Railroad crossings can be very dangerous. In my opinion, people don’t really take them seriously, but they can be very hazardous and sometimes fatal. Here are some tips from unit 5 lesson 7 for railroad crossing safety: Always make sure to slow down and turn your radio down when approaching a railroad crossing. This will give you time to assess whether or not there's a train coming and you will also be able to read the warning signs and hear any horns sounding. In the video “It’s your choice” a young boy who was walking on the tracks had his headphones in and didn’t hear the train coming was killed. I feel like this was a dumb decision to wear headphones while walking on the railroad tracks. You should never park closer than 50 feet froma railroad …show more content…
You should never drive under, through or around any barrier or crossing gate at a railroad crossing because you never know when a train is going to come. Sometimes there aren't barriers or gates but you need to slow down and watch for the flashing lights. Also it is important to not be closer than 15 feet to the nearest rail when coming to a stop. Warning signs are there to protect you and it defeats thepurpose if you don’t pay attention to them. Public railroad crossings are marked with warning devices for our safety by highway departments and different railroad companies. You should know what the warning devices are and watch for them. With these warning devices and being cautious, you can avoid getting in a railroad-crossing crash. Pavement markings are X” and the letters “RR” painted on the pavement in front of railroad crossings. These markings are there to warn you to be aware and cautious of the crossing ahead and to pay close attention to the of a train. Railroad crossbuck signs are located at all public crossings. If there are more than one set of tracks, a sign below the crossbuck indicates the number of
The city of Chelsea has a problem. The railroad crossing on highway 377 needs crossing arms and flashing lights. At the time, the crossing only has a sign that signifies that there is a railroad crossing. According to the problem, the crossing is located on highway 377 near Old Highway 280. This is a problem for Chelsea because many people were
Irene stated her son Billy has mental issues and is highly fixated on trains so in their spare time she picks Billy up and takes him out to watch trains. I explained to Irene that I can appreciate their liking of trains they cannot trespass on railroad property. Irene told me they have several spots they go to and have spoke with BNSF Police who gave them permission to be in the area as long as they were not parked on the tracks or messing with any BNSF
Have you ever thought of the dangers that railroads crossings have? Will if you haven't their are lots of dangers dealing with railroad crossings. In drivers ED I'm on Unit 5 Lesson 7 which tells most of the dangers dealing with railroad crossings. There are dangers on how fast you should go and how fare you should stop away from the railroad crossing. Lastly, you should know all the signs telling you were railroad crossings are.
The kids weren't looking where they were going and that lead to their deaths. These are just some of the physical things that can harm you. Some mental distractions that cellphones or other electronic devices can do are also harmful as well.
drive through, around, or under any crossing gate or barrier at a railroad crossing while they are
First, Look for signs. Signs near railroads warn you that you are approaching railroad tracks. Signs for railroad crossings are circular and yellow. There will also be flashing lights and a gate down if a train is approaching or crossing. There are also marking on the roads such as lines, x's, and letters. An X and the letters RR may be painted on the pavement in front of railroad crossings.
If you try to tell someone about the cautions you have to take about railroad crossings, they will probably say something like, “who cares?” However, it is very important that everyone learns and gets used to rules and safe ways to cross railroads. We all cross railroads at some point in our lives so we should do it right. It’s not something that you would think to be very important, but it is actually very vital and a talent. You need to be aware of all of your surroundings.
“As the number of drivers increases, more and more people die at railroad crossings. In a car-train collision, the odds that those in the car will live are not very good,” stated in the Railroad crossing article in the NUES Driver’s Ed Online Course. There are many precautions that can be taken to reduce the amount of deaths occurring in railroad crossings. While signs and gates indicate a train coming across, there are many things we can do as pedestrians as well. First off, we should always follow and be aware of the advanced warning signs and do as instructed. There are even markings on the pavement as well. Never go around the gates or over the curbing that stops you from crossing the tracks. It is against the law to cross the tracks when
Today I look back at my home. Or to put it correctly, what used to be my home. The Americans and their hired Chinese and Irish men are, as we speak, running the tracks down that divide our land. Not theirs, but our land. These people are laying down tracks separating our lives as we speak. Our entire way of operating will be destroyed. And it doesn’t seem like it only affected their side, but our American side as well. They can now possibly be viewed as a greedy nation for the ill-treatment of all those immigrants. It seems the idea of The Transcontinental Railroad has more downs that ups; injuring it workers, taking down Native American Homes, and showing how
Trains can be dangerous if you don't know how to be safe around them. Being safe around trains is a thing that people all around should know how to do weather that be in a vehicle, on a bike, or on foot. In the, "Utah transit Authority Operation Lifesaver" video says that, "When the guards go down and the lights start to flash just slow down and wait for the train to pass." If people would just listen to the warning signs and not try to race the trains there would be less accidents. When people race trains, if they don't make it they don't get a second chance at it. With a train you have almost no chance at survival if you get into an accident. You need to follow the signs and the warning signs to be cautious and not be stupid. Also in that
On May 10th, 1869, a large, blustering crowd gathered at Promontory Point, Utah. That day would mark the completion of one of the most impressive engineering feats of the 1800’s: the Pacific Railroad. After six years of grueling works, millions of dollars spent, and many battles against Native Americans fought, sea to shining sea was finally connected by two ribbons of iron. A young telegraph operator sent a message along the coast-to-coast telegraph line that accompanied the rails to the waiting America: “DONE!”. America was to be transformed by the new railroad. Masses of immigrants flocked out to the newly connected western territories in pursuit of better lives, towns cropped up over night along the route, and an agricultural empire was born as farming machinery was brought to the fertile western plains of the United States. Despite the profoundly positive impact the railroad had on the United States came at a great cost. The more than 12,000 Chinese immigrant workers of the transcontinental railroad were treated poorly throughout construction, and Native America empires in the plains lay in ruins from the battalions that battled their people and the government that annexed their lands. A query then arises; did the benefits the Pacific Railroad brought to America outweigh the unequal respect and maltreatment given to the Chinese immigrant workers and the Native American tribes? This is the question this essay will answer, as it examines the role the
Railroad Crossings are places where locomotives cross a public road. You should slow down when
Our group chose not to build a bridge because we thought that Graynol would come over, take over the island and force their culture upon us. On Greenol our culture is based around nature and Graynol’s is based around industrialization and does not really regard nature. We were scared to build a bridge to Graynol because they ruined the environment on their island we were worried they would do the same to ours. We would only build a bridge to Graynol if we were sure we could both accept each other's cultures and allow our islands to be run the way the inhabitants of would like it. All in all, the people of Greenol thought it would be to much of a risk to build a bridge to Graynol, but if the risk was eliminated they would do it
1. Most highway-rail crashes are the result of driver error. Some drivers ignore the signs and attempt to beat the train.
There are many warning devices and signs that warn you before you are even close to the railroad to make sure that you are going to realize there is a train track that you are about to drive over. The signs and devices are there to help you to be safe around trains. One way that it warns you is there are flashing red lights that start to flash when the barriers are raising or dropping. The signs that there are is a yellow circle with two R’s and a black X. There are also markings on the pavement that have the same markings that are on the road sign. There are also railroad Crossbuck Signs, these are “railroad” and “crossing” that are on an X sign. Every time you approach a railroad you must yield to the train, no matter what. There is also Gates that will close and open accordingly. If the gates are open this does not mean you are completely safe, before crossing any railroad tracks be sure to look both ways and slow