
Pros And Cons Of Type B Personality

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A study was conducted in the 1950’s by two cardiologists named Ray Rosenman and Meyer Friedman who tried to link personality to coronary disease, there is controversy about these findings as it was funded by the tobacco industry and because of the results of further studies. They found that people with a Type A personality type were more likely to develop coronary disease. In spite of this controversy their findings still greatly affect the thinking of psychologists who study the effects of mental health on physical health. They came up with the theory of Type A and Type B personality. The theory is that Type A personality are ambitious, aggressive, organised, status conscious, highly motivated, anxious and proactive. They have an exaggerated sense of time urgency, they are good at multitasking, they are highly competitive and they suffer from there intense need to achieve which can lead to them being overly stressed and anxious. Type B personality is nearly the complete opposite to this, people with a type B personality are seen to live a more relaxed less stressful life, although they may want to achieve they do not take failure as badly as type A, and they can work more steadily towards their goals. They are seen to be more indulgent and tolerant and more reflective and …show more content…

The pros are that an employer can gain a deeper insight into their employee’s strengths, they can create a better work culture by, for example understanding whether your employee is introverted or extroverted, they can also aid in team building by allowing an employer to know which employees would work best together. The cons of personality testing is that these tests take both time and money and that they are not the final and conclusive answer , they are not prediction tools they only supply you with indictors to whether or not the employee might be

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