Volunteering, according to its definition means that one partakes in an act without expecting or getting anything in return. Now, if this is the definition, and always has been, then why are some school districts, such as the Montgomery County Public Schools, requiring service hours for high school graduation? Having this extra prerequisite for graduation would not only reduce students’ already minimal free time, but it would also add another load of stress on the students throughout the school year, and, to top it off, this requirement would defeat the entire purpose and spirit of volunteerism. During the school year, students already have very little free time as most are involved in things such as athletics, clubs, religious activities, and even jobs. Of course, there are always a few exceptions, but whether the student is an overachiever or not, they most likely still have some sort of obligation to take care of that reduces their free time. These activities, although they take time from those who take part in them, also benefit students. It teaches them to manage their time in a way that will allow them to still have time for schoolwork and making them, in the long run, excellent students with outstanding organizational skills. Unfortunately, because of the time that is being devoted to such activities, people are unable to make time for things like volunteering. This is a shame, because at times, even if the student has a superb academic record, “service
In Dave Egger’s article “Serve or Fail’ he explains how college students should be required to volunteer for public service. Dave Egger’s describes how many college students spend most of their time doing things that aren't necessary such as “ maybe they're in their rooms, painting their toenails black with a Q-tip and shoe polish.”(180) I do not agree with Dave Egger’s that students should do community service hours because they are several reasons why they won't be able to. Many college students have families to take care of, jobs they have to work in order to pay off bills or attend school classes and etc.
Over the past decade, as the job market has become more competitive - volunteering has become a way to show superiority when it comes to applying for positions in the work force. This influential change has encouraged high school and college level students to participate more in extracurricular activities. Most large corporations and firms are now looking to hire those individuals with outstanding GPAs, strong work ethic, and dedication of time and effort to other activities apart from their academic studies. Colleges such as Liberty University mandate that their students complete twenty hours of Christian service per semester.
Markets are not the best way to achieve a just society. They often allow the wealthy to have more freedoms and greater opportunities.
I believe that I have the skills, experience, and knowledge necessary to make a good Junior Volunteer. I have experience caring for various types of animals. I've cared for my own pets, including dogs, cats, fish, mice, and gerbils, and I've also watched my friend's rats and my neighbor's cats while they were on vacation. Since my dogs and cats are family pets, I assume partial responsibility for them. This includes feeding, walking, and playing with them, and also cleaning up after them (for example, cleaning litter boxes). I also have been responsible for giving them medications in the past. In the case of my gerbils and former mouse, I have full responsibility. This means that I must clean the cage, feed and water them, play with them, and do all other tasks required to keep
Surrendering my free time to serve others, is often times not something I crave to do. Selfish ambitions take over, and consequently, I participate in activities I find pleasing to me rather than others. However, when I take the time to assist others and take action in my community, I have found that it is a rewarding experience. Volunteering has never led me to anything negative, and it has allowed me to be a part of a positive and uplifting experience. My desire to volunteer may consume my time, but the countless rewards I receive from volunteering are priceless. Offering my time to organizations has allowed me to become more humble, see the happiness it brings to people, and improve my social skills.
Volunteerism is dropping for emergency responders, and it is affecting how emergency services can be provided to local communities. Looking for reasons why volunteerism is dropping and what options are available for these volunteer companies and communities in order for them to effectively continue protecting the people and property within their communities is very important to me. If local fire companies no longer exist, how are people in the community going to be protected? In addition to fire suppression, firefighters are called on to assist with numerous other situations including auto accidents, downed wires, flooding, emergency medical service, hazmat incidents, and various rescue operations. There is simply not enough money to fund career fire departments for every community. Even in the
Through the years I have had the pleasure of both volunteering and working for a variety of different places and organizations. Since the age of fifteen I have held four jobs and have volunteered for a tremendous amount of groups, all which have taught me different valuable life lesson and all of which have shaped me into the person that I am today. Most notable and enjoyable of all of my jobs and volunteering I would have to say was my time as a high school lacrosse coach.
