In 2013 a young man left the CIA to expose the corruption of the government. The government's surveillance companies have been spying on people without them knowing. Edward Joseph Snowden is the mastermind that leaked the truth to the United States, he is a hero for letting people know the truth about what our government has been keeping from us, it is also illegal for the government to be spying on us because of the fourth amendment. The fourth amendment provides the right for people to be safe in their own home , or papers. The fourth amendment is so everyone could feel safe and it protects everyone's rights against freedom and privacy. The government should not be spying on people because it is against the law and not everyone is a terrorist.
There are circumstances where people find warrants unconstitutional, but the fourth amendment is ethical through its probable cause, guaranteed privacy, and search warrants. Privacy to citizens makes them feel comfortable and protected. Without the fourth amendment privacy would be unavailable, the citizens of america wouldn’t feel very
The Fourth Amendment states; ” the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable search and seizures shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause.
The purpose for the Fourth Amendment is to protect people from intrusion of the government in areas where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy. It prohibits searches and seizures unless they are conducted with probable cause and under reasonable circumstances. “The Fourth Amendment only protects against searches and seizures conducted by the government or pursuant to governmental direction. Surveillance and investigatory actions taken by strictly private persons, such as private investigators, suspicious spouses, or nosey neighbors, are not governed by the Fourth Amendment” (, 2013).
The fourth amendment of the United States constitution guarantees "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." This amendment was added to the United States Constitution to protect people’s right to privacy and freedom from unreasonable intrusions by the government. It was written to protect American citizens from the abuses that the English soldiers visited upon the citizens of the American colonies. The Fourth Amendment, however, does not guarantee protection from all searches and seizures; it only protects against those done by the government and deemed unreasonable under the law (Cornell).
The fourth amendment was made to protect "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."("Understanding search-and-seizure law", 2018).
The fourth amendment recognizes a right that is very important to many people: the right that protects one from searches and seizures without probable cause. This is the right that protects one’s privacy in some sense, but is overall a right that allows someone to be secure their personal belongings, including themselves,
The Fourth Amendment is a big key to make sure that people are following laws concerning terrorism. Expansions such as the Patriot Act on the Fourth Amendment allows the government to gain access to information previously not accessible. This act was passed so that events such as the 9/11 attacks could be prevented, and it’s been working since its passing. The expansions have tremendously helped searches for terrorists through information such as their recent texts or calls. When the Act was passed, the government immediately put it into effect, and the terroristic threat rate started dropping. There were many reasons for this act passing, but the main reason is to decrease the chance of homeland security being breached, like events such as
The Fourth Amendment has limits on the government’s rights to search our houses and businesses and to seize documents and other personal effects. It requires that the government should have reasonable cause for the search and seizure. That is, there must be a proof to support the specific search. The main drawback of the Fourth Amendment is first, personal information is not safe in our homes or in our offices. Most of the laws allow police to get access from nongovernment databases without any
The Fourth Amendment is one of the amendments in the Bill of Rights that protect the criminally accused. The Fourth Amendment states that a person cannot undergo unwarranted search and seizures. This means that a person's house, their items, and their own self, cannot be searched by the police unless there is a clear reason to do so granted by a warrant. This protects the citizen's privacy, however, it could allow criminals to destroy evidence before a warrant is produced.
The Fourth Amendment protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. The Fourth Amendment is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures. Only the ones that are considered unreasonable under the law. That is why it is my favorite amendment.
Because of the new technology boom, over the years the courts are being bombarded with request, for upholding or appealing, in what applies and does not apply, to the Fourth Amendment. The Fourth Amendment is within the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution. The Fourth Amendment, clearly states people have a right to be secure in their privacy, in their own persons, own homes, and their own papers and their personal effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures. However, if there is probable cause of criminal or harmful intent being committed with a particular person or persons, than warrants can be issues with the written out plan of what is exactly going to be searched and exactly whom.
The Fourth Amendment was purposeful to create a good constitutional relationship between U.S. citizens and frighten power of law enforcement. This Amendment has mainly three components. Firstly, its main intension is to maintain privacy by recognizing the rights of U.S. citizens to be “secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects.” Secondly
I have heard many people complaining and saying that the actions of the government exceeded the parameters of the Fourth Amendment. Whether or not this is true, most of the people whom I have talked to regarding these issues are unable to state what the Fourth Amendment actually says or protects against. The Fourth Amendment ensures that “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized (Cornell University Law School, No Date).”
The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution applies to a person and their home by providing protection against unreasonable seizures and searches. While it provides protection, not every search and seizure can be deemed unreasonable unless it is classified as per the law, by determining whether there was: a) the level of intrusion of the individuals Fourth Amendment, and b) whether or not it pertains to the government’s interest, such as safety of the public.
The fourth amendment was created to protect the individual rights form governmental intrusion. The fourth amendment protects the right of the people to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures. This shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue unless it is upon probable cause. It was established on December 15, 1791 during the colonial era. When the 4th Amendment became part of the Constitution, it was originally only applied to the federal government. Then it was applied to the states through the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. The fourth amendment is so important to American, because it is the natural right of the people and the protection from intrusion. Now in society many people do not understand that the