Innovative agricultural enterprises such as Sundrop should be funded by the Government in order to address South Australia’s increasing water shortages. Sundrop is an agriculture business, running greenhouse practicing various technology solutions to produce crops with small dependence on finite resources than orthodox farming. One of the primary arguments to support this is due to the fact that South Australia’s agriculture is a vital part of the nation’s economy. In fact, statistics show that from 2015 to 2016, agriculture has generated $18.6 billion in revenue, which is 45% of the state’s total merchandise exports (Economic Priorities, 2017). Sundrop’s initiatives to harvest and desalinate sea water has been coined as one of the greatest …show more content…
In fact, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2014) has determined that South Australia's unemployment rate is currently at its worst in 12 years at 8.2%. SA director, Rick Cairney (2014) states that South Australia needs to commit to innovative green technologies such as Sundrop in order to promote job growth. This is particularly relevant to the Iron Triangle which has recently witnessed decay in jobs associated with the fall in iron prices (The Advertiser, 2016). The Regional Development Fund (2014) has recognized how critical new initiatives such as Sundrop are to rural economies and have funded $15 million per annum aiming to rise economic growth and efficiency. The Sundrop Farms have been a valuable addition to the labour market with over 100 jobs being created in the manufacture stage, which took approximately 18 months, and an additional 200 positions being generated when the greenhouse began functioning. Philipp Saumweber (2014) Sundrop Farms founder and CEO, claims that the Sundrop plant has received a $100 million investment by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, the world’s leading private equity firm, and also a decade long resource contract with Coles. He also states that the business will offer green and technological developing professions that offers education for local and regional communities such as Port Augusta. In fact, Gail Gago, Higher Education and Skills Minister has funded $50,000 for skills development project with Sundrop Farms and this highlights how innovation in rural areas can help rebuild
This essay is a review of the article “Growing More Food with Less Water”, written by Sandra Postel. According the article, our global freshwater sources, including underground aquifers and rivers are stressed beyond their ability to provide freshwater. Agriculture redesign is necessary with the two primary goals being to cut water demands of mainstream agriculture and bring low cost irrigation to poor farmers. Typical irrigation, crop furrow flooding is a main cause of wasted and polluted water. This article discusses alternatives to typical irrigation. These alternatives have been tested onsite by farers and surveyed.
It does not make economic sense to support bad business. In order to address this issue we should provide retraining and help for those who lose their jobs as we slowly move away from coal. The Victorian Government has drawn up a Latrobe Valley Industry and Employment Roadmap to transition the area towards developing alternative energy and alternative employment industries. The new renewable energy sector is continuing to expand and is producing more and more jobs. The Clean Energy Council estimated that about 8,000 people were employed in the renewable energy industry in 2010 and is expected to grow to 32,000 by 2030.
Living on a farm for the first half of my life, I know that my dad and many of our neighbors’ schedules revolved around the rain. Aquaponic and hydroponic methods of farming both provide dramatic reduction in water usage. One system designed by Nate Storey claims to be able to reduce water usage substantially (2014). He says that a similar sized back yard garden will use twenty times the water as hydroponic/aquaponics system. Other systems have seen similar reduction in water usage, because unlike traditional farming with irrigation, aquaponics and hydroponics is a closed system that recirculates water multiple times so that most water loss is through evaporation and the plants using it for osmosis. In traditional farming, water is lost to runoff or evaporates before the crops have a chance to use it. Moreover, aquaponics was originally mentioned as a way to reduce fish imports and allow people of inland populations to have locally raised fish and produce in the Virgin Islands (Rakocy 2000). With the need to provide food, particularly meat, aquaponically raised fish provide an alternative to shipping fish inland from the coasts or international
In her article “California has cut water to some farmers…” Julia Lurie maintains that “[California grows] half of the fruits and veggies that are produced in the U.S.” (Lurie 1). California produces 99% of almonds. Consumers are becoming more demanding with the food production. According to “The Economist” quarterly report on Agriculture suggests that “ by 2050 agricultural production will have to rise by 70% to meet projected demand” (The Economist 1). Because agriculture is vital to this specific demand, these water cuts will make it nearly impossible for farmers to rise up to this challenge.As most people know, water is extremely significant in obtaining well grown crops. These farmers are willing to do this job but can not deliver if water restrictions keep growing on farmers.
