Part-time jobs become popular among students who need extra money. Many undergraduate students have part-time jobs. Their parents agree that they should find a part-time job to work while studying. In general, many foreign teenagers in other countries often work part-time job. Middleearthnj (2010) said that 80% of the teenagers who had graduated from high school held a part-time job at some time during their school years. However, there are disagreements on students working while studying. Those who are in favor of students should work state that part-time jobs are necessary for some students. They do not only earn money from work, but they also gain more experience that can be used for working in the future. On the contrary, some adults see that part-time jobs give negative effects on students because they cause exhaustion to students, making those learners cannot focus properly on their studies which usually result in failing exams.
Firstly, the part time job that students do is too tough for them.It is the truth for the students who are working in another country because every employer wants their work to have good quality. It is very difficult for the students; for some of them are the new worker and they never have an experience about their job so it is sometimes that students have to
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The students can use their experiences for working in the future. Furthermore, students spend their time with good things which can help make them become good-quality citizens in the future and in our opinion we think it is good for the students who need an experience about working part time job in another country. We realized that when a person is in other social, the one will provide himself to get along with that
Alene Semuels is a writer for The Atlantic, and formerly wrote for The Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The author's purpose for writing this article was to inform college students and the public about opportunities to work while in college. Also it shows college students that working a full time job might not be the wisest thing to do while attending college full time. When this article was written, there was a new trend beginning to arise. In 2015, Georgetown University did a study of students who worked while in college. They found that 70 percent of students were employed while in college and 25 percent of those students are working full time while simultaneously going to college full time. Both the Chicago Tribune and CNBC wrote articles about the findings in the Georgetown study. Putting these things together, Semuels felt persuaded to talk about the topic from two
Everyone has thought about getting a job, even if they do not have one, and the argument of whether or not teenagers should get jobs or not, is a very controversial issue. The biggest issue people see with teenagers getting jobs is that it will affect grades and participation at school, which can be true, but the key to anything is to make sure that it is done in moderation. Obviously it is true that if there is a teenager trying to work five days a week, and balance school, they will most likely struggle in school. This is especially true if they work long hours. On the other hand, if they only work for three days a week, and only a few hours each day, they can get the benefits of having a job as a teenager, and still be able to focus in school. Experts even say that having a summer job can help prevent the “educational backsliding that happens between school years for high school students” (Belsner 1), which is something that many students struggle with, because unless students study over the summer, they usually forget some of the things they learned the year
Next, teenagers are constantly running here and there, trying to keep up with their schedules. From school, church activities, work, sports, friends, family, and any other sort of time consuming plans, they’re exhausted. A study done in 2014 showed that over 22% of high school students work a part-time job. They’ve also seen that working more than 15-20 hours per week, can affect their academic performance. Plus teenagers
full time jobs or part time jobs that distract them from getting homework and studying
In the article Teenagers’ Work Can Have Downsides”by Jerald G Bachman describe how teens who are in high school that have jobs developed poor academic performances “ they're more likely to be involved in a variety of problems ” Jerald began the “Monitoring the Future “ project that monitored teens in high school and from college who had jobs and discovered a drop in the high school teens academics and made connections between long hours and problems behaviors are symptoms of issue like poor adjustments to school and greater interest in short term gratification .They encouraged for student to follow what they call a sweet spot a job that requires relatively few hours per week during the school year fewer hours the better.Student that have
Students spend four years of their lives attending high school. Going through high school is mandatory as it prepares them for college and strength to face “the real world.” Having part-time jobs has become the phenomenon among high school students and many students follow this trend as well. Moreover, there are some pros and cons attached with it. Though it may seem like working throughout high school is a bad idea, it could better prepare students for “the real world.” Although some people believe that the primary duty of a student is studying, I am of the opposite position. I strongly support the idea that high school students should work throughout high school. This is because they can earn money, become responsible and get
In the American culture is normal for most high school students to have part time jobs. On the other hand, high schoolers are not expected to work. There are many reasons for that, but one of them is that it
• Students are increasingly likely to work while in college. Since 1984, the fraction of
Academic obligations are not the only responsibilities for American high school students. One of the responsibilities that many students have is a job. The unemployment rate for teenagers is a mere 9.1 percent. The reasons why students work wildly vary. For some, it’s to earn
Take economic reasons into account, some reasons support to allow more time for part-time job to solve the international student’s economic problem. In contrast, the main goal for all of the international students who are studying abroad is acquired knowledge.
In the current economic system, there are economic positions that favor few; therefore those who are not favored by the system must work to achieve their educational objectives in the university (Douglass, and Thomson, 2012). According to Perna (2010) many college students are engaged in a job and working many hours. Statistics shows that 80 percent of students between 16 and 24 years old worked while enroll in college (National Center for Education
Nowadays, students love to have part-time jobs. Their parents approve it easily as they are said to gain experience from working. However, having a job is a big responsibility for a student. Before, teenagers at their age were working to help their family because of poverty. Nevertheless, they were actually eager to study and learn at school for their future. It was not the same as the teenagers nowadays where they are more likely competing to each other to have a job. Most of the
Most of the students are inexperienced in living away from their home, so this is their first experience in an unfamiliar environment with different culture and traditions, trying to adapt and co-exist with the others. Evidently at the beginning they can face problems such as culture shock and the difficulties in communication. Two general issues are very popular for most of the international students which are finance managing and making/finding/building friendship. This essay will define three very popular problems that international students may face.
A student that can maintain a part-time job gain excellent first-hand experience that cannot be gained from the classroom. Today, if you are looking in the help
There isn’t much time for social area of their life such as interacting with friends, family, personal interest or they cannot stay focused as one is tired and starting to feel sleepy and they do not even have time to rest at all. To balance work with classes can cause a lot of problems for part-time students, no consultation time after the lecture to ask questions if a student does not understand the content, hard time to complete their homework, submit assignments very late, poor school performance which may result in poor grade at the end of the year. The number of part-time students dropped out or that are still struggling to finish is increasing day-by-day, because they face unique challenges that make it difficult for them to complete their