As an 18-year-old tennager, I was forced by my parents to participate a summer volunteer program in my freshman year. Even though I felt that I was a victim of “tyranny” in the beginning, I realized that I actually enjoyed the process of helping people in the middle of the program. Now, I participate that program every year as an active member, and I have gained the personal enrichment that I am unable to learn from other sources such as math club or SAT preparatory class. There is no doubt that community service can bring essential benefits in helping students develop their moral value and future interest, and it should be mandatory because some students attempt to utilize community service as a tool for their own profit without the school supervision.
Volunteering at Hearst Elementary School has been a true blessing. Every day I was scheduled to volunteer I was excited to start my day in a kindergarten classroom. Hearst Elementary School is located five minutes from San Diego State thus it was very accessible for me to go volunteer. I spent multiple Fridays gaining knowledge, and experience for my passion, teaching. By the end of my fieldwork hours I found myself becoming attached with all the students as they welcomed me with contagious smiles and open arms. Before I started volunteering I jumped of excitement when I found out that the teacher I was volunteering for was a kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Grind staff. This experience is just a start of what is to come in the future.
Discussing about volunteering to teenagers should be the first step for a better life, since teenagers are the future of tomorrow and they will leave a mark from yesterday. Volunteering has been such an important matter, that schools in many countries around the world established that 12th grade students will need certain hours of community service in order to graduate. But the frequent answers all the schools are getting are “Why do I need to volunteer? I have better things to do!” What people are forgetting is that each one of them is part of a community, a community that is not perfect and that the government sometimes forgets about their problems or needs, because obviously the government needs to take care of other things that require more attention. People are not only helping others, they are also helping themselves (Volunteering).
In addition to taking away many hours of people's free time after school hours, the required 75 hours of community service is also pushing the students to do too much at one time. It isn't fair to the students who have to go home with backpacks full of homework each and every day, do their three or four hours of service, and still find a way to get the amount of sleep they need to repeat
Nowadays, it is very difficult to get a job without a College Diploma. Our ever-increasing demands on student’s academic performances have insured well-educated adults, but what we have failed to focus on is the vital component of volunteerism as an integral part of rearing well-rounded adults. College students should be required to complete a year of community service/volunteer work before they can graduate, in order to create mature and caring adults and versatile future leaders. By mandating all College students across the United States of America to add another year to their studies and use this year for community service/volunteer work only, we will be able to increase their knowledge of community need, civic responsibility, and allow
With this thesis I wanted to create a broader view on the systems behind all the critiques on volunteerism projects in order to contribute to projects that are both beneficial for volunteers as well as for host communities. The theoretical aim of this thesis was to contribute to the scientific debate on how volunteerism projects impact volunteers and host communities, through showing how this impact is influenced by processes of liminality and Othering. On top of that, I wanted to question the notion of “giving aid” as the starting point of volunteerism projects. The story represented two groups; volunteers and host communities, who joined volunteerism projects with good intentions. Some, however, unaware of the unintended consequences and how their expectations would work out.
Before explaining the concepts of liminality and Othering and their connection to volunteerism, I will first explain how volunteerism is scientifically defined and approached. The term volunteerism is a coalescence from the words volunteering and tourism. Stebbins and Graham (2004) define volunteerism as volunteering “in an organized way to undertake holidays that might involve the aiding or alleviating the material poverty of some groups in society, the restoration of certain environments or research into aspects of society or environment (Stebbins and Graham 2004, 211). According to Beigbeder (1991) and Clark (1978), a volunteer is someone who voluntarily offers personal services, time and skills for the benefit of others. Stebbins and
In conclusion, is volunteering in exchange for an education really just giving communities free labor and take advantage of students? Is there enough support, and is it essential? It is clear through many sources, including our highest leaders, that public service benefits the student just as much as it does the community. Ultimately, students gain not only an education, but also the pride in being responsible to themselves, to their community and to their