
Protein Chromatography Lab Report

Satisfactory Essays

In lab 8, affinity chromatography was used to separate proteins into various samples, and then established their relative concentrations via a Bradford Assay. Throughout this period various amounts of imidazole, which competes with the His-tag on AdhP, buffers allowed us to reestablish our column, get rid of any unbound proteins, and completely elute the protein out of the column. After this analysis, SDS-PAGE occurred in lab 9. This allowed us to separate molecules by size and it worked thanks to multiple things. As described in the introduction SDS plays a key role, but so does amount of acrylamide to bis-acrylamide. In our lab we used 30% acrylamide, which allows for smaller proteins to be separated also. Another important aspect in allowing the …show more content…

The SDS-PAGE was then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane for lab 10. This was done by creating a “gel sandwich” and passing a current through this sandwich. This membrane was then blocked with milk due to the fact that there was a large area of protein binding sites that were exposed. The milk allowed proteins to fill these areas thus preventing the antibody from binding nonspecifically. Throughout lab 10 it is also important to note the use of TBST. This molecule contained a detergent (Tween 20), and by washing our nitrocellulose membrane with it periodically we successfully reduced background staining. In order for band containing AdhP to even appear though, a V5-eptitope was placed into the protein. This epitope allowed for the Anti-V5 antibody to bind through the recognition of a 14 amino acid sequence. A secondary antibody is not needed for this blotting style due to the fact that our antibody is already conjugated to an enzyme known as horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Specific activity was then calculated via absorbance of NADH at 340nm. NADH is one of the products of the AdhP enzyme catalyzing

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