Drug treatment centers have skilled staffs that are experts or specialists in drug treatment. These people shoulder a great deal of responsibility because their patients need to be carefully handled in the center and treated in a holistic way. Drug treatment programs should be well designed and flexible so that the patients are not embarrassed or feel guilty that they have done something wrong. Remember that no one wants to become a victim to vice. It is just that they are not aware of the consequences of their actions or have been forced into it due to circumstances. A drug treatment program should look into the factors that led a person to take drugs. This will help in determining whether a patient needs urgent help physically or physiologically.
Nonviolent drug abusers have no significantly beneficial rehabilitation programs to fix their addiction and must be placed or forced into programs that are created to repair the broken lives. Simply incarcerating drug abusers does not fix their problems. In most cases it makes their addiction worse. Prisons need to develop better and more extensive rehab programs and although rehab programs are beneficial “Some inmates will refuse to comply with rehab program. Along with not complying they are just
The second scenario, during these 6 week of reading at the end of every story, page, and chapter a person with substance abuse felt alone, confuse, and lost, until they decided to reach out for help or depend on something other than themselves. While making the comparison a lot of individual experience loneliness, temptation, loss their way or direction, hunted by fear and emotional turmoil daily even without having a substance abuse or in the wild. In this sense counselors uses techniques, guidance, spirituality to prepare the individuals to find their own way since every one practice may be different than others an there are non-believers. Therefore, coping respectfully in my eye’s is preparing them for the up and down they may encounter
thrown in as an option (Kramer et al., 2009). After implementing the restrictive sentences thousands of individuals were still rearrested; this method did not work unless the threat of going to prison was added (Horne et al., 2015). Treatment facilities that help drug offenders showed a link between drugs and crime that gave policy makers an opportunity to make mandatory minimum sentences, treatment sentencing, and various intervention programs a coping mechanism in the criminal justice system (Kramer et al., 2009). These alternatives did not solve the problem of drug abuse (Kramer et al., 2009). Rehabilitation centers may work to steady the drug addiction, but it may not always work for those who are dependent on drugs (Kramer et al., 2009)
From the explanations given above, it is quite easy to see how incarceration is counterproductive to helping those with drug addictions. The next major question is how successful is treatment for drug offenders. The answer: very actually. In fact, with treatment, many benefits are found. Not only for addicts but everyone else as well. Improvements in crime rates, taxpayer spending, and overall well being of drug offenders are found where drug treatment is implemented for addicts.
The rehabilitation of the users is additionally completed by the teaching of he substance abusers of new life skills like teaching them a trade. These make them get used to society since they be able to be productive again. Having less medicine for that detoxphase is the process more painful though a health care provider will always make it easier for the client. This will make it also critical for the patient to seek medical help in a rehabilitation facility.
A considerable measure of heroin rehab treatment programs fizzle since they don't give all the advantages and administrations essential for full recuperation. The family and companions of the junkie need to stay around them and
Not every addict should be treated the same. The regimen should address all of the aspects of an individual's life, including medical and mental health and follow up options. Behavioral Treatments help patients modify their attitudes and behaviors and increase healthy lifestyle skills and options. They can enhance the effectiveness of medication and help addicts stay committed to the treatment process. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a behavioral treatment with the goal of helping the user recognize, avoid, and cope with anything and everything involving their drug use and recovery (Davison, 2007). Therapeutic communities can also be extremely effective, especially for those who are severely addicted. They are highly structured programs that often involve residency for up to 12 months. It is important to recognize that no single treatment is appropriate for all individuals addicted to drugs (National, 2005).
Treating substance abuse can include multiple interventions. Common treatments include counseling in a group or individual, inpatient facilities, and medications. Since Alexia scored high on her ASI and CSSA she will be partaking in these treatments while attending an inpatient facility. Alexia will be undergoing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) while in treatment. It has been supported in many trails as a treatment for substance abuse. CBT will cause Alexia to focus on the immediate problem and work on the goals set (Brewer et al, 2009). She will be experiencing CBT during individual counseling and group sessions.
For those addicts who want rehabilitation, finding a bed in a treatment center is a challenge; thus, many become frustrated and continue on a path of destruction. If addicts commit a criminal offense, the courts provide assistance. Due to the over- crowding of jails and prisons, many states are increasing the level of supervision, the level of drug treatment, and the intensity of probation at the front end as a formula to put broken people on the right track, piece by piece.
Drug addicted offenders benefit more by serving time in a prison substance abuse program rather than early release alternative sentencing treatment arrangements that return chemically dependent lawbreakers back to the streets increasing crime and wasting taxpayers money.
Many people are skeptical when it comes to rehab centers and believe drug addicts will continue to turn to drugs when they leave the facility and these assumptions can be true. Drug abuse treatment facilities are not a guarantee fix, the same treatment may not work for every patient and these facilities are ever changing with new drug use trends. In order for drug abuse treatment to work the patient has to really want to get better and it is solely up to the patient, with as much help as the facility can give.
When it comes to determining the type of abuse treatment program that you should enlist in, its important to note, that everyone has a unqie situation anad as such, the type of treatment faclity that you should partake in, should have a history of curtaling to ndvuals whwo have been in simalr crumctance. Each type of treatment faciliaty program has been desgned to curtal to ndvuals who have a varos shistory's of drug use. For example, people who have been using drugs for a limited about of years, would fit in a short teerm drug treatment program. However,m indivualss who have a long history of drug use, would be most ssuitbale in a long term drug treatment program.
Scientific research shows that treatment can help many drug using offenders change their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors; avoid relapse; and successfully remove themselves from a life of substance use and crime. Treatment can cut drug use in half, decrease criminal activity, and reduce arrests. It is true that legal pressure might be needed to get a person into treatment and help them stay there. Once in a treatment program, however, even those who are not initially motivated to change can become engaged in a continuing treatment process. In fact, research suggests that mandated treatment can be just as effective as voluntary admission to rehab centers.
This paper is going to analyze the effectiveness of drug treatment and its currently availability in prisons. This is a concern because drug use is the explanation for why most drug users commit crime to begin with. If inmates are not treated correctly, their drug use continues and they reoffend, harming not only themselves but also possibly others. Some things I will address include drug use and relapse statistics, current availability of treatment, and a few possible solutions to address the problems.
These treatments could be given on out-patient basis, in-patient basis or on short-term or long-term residential basis. There are variety of professionals are giving service for drug addiction treatment. These professional are physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, rehab counselors, social workers, nurses, etc..