
Pros And Cons Of Macroevolution

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Macroevolution (the change of one species to another through natural selection over a long period of time) is currently taught exclusively in many public high schools as the leading theory for the variety of species on Earth, including human life. Everyone who has sat in a high school biology class has heard that humans have evolved over time from a single cell to more complex organisms such as apes to our current state of humans. There is much controversy on the validity of the macroevolution theory which has numerous evidentiary shortcomings. Unlike microevolution (successive changes within a species due to natural selection) which is easily proven through examining bacteria, macroevolution is a best-guess science. Because macroevolution …show more content…

Many critics of macroevolution offer an alternative theory to the origins of life, intelligent design, which states that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause not an undirected process such as natural selection. In order to ensure the students of public high schools are learning credible information effectively, we have examined macroevolution and intelligent design and assessed the validity of each.
The literature on Intelligent Design and Macroevolution suggests that Intelligent Design is a viable alternative to Macroevolution. Charles Darwin in his book On The Origin of Species wrote the greatest flaw in his theory was the lack of intermediate forms in the fossil record, but he thought more would be discovered as time went on. Contrary to Darwin’s belief Paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould found that most species exhibit no change in the fossil record and appear in the …show more content…

Since both theories have not been proven as scientific fact, it is best to teach both intelligent design and macroevolution in public high schools. Macroevolution is currently taught as fact in schools and has many flaws that most students in high school never learn about such as irreducible complexity, gaps in the fossil record, and the fossil record explosion. Many students believe that since macroevolution is taught as fact it has been proven with many studies of current evolution between species. But in reality there has been no current evidence which supports macroevolution. For example, dog breeders have cross bred dogs for generations but with all of the generations a dog has never changed species. Although there are many different breeds of dogs today, a dog has never turned into a different animal as a result of breeding. Many macroevolution supporters refute this saying that it takes thousands of years and reproductions to show the changes between species. So fruit flies were examined over the course of 600 generations (equivalent to 12,000 years of human evolution) by University of California Irvine researcher Molly Burke to test this wording, and few changes were found within the species and no species to species change was observed. Even with the findings of the fruit

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