I can't promise you that following these tips will guarantee you won't get a speeding ticket, but following these steps will help you have a better chance of avoiding the ticket. While some people may say that crying helps them get out of tickets, I don't believe that method works anymore. Police officers have finally realized that the "crying" method was just a tactic, and so they don't fall for that anymore. Your best chance of avoiding a ticket can be used by following these five simple tips.
Tip Number One: Keep your hands on the steering wheel at all times. This gesture makes the police officer feel safe, and it also shows you are concerned about his or her well being as well. When an officer can't see your hands, it makes them tense,
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When the police officer approaches your vehicle and asks, "Do you know why I pulled you over?" You should simply reply,"I'm not sure." You're not lying because in reality, you're not exactly sure why you were pulled over. If you reply to the officer that you were speeding, then that will be considered as "admission of guilt." By admitting to the traffic violation, the police officer must issue the speeding ticket.
Tip Number Three: Be courteous. This is probably the hardest thing for people to do, considering we shouldn't have to be nice to officers in order for them to do their job. In reality, being kind to them does make a difference. You may still encounter an officer who is extremely rude, but hopefully your kindness will be taken into consideration.
Tip Number Four: Be very detailed when speaking with the police officer. When the police officer asks for your driver's license and registration, tell the officer exactly what you are going to do before you place your hands off of the steering wheel. For instance,"I am removing my hands from the steering wheel so I can get my wallet. My wallet is located in my purse (or pants pocket)." Again, this gesture makes the officer feel safe. It's also very important that your driver's license, registration, and insurance information is valid and updated. Driving without the proper paperwork shows you are an irresponsible driver. If everything is valid, it shows you have respect for the
Second, police officers are caught in a dilemma when making a traffic stop. Chances are that drivers stopped try to injure or even kill the officer. Yet, officers are expected to maintain friendliness at best or neutral at worst. Police officers lower their guard when they approach the driver in a friendly manner. If the officer adopts a continuous friendly approach, they may find themselves attacked by hostile citizens or worst, killed because of losing one's guard. Though, the friendly approach has its risks, the defensive approach has its consequences. When a police officer approaches the driver with a guarded attitude, the officer will most likely forget the goal of cooperating with the driver. Instead
Staying calm is very important. Aggressive drivers tend to make rude gestures and yell obscenities, but do not let this bother you. Paying attention to them will only divert your attention away from the road. Also, do not become frantic if something unexpected happens. Remaining calm will help you think more clearly and
Always err on the side of caution when you are tailgating. You want to make sure that you are always observant of your surroundings so that you can take measures to protect you, other people, and the vehicles around you.
To help you stay in control behind the wheel, check out these tips to avoid distracted driving, brought to you by the best auto body repair shop around, Referral Collision:
Always use your turn signal when turning or changing lanes. If your turn signal does
When you are driving out and about, ensure that you comply with as far as possible. There is no motivation to get pointless tickets, which can cost you a ton of cash and raise your protection rates throughout the year. Drive securely on the off chance that you need to expand your money within reach.
You can avoid no police contact when you don't text and drive.You can prevent possible collisions.
Travel Safety – Before hitting the road make sure your vehicle has been serviced. Always wear your seat belt and never drink and drive or text and
Police officers lose their lives every single day doing their job. On Thursday, USA Today shared about a new video where a driver tells a deputy "No wonder you people get shot." Obviously this is not going over well with people that support police officers. This woman was stopped for speeding in a school zone.
Understand that officers may call for backup, especially during a traffic stop at night. Police officers are placed in dangerous situations every day. They must ensure their safety, and this isn't a cause for concern.
One of my duties as a patrolman is enforcing traffic laws. During my shift, I may stop five cars for speeding, two cars for light law violations, and one car for a seatbelt violation. It is up to me to decide whether or not the drivers I stop will be issued a citation for the infractions, be given a verbal or written warning, or if I want to request consent to search the vehicle. Some of the factors involved in making those decisions are: what law was violated, the attitude of the offender, the driving history of the offender, and my department policies.
A police officer assigned to enforcing traffic laws that evening sees a motorist traveling above the speed limit. The officer may allow the motorist to get by on a warning since the motorist was not traveling at dangerous speeds and the motorist appeared genuinely embarrassed and remorseful that he had committed a traffic
It was on a burning summer Sunday morning the day I received my initial traffic citation. My best friend and I got this crazy plan the afternoon before it all occurred .We determined that instead of going swimming at the recreational local pool of Tallahassee, we ought to head on in a journey to Panama City beach to enjoy the last week of summer that was left for us. The only problem is that it was 6:00 pm and by the time we arrived at the beach the sun would be hiding in the orient.
Imagine being a police officer doing your daily routine job. You are in a patrol car on the highway, watching the cars and trucks drive by. You are also looking for speeders to warn them to be more careful and maybe you’ll ticket them. It has been a very boring day for you, since you have only been called on your radio once, and it was for an accident (fender bender). Almost at the end of your shift, a blue car drives by going ninety miles an hour, but you know the speed limit is only fifty-five miles an hour. You pull the patrol car out of the gravel area that you had been sitting in and you start to follow the car. You put your lights on and catch up to them. After a few minutes you pull the person over.
Traffic laws are designed to protect you and other drivers on the road. If we do not follow them we are not only putting ourselves at risk but also innocent bystanders and drivers. By knowing the rules of the road, practicing good driving skills and generally taking care as a road user, you help play a vital role in preventing a crash. You will also be making road safety policies more effective. Many factors play a role in road safety including following the speed limits that are posted and making sure safety equipment is properly installed and used. I will also discuss the skills that are expected and needed to be an efficient driver including the ability to act responsibly, the ability to