Schools across the nation are now starting to require school uniforms as dress code. People might not be so shocked when they hear this, thinking that it is only private. But this is not the case; public schools are jumping on this bandwagon as well. There is a social significance of wearing a uniform to school; because it helps prevent violence and/or bullying, saves money for lower income families, and it will help with future careers. Bullying has become a major concern when it comes to the way people dress, what shoes they wear, etc. School uniforms level the playing field and brings everyone to the same platform when it comes to what everyone wears to school. This is a pro of wearing uniforms, because students won’t judge other students on their clothes or shoes, because they are wearing the exact same thing. If they judge other kids or students, then they are making fun or judging themselves as well, which is being a hypocrite. There are stories on the news about kids who have to be put into mental hospitals, or change schools, and more just because they are being bullied so bad based on what they wear. This being said, if there is no more bullying on what kids have to wear to school, then it lessens social conflicts within the entire school. This reduces student tendency to be violent, “Without school uniforms, students may form gangs and identify their group with same color clothes” (DeMitchell). With all of this being said, schools who have a policy for their
School uniforms are a very diverse topic today. Many people people believe that they are very beneficial, but others may argue that they are irrelevant. Schools implementing strict dress codes, or uniforms, is a good decision because it prevents students from bullying each other based on appearance, and it may help some families financial situations.
Having school uniforms greatly decrease one’s way to get bullied. “Perhaps most importantly, a uniform means students don't have to worry about peer pressure when it comes to their clothes. When everyone is dressed the same, worrying about what you look like isn't so important. There is no competition about being dressed in the latest trend, which would put a great deal of financial pressure on students and parents. Potential bullies have one less target for their insults; it's hard to make fun of what someone is wearing when you're dressed exactly the same...” (Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms?). With the same as gang violence, having uniforms does not get rid of bullying altogether. With my experiences in both non-uniform and uniform enforced schools, I saw far less bullying in schools with uniforms. Most of the bullying incidents I have seen are focused on the kid’s appearance due to clothing. Having the uniforms can help students look at each other in a more equal
The first major reason for not wearing school uniforms is, it forces a student to conceal his or her individuality. To many people, it appears that the school system is trying to strip away this individuality on purpose, but now is the time that the school should be embracing it and helping the student become the person they are meant to become. “According to opponents of uniforms, even preschoolers should have input into their wardrobe, and the need to encourage personality, confidence, and independence grows more important as the student becomes older” (Chen). Because of this lack of self-expression, students feel their first amendment is being violated and most people would agree, which causes the school to look bad. Another way of looking at it is they are forcing students to become on mold, or one certain way of being. However, the problem with making them one is, no matter how they look they will still have their own individual personality traits that will come out in the end. If forced to wear the uniforms, many students would express these traits by adding things to their uniform such as brightly colored gems for girls and different
Determining what to wear to school is difficult for the majority of middle and high schoolers. Wouldn't it be simpler to just have a set outfit planned for each and every day? Throughout education history, the concept of school uniforms has been experimented and debated within both public and private schools. Several schools across the United States require these uniforms, while the rest apply a dress code. Although applying a dress code may seem as if it eliminates all issues with inappropriate clothing violation, it is truly not advantageous. The only alternative to mend this situation would be to enforce school uniforms. Not only would this decrease dress code violations, it would lessen discipline referrals, improve students' self esteems,
For quite some time now there has been an ongoing discussion about students wearing school uniforms in public schools. Is students in the public-school system play a major role on them academically? Is making the students wear uniforms unfair or does it show equality? What image does it set for the schools that do have a uniform policy? Over the last few decades, the schools, parents, and students have had a debatable issue over the uniform matter.
One of the biggest controversies in the United States is whether or not public school students
uniforms will not end all confrontation between the student, it will only change the reason for it.
School uniforms do nothing to prevent bullying. Linne Hoofnagle’s article goes on to say that, “If we convince ourselves that placing limits on clothing choices will eliminate school bullying, we are kidding ourselves” (Hoofnagle). The idea that all the harassment that takes place in school is centered around student’s wardrobes is preposterous. If you make students all dress alike the center of the bullying may move to if they have money, the presence or absence of glasses, condition of their skin, height, and weight. School faculty and administration are just looking at the superficial causes of bullying and not looking at the root of the problem. As a result, they are not only punishing the bully by
Requiring school uniforms eliminates the chances of bullying. Bullies usually pick on kids based on what they wear. With the use of uniforms, everyone will be wearing the same clothes, not allowing the bullies to pick people out by their choice of clothing. Even those making fun of others would be wearing the same clothes as
Uniforms have been around for centuries, from back in the day when women had to wear dresses or skirts and men had to wear pants. To now where students and employees have to wear certain pieces of clothing. People dress to express themselves, schools tell their students to be who they are and to be proud; however, when the student tries to do so they are sent home or held in the office which not only takes away their rights to express themselves, but takes them out of class. According to Friedrichs, “A shocking number of students are actually sent home or suspended for breaking dress code, which means even more time out of class.” A school's job is to prepare children for their futures, that can be quite hard when the student is not there to learn. Dress codes can be overwhelming to maintain. A student's wardrobe isn’t going to be full of polos and khakis because they most likely do not wear polos and khakis outside of school. Dress code should not be as strict, hoodies should be allowed, tank tops should be
School uniforms are becoming a very popular trend in public schools. Many people have different viewpoints on the school uniform policy. Some parents protest the decision of school uniforms. According to the New York paper on September 6, 2017, many Americans stood outside of a school screaming “let my kid be himself.”(The downside of school uniforms) A School uniform is a controversial issue in America because people disagree about whether or not students should be required to wear uniforms in public schools.
The school uniform policy has been an issue in the school systems for years, and there seem to be no straightforward answer to the problems that schools are facing, such as violence, gang activities, and bullying. Many public schools have adopted the uniform policy, while others have not. School uniforms are a great benefit for students and faculty that would provide a sense of security for students and staff. Some administrators believe that uniforms create a safer learning environment, improve discipline, and raise academic achievement. Although, opponents of
Additionally schools with uniforms say that if students wear uniforms they feel more safe and they learn more. According to Key, Ph.D. “Dress codes do not facilitate this learning.’’ He also states that students voices are suppressed. And that isn’t going to help them to get employed. He also says that “Today, children from diverse backgrounds come together in the giant melting pot called public schools.’’ And dress codes are part of the hidden subject. Students have the right to wear what they want. They should know how to dress themselves and they should be free to do so. Everybody has their own style and they don’t want to look like everyone else.
School uniforms: a debate that has been tossed back and forth for years now. The percentage of schools that necessitate uniforms and the percentage of the ones that do not are approximately equal. This conveys a dispute that is difficult to find a definite solution for, due to the ambiguous negatives and positives being drawn between both arguments. Uniforms being a part of school systems became widespread first after Long Beach, California implemented them into their elementary and middle schools. It is safe to say that since then, schools have become far more lenient with what restrictions students have when it comes to uniforms. However, some others disagree with the policies on uniforms, believing that they obstruct on children's
One of the greatest controversies that is spreading throughout high schools in the United States is parents and their children against the enforcement of their school’s uniform policy. More schools have been adopting uniform policies within the past decade. Rules contained in the policy that are implemented range from wearing certain types of tops (shirts) in specified colors to students being required to tuck in their shirts. In the past, uniforms were exclusively for students who attended private schools because they were “well-off”, but now uniforms are being seen more frequently in public schools on students of all economic levels. Having gone through a school system that considered adopting a uniform policy, I would have to press against the issue of mandated uniforms, because it is simply un-American and unjust.