
Provenance Based Adaptive Heuristic Scheduling

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Provenance based Adaptive Heuristic Scheduling in Cloud Environment I.M.Maywish Rajakumari Department of computer science and engineering B S Abdur Rahman University Chennai, Tamilnadu Email: Mrs.R.Narayani Department of computer science and engineering B S Abdur Rahman University Chennai, Tamilnadu – optional (line 4) Abstract—Cloud computing can be partitioned as a fine granularity and pool of resources to serve multiple consumers. The on-demand delivery of cloud computing is mainly based on internet services. The remote users accessing the cloud systems by IaaS service. It provides the full infrastructure of the cloud environment. The multiuser parallel jobs are allocated to the host is really a challenging task. So that, the flow of jobs are handled by adaptive heuristic scheduling process. It helps to allocate the consumer jobs to the most appropriate fitted servers. In this paper, our system propose to create a single datacenter with five servers which has static memory size. The adaptive heuristic scheduling processing the parallel jobs and allocated to the servers. The frequent of server usage reductions are controlled using flag values. Then the system tracks all the information about the servers and its allocation process and stored it in a separate database. These database is referred as a provenance database. Finally a new jobs comes, it directly allocated to the fitted server with the reference of provenance database.

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