
Pros Of Genetic Engineering

Decent Essays

Right now there are more than a million genes in the human body. Genes help to make a person's traits and qualities. Scientists have been studying genetic engineering, which is the study of the changing of a person's genetic structure. Genetic engineering should be researched by more people, because it has fixed some gene mutations, has treated genetic, and healed our skin and organs faster.
DNA stands for deoxy-ribo-nucleic acid or sometimes called a double helix (Stoyles 8). DNA is structured and shaped by the parent’s chromosomes. The DNA made from the parent's chromosomes make a child’s chromosomes. DNA has four bases they are; Adenine, Cytosine, Thymine, and Guanine (Stoyles 8). This order of the bases creates the genetic code. The bases order helps the body know what proteins it needs to make special characteristics for the child. These proteins control and make up cells, muscle movement, and thinking. When a new cell is made a new copy of DNA is formed and this process continues over and over again. All human beings have twenty- three single chromosomes in a sex cell (Stoyles 9). When an egg and a sperm meet the twenty- three chromosomes come together and make a double set of coded DNA for a person. Most characteristics a …show more content…

" These scientists also study genetics which is the study of characteristics of plants, animals, and how they are inherited"(Stoyles 25). Cells are part of the genetic code inside of each human being. Six –billion cells make up this genetic code ( Stoyles 6). In each cell there is a nucleus. In the nucleus there are small strands called chromosomes (Stoyles 7). Each human being has forty- six chromosomes in the cells in human bodies. There are twenty-three pairs that match in chromosomes. In one chromosome there are thousands of genes. The genes contain a genetic characteristic. This chromosome contains all the information that is needed to create a

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