Fresh Future Farm is a non-profit with the goal of establishing an urban farm training center that educates South Carolina's working poor, new farmers and disadvantaged family farmers about profitable agricultural techniques that reclaim underused resources and economic opportunities. Fresh Future Farm encourages people to eat and live better. It is a farm and grocery story that give educational tours for schools, families and out-of-town visitors. They offer workshops on innovative small & urban farming techniques. Which allow the community to collaborate and develop projects with strategic partners. They grow healthy, chemical free food and makes them available at affordable prices. This farm doesn’t just supply health foods they also built their farm in a food desert so that they could meet food needs and generate job opportunities for their neighbors. By doing this they are making the community more self-reliant and robust. They stimulate social, economic and ecological environments through green farming and building practices, permaculture design, renewable energy and strategic partnerships to keep overhead costs low. With the best practices of profitable urban farms as its
It is essential for humans to drink water daily in order to live. Water should be a human right and not something to stress over. This is why I would fund the Cochabamba Water Collective (CWC) to assist them in sustaining water sources for everybody. Privatization and commodification of water is inhumane. Doing it on the account of human health is not the answer to the country’s economic issues. The CWC is aware of this and has crafted a water management plan to prevent it from happening. In addition of humans, economic development will also be benefitted from the plan of the CWC.
As Australia has a lot of land used for agricultural purposes, we are one of the greatest exporters in the world. This means a lot of the world depends on us for food but when we only have 472mm of water a year, the lowest of all the continents ( except Antartica ) we can find it hard to irrigate our crops at time. With 80% of Australians de-hydrating everyday, some because they don’t care about drinking water but many others as they don’t have the fresh water to drink, if we cannot supply enough water to drink wear are we meant to get the water to irrigate plants? Water scarcity has had a dramatic effect on our ability to grow crops, making it hard to grow crops for not only our country to eat but all the other countries we export food
Agriculture, probably more than any other human enterprise, is responsible for destabilizing our planet’s water supply. California and their emergency crisis on their low levels of water ultimately having a national controversial impact on the production of the agricultural industry.
“California’s water future is increasingly uncertain,” says Heather Cooley, in her article California Needs Better Water Management and Pricing Policies (Source A). Agriculture uses 80 percent of California’s constrained water supply and proves to be the primary source of California’s drought. There has been no permanent and largely successful conservation effort to save water. However, with a reformed water management and conservation system, California’s largest industry, agriculture, can thrive while saving water at the same time.
With all of this water used to grow produce, it is truly a scary thought to consider how much of this water is simply wasted and tossed with the produce that is not deemed “worthy” of being sold and is therefore tossed.
With a GDP of over $1 trillion USD, the Australian economy is among the largest in the world (Cornett and Saunders, 2014). Australia is trading partners with the United States, China, and Japan, but their economic ties are mainly centered in the Pacific Rim. Exports are crucial to the country’s GDP and this has created problems regarding sustainability in the Australian economy.
On the eve of November 8th, 2016, secretary of the Democratic Party Hillary Clinton or politician of the Republican Party Donald Trump will become president of the United States. With their dividing views, it splits the nation in half with their ideals and plans for the future. This election is what brings out the true form of freedom of speech in America-polarization between the Democrats and the Republicans. Not only does this election bring out the significance of how important it is to vote, but also what kind of leader people want to lead for the next four years. The vision of America 's future could possibly be at stake depending on who comes out as the winner in less than a week. Power will be given to either Clinton or Trump, and that is what will determine the outcome of the fates for everyone residing in the Unites States for the next four years.
With the growing population of the world, demand for food is increasing. This means that Australian farmers are struggling to provide enough food for the global market, and clean water for irrigation is as important as ever. In Australia, agriculture is the largest consumer of water, representing around 70% of our total annual water consumption. Australia is a major exporter of food, particularly wheat and beef, to the rest of the world. In 2009, 60% of Australia's agricultural produce was exported overseas. Overall meat production is expected to double by 2050, meaning that even more pressure will be put on the Australian meat industry. Recent droughts have meant that less water has been allocated to irrigating crops,
How has media influenced public perception of political figures, issues, and institutions? Through agenda setting and framing, media has the power to set the agenda for political discussion by providing public attention to political figures, issues, and institutions. In addition, the media can frame political agendas by influencing public perception and interpretation. (Ginsberg, Lowi & Weir, 1999)
worldwide for his literature. By the time Poe was three years old, his parents were both deceased