t no cuckoo’, said George. ‘He’s dumb as hell, but he ain’t crazy. I ain’t so bright neither, or I would be buckin’ barley for my fifty and found’” (39). George feels the need to defend and protect Lennie, even when Lennie is not around. George wants to persuade people into thinking that Lennie is a normal farm worker. George finds a way to convince people Lennie is normal, by comparing his own work on the farm to Lennie’s work. In later chapters, Curley picks a fight with Lennie. George encourages Lennie to fight Curley. After the fight, Lennie is worried about if he will be fired and what George thinks. Lennie looks for comfort in George, he replies, “You don’t need to be scairt no more. You done jus’ what I tol’ you to” (65). George pressures Lennie to fight Curley. At the beginning of the fight, Lennie does not want to hurt Curly. Lennie looks up to George for guidance and protection. This trait of Lennie’s allows George to make all of Lennie's decisions. This event is the turning point in George’s feelings towards
Before Lennie was shot, Lennie killed Curley's wife, leaving Curley infuriated. Curley went after Lennie, George wanted to get to Lennie first so he said, “we come from the north so he would of went south.” George does this in hopes of buying time so he could get to Lennie first. By this time Lennie was long gone giving George plenty of time to reach him. To support my claim from my first argument i would state that Curley in fact was going after Lennie and George was postponing it as long as possible. After Lennie had been killed Slim was trying to comfort George by saying, “you hadda George. I swear you hadda.” Slim wanted to let George know that he had no other choice. I felt this was important to allow the readers to know that George made the right decision. To conclude there was not a mistake made by killing
Slim said “Curley’s gonna want to shoot ‘im.” Curley also wanted to torture him. George couldn’t let that happen to Lennie. George wants Lennie to have quick and peaceful death, and he did. This is why I think it was the best choice for George to kill
some may argue George shouldn’t have shot him since they were companions. In chapter three slim and George talk about how Lennie is traveling around with George. Slim says, ‘“funny how you an’ him string along together”’(steinbeck 39) to George. Slim thinks Lennie and George's Friendship is unique. since most most migrants during the time period 1940's they usually traveled alone. From always traveling together George and Lennie have Built up a strong bond. However, Lennie had to die down because he was destructive. In chapter three Curley and Lennie have a heated conflict. Curley says to Lennie “‘Come on, ya big bastard. Get up on your feet. No big son-of-a-b is gonna laugh at me”’ (Steinbeck 62). Lennie after being hit over and over again, lennie grabs Curley’s hand and Breaks
In OMAM, George is like Lennie’s caretaker. Lennie doesn't know his own strength and doesn't know how to control himself. Because of that, Lennie ends up killing one of Slim's puppies and killing Curly's wife by snapping her neck. George tries to protect Lennie by telling him to go to the bush where George tells him to hide if anything happens. When Curly goes looking for Lennie, George knows that he will be found and that he will be killed. George goes ahead of the little sure party and finds Lennie and shoots him in the back of the head while he's daydreaming about the farm that he and George were going to have. Slim comes up to him and says “you did what you had to do.” George sacrifices Lennie not only for the greater good of other people, but also to save Lennie.
Conclusion: George agrees. He raises Carlson's gun, which he has removed from his jacket, and shoots Lennie in the back of the head Carlson questions George, who lets them believe that he wrestled the gun from Lennie and shot him with it. Only Slim understands what really happened: “You hadda, George.(107)
“Aw c’mon George, you are better off without him,” Slim explained, “He was a pain anyways.”
George saved Lennie by shooting him with a gun in the back of the head. It was fast and painless, but Curley had other plans for Lennie, “We oughtta let ‘im get away. You don’t know that Curley. Curley gont’ta wanta get him lynched. Curley’ll get ‘im killed”( Steinbeck 94). Candy knows that Curely will lynch Lennie if he finds him. George knew he had to find Lennie before Curley. George decided to shoot Lennie because he knew Lennie would have either been locked up in jail his entire life, or have been beaten up and lynched by Curley. After George shoots Lennie, Slim reassures George that he did the right thing, “You hadda, George. I swear you hadda”(Steinbeck 107). George needed Slim to let him know that it was the right thing to do. Slim gave George closure, because George was in awe. George realized he did the right thing after he followed Slim out of the
“Slim said “ya hadda George, I swear ya hadda”.”(Pg. 107) It was clear by the end of the book that George only had one way to protect Lennie from his problems, which were rapidly increasing. “And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie’s head. The hand should violently but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger.”(Pg. 106) Only one thing stood in between Curly and Lennie, and that was George. Even though George treats Lennie kindly and with an open heart, his image portrayed to the other characters was still a small fighter.
The piece “What If…” was found 2 May 2006 on the BBC News Web site by Daniel K. Sokol. It is an interesting set of scenarios based on having to make the decision between killing someone and letting them die. Ethical and moral decisions must be made to address each experiment. There is a difference between killing someone and letting them die, because killing them would be ethically and morally wrong, while letting them die may be considered something that was totally uncontrollable.
Many conflicts start to pull George and Lennie apart throughout the whole book. George gets tired of dealing with all the bad thing Lennie does, therefore he ends up killing his best friend as much as he did not want to. When Lennie killed Curley’s wife George knew it was over so George decided to put a end to his missery before someone else killed him. George is forced to shoot Lennie in the back of the head because of the incident that occured. The men do not understand why a best friend would kill another best friend so they all leave in confusion. The only person who understands is Slim. Slim knows what George goes through and understands why he did it. Friendship has to end somewhere no matter how deep the friendship is.
There is a huge debate going on about whether hunting is good or bad. There are a lot of opinions on this subject. I believe hunting is beneficial because It provides food for families. I don't know about you but i would rather have an animal be used for food than have it die of diseases and go to waste. In the following paragraphs we will talk about the pros and cons of hunting.
Just like pros, there are cons to hunting as well. Common animals can suffer from hunting. Mother bears are often shot while taking care of their cubs. When the mother dies the cub has little to no chance of surviving since it will be much harder to get food, and it will be easier for them to get killed by a predator. Several states allow hunters to hunt bears when they just got out of hibernation. This is unfair since the bears just woke up and are gonna get kill. There have been plenty of people who hunted wolves and bears and just left them on the ground to be eaten by birds. Sometimes the hunter will just take their pelts and leave the rest. The hunter is wasting meat they could have sold or have eaten themselves. Over Hunting can cause a species to go extinct or become endangered. Hunting can be dangerous, but if you involve alcohol then hunting can be way more dangerous. Lots of people have turned hunting into a sport which isn’t right. Like Trophy hunting it is wrong, especially if you hunt for rare and/or exotic animals. People shouldn’t hunt just for fun, hunting should be done to get food to eat. Not every animal you shoot once will die with that one bullet, this causes a lot of pain to the animal. Sometimes they will run away and hide. Also, some predators will attack back, like bears. Hunters prefer to hunt for the strongest