
Pros And Cons Of Valley Forge

Decent Essays

Imagine, the freezing cold, ripped clothing, no shoes, and inadequate clothing. Would you stay? Most people wouldn’t, but here is why you should stay at Valley Forge, during the Revolutionary War. Most soldiers enlisted for for nine months, and left, never to reenlist again. Everyone would give up, or abandon the Continental Army. So the real question is would you enlist? I would reenlist for three reasons, it’s easy to climb the ranks, if you leave you'll be labeled a summertime soldier, or chicken, and finally, you can take pride in knowing you helped pave the way for American independence.

I would reenlist because it would be easy to climb the ranks, to then be labeled a hero. Looking at document D, “The American Crisis”, by Thomas Paine states, “The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in crisis shrink from service…” “...But he who stands it now deserves the love and thank from man and woman”. This to me says how the longer you stay, compared to the ones not reinlisting, the better off you’ll be. It says right there how you shall win the love of everyone. Most people would quit, but there are more pros than cons to stay, like being able to take pride in knowings that you helped your country. …show more content…

According to Thomas Paine “The American Crisis”, in document d says, “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. Personally, knowing that I helped win a glorious triumph, I would be proud of myself, and ecstatic that the country is free. If you didn’t stay and help, you wouldn’t be able to take pride in your work. Now this is not the only reason, as you would get good leadership opportunities, and gain

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