
Pros Of The Electoral College

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The electoral college in the Constitution has the purpose of electing the President with the cooperation of both Congress and the people. The process consists of citizens first selecting electors based on the quantity of delegates in each state, which then become known as the electoral college, and then compromise to elect the President as well as the Vice President. Although there have been controversies on candidates not winning the election when they have received the popular vote, the electoral college provides equality among the small states as well as checks and sets boundaries towards the preferences of the majority. Not only is balance emplaced, but delegates are also elected with the incorporation of knowledge in the government rather than interest. …show more content…

However, the electoral college has the purpose of authorizing the small states to have a large vote and have their own say whenever it comes to electing. Without the electoral college, small states as well as rural areas would not be taken into account during the process. The electoral college is also beneficial because our country is a constitutional republic or a country where electors represent as well as govern the people in relation to constitutional law. According to James R. Rogers in the article, “The Electoral College: We Can’t Live With It; We Can’t Live Without It,” he states, “while it would smooth over the one-person, one-vote problem, it would only amplify the majority-rule problem.” Rogers affirms that the removal of the electoral college would only complicate even more the disputes over the popular vote, but with that also overlook the smaller states and their

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