Also, the way scientists experiment on helpless animals is equivalent to the way WICKED experiments on clueless kids. Editing their minds and putting them through harsh situations which can alter how they react to certain things and make them adapt to different harsher living in the future. Even though, some may die in the long run it would save the future society. If they did not do this than the future population would be smaller and weaker. Therefore, without putting these kids through grim situations they would not know how to protect themselves, though they would be saving them from existent things it would not be a permanent cure. Although saving a greater majority would be superlative, it would be prerequisite to sacrifice a few, if
More than 90 percent in about 1000 scientists around the world, “felt that animal research is essential to scientific advancement” (Yoshida, 2011). One of the reasons that animals are used in labs is because it’s affordable, especially mice, since they are “mammals, […], [they] can be bred in a controlled manner, […], kept in a controlled environment”, and they don’t live long, plus fast reproduction (LifeVantage, 2017). Even though those are for science purposes and to help improve people’s lives and medicine’s quality, no living creature deserves to be locked up and live through pain, and then thrown away like garbage.
Procedure: Using distilled water, premeasured containers and objects determine displacement of fluids and density of objects. Use ice and heat measure temperatures in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin.
In 1919, the Federal Government of the United States passed the Eighteenth Amendment, which banned the manufacture and sale of alcohol. But was doing this a good choice? The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1919 and called Prohibition. The “Noble Experiment”, as it was nicknamed, lasted from 1920 to 1932. When it was passed, Prohibition was expected to help society become better and more moral and honest.
① After the opium wars of the 19th century, countries began to realize just how much power the western territories have over the nation when it comes to advanced military technology. Many decided that it was time to end their isolation and start modernizing in order to catch up with the great power of Europe. By the late nineteenth century, China and Japan began approaching the modernization process in different ways, with one still trying to maintain their traditional values and the other immediately encouraged their change to a modernized country that would be seen as an “equal” to the western countries. China began to realize that they need to build up their country after being defeated by the British during the opium war, so they decided
But of course a lot of cures have come from experimenting with animals and although it isn’t the best way to find cures, it does work. One of the biggest pros to animal testing is we don’t have to test on humans instead. Imagine how bad that would be to test on a non death row inmate human subject, we’d get the best results but it’s downright torture. If so many people protest the treatment of animals during experiments imagine how it’d be like with humans. Humans shouldn’t take this for granted because those animals go through so much just for us. They don’t have any say in it or know what the reason for it is, but we benefit from it. And it has made our life better, without it we wouldn’t have a lot of cures we have today.
Every life has a choice. Every choice has a reason. Every reason has a purpose. All answers come into place. Why? Now that is the question people ask themselves on a daily basis when trying to find human cures or treatments. Why are the experiments having this sort of effect? Why have the experiment subject’s internal organs disintegrated? Nevertheless, people assume test subjects to be volunteering humans, the homeless, or desperate aliens who are willing to do anything to cross the border or country. In reality, animals [mainly cats, dogs, and mice] are the ones that endure experimentation for the future of mankind. Even though animal testing helped discover treatments for aggressive diseases and safely determined the outcome of mankind, it still sidesteps the fact that animals are their own being, it violates the Animal Welfare Act of 1970, the discovery of humane methods shows it to be beneficial, and the test results will soon become void for the benefit of mankind.
Through testing with animal research scientist have been able to create new cures and treat once thought incurable diseases. Many biomedical experiments developed treatments for anthrax, rabies, polio and smallpox, as well as developed anti-depressants, tranquilizers and antibiotics for medical use. Advocates of the opposition are hardly reasonable as their opinions are adjusted purely for emotional value. Their main argument is the fact that animal testing harms
Researches claim that they must have unlimited access to animals for experiments in order to find cures for human diseases, which in some cases cures have been found as a result. However, the ironic
Foremost, the animal’s rights were dishonored when they are used in experiments. Humans and animals are very similar in a lot of ways, such as both humans and animals think, they behave, experience pain and they have feelings too. Therefore, animals must remain preserved with the same admiration as us humans. Even though, the animal’s rights had been dishonored when they’re being used in examination because they can’t say no. The Animals are endangered because of the tests, the tests often cause permanent damage or even death. The animals never have the option if they want to do the experiment. Animals don’t just freely give up themselves for the development for new technology. The scientist makes the animals decision for them whether they like it or not. Their decisions are made for them because they cannot tell them what they do or don’t want to happen to them. When the scientist chooses the animals destiny in their experimental environments, the animal’s rights are taken away
The outcome we get from harming animals is much greater than the number of animals that get hurt. Testing medicine on animal’s helps keep humans from getting sick and dying. Most people don’t think that it is a big deal because they don’t think that animals can feel pain but they are wrong the pain animals feel is greater than anything we could ever feel. If we keep testing medicine on animals than they might go extinct like so many other animals. We all know that animals can't talk so they need someone to stand up for them and that's where we come into all this we can be the animals
Animal research been used to help to find cures for many diseases. Animals being used for testing was said to be a small sacrifice that could save everyone else in the world. Most of what we know about the brain and body is a direct result of animal testing. The fact that animals can be hurt from or die from the same disease as humans can, say that there needs to be treatment and medication for these types of diseases. Many people are believed to be ignorant or misunderstand the nature of the life’s that animals actually live, and are unable to understand the actual laboratory procedures and techniques. Activists feel that to this day, there should be no good reason why any living thing should be subjected to this cruel punishment and unwanted torture just for serving another being’s needs.
George Orwell’s best selling novel animal farm is based on an allegory from the Russian
“Kindness and compassion towards all living things is a mark of a civilized society. Conversely, cruelty, whether it is directed against human beings or against animals, is not the exclusive province of any one culture or community of people” (César Chávez). Over the years, scientists have struggled to establish a technological way to ensure that their experiments are both safe and accurate. However, economic and political afflictions occurred during the twentieth century that restrained researchers from finding alternatives to test their new drugs. The inflation of disease, the need for cosmetics, and the essence of science urged scientists to conduct their experiments on animals since it was
Animal experimentation by scientists can be cruel and unjust, but at the same time it can provide long term benefits for humanity. Animals used in research and experiments have been going on for 2,000 years and keep is going strong. It is a widely debated about topic all over the world. Some say it is inhuman while others say it’s for the good of human kind. There are many different reasons why people perform experiments and why others total disagree with it.
The scientists make sure the animals are not in very much pain, the scientists make sure they use proper safe tools when doing the tests on the animals. Scientists are very respectful of test animals. They make sure that the animals are treated well and do not suffer at any point in an experiment. The scientists do all they can for the animals when it comes to actually testing on them. If they think it will be uncomfortable for the animals they give them pain killers to relieve the stress and the pain if pain is even involved. The scientists don’t do the tests with intentions on hurting the animals they do it in hope to save lives of many people or make life easier on someone’s